Vick co-defendant pleads guilty

Big Dakota;1569532 said:
Starting to look like Linda Kasabian vs the Manson family. This Vick cat is in REAL deep. Best bet is cop to about 2 years and hope you sit 2 months and a year out of the NFL. Who they gonna believe, a witness and the US Government or 3 hood rats?

He's not gonna cop to nothin'. He's (it appears anyway) SCREWED. 2 years won't even be on the table.
cobra;1568486 said:
Yep. Just as I predicted from day one. Another big nail in the coffin for Vick.

Probably because that stoolie will say whatever the prosecutors want to hear in order to get a lesser sentence. Nothing worse than a stoolie.
CanadianCowboysFan;1569568 said:
Nothing worse than a stoolie.

Yes, there is.

There's a LYING stoolie.

So far, I have heard no claim that Vick himself executed by hanging, electocuting, drowning, and smashing aganist walls the 17 dead dogs on his
property. That lying stoolie is probably one of the ones who did it.

Vick probably KNEW about it, (and of course, about the illegal entrprise) which is enough for me to want to see him put away. But as usual, when the feds go after the 'big fish' who is less culpable, but makes for a sexier case, the trigger men walk, or get pled way down.
First thought... Vick is getting more heat because he is a celebrity. More visible, more people know of him, and more people feel "affected" by him.

Second thought... Lack of heat on this guy who pled, doesn't necessarily mean hypocrisy. It's just that people know Vick. If Vick were to cop a plea, own up to it, and testify, then the heat would likely turn down a smidge.

Third thought... the feds go after the guy at the top because if they don't get the source of funds, the source of funds can go get any number of braindead henchmen to oversee the day-to-day operations. He's the one with the money, and there's never a shortage of guys who will break the law if you pay them enough.

No doubt this hurts Vick's case... it's not the death knell, because his attorneys will question his credibility. Depending on his background, it could be an afterthought, especially if the other things we read of in the indictment are proven by credible witnesses.
dargonking999;1569420 said:

Doesn't mean i can't want it ;)

Let me just say I don't expect a pair of Nike Air Tony Taylor coming out anytime soon. Vick has made a lot off his name but the downside to fame is when you screw up yes people are going to get PO'ed and people are going to comment more about him than the avg Joe. Ask Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan they did nothing more than what many have done but with lime light you take the good and the bad.
Sarge;1569538 said:
He's not gonna cop to nothin'. He's (it appears anyway) SCREWED. 2 years won't even be on the table.

Sarge... you underestimate the power of the dark side.
dargonking999;1568847 said:

He killed the dogs

Isn't that what the problem is?

He's training, fighting, and then killing the dogs

That's like saying, i think the hired killers are scum, but who I really want to see pay, is the ones who hired him.

Makes zero sense.
I'm a little late into this thread and it may have already been discussed but I would just like to point out that there have been more than one hired killer walk by rolling over on the guy who hired them.

Does the name Sammy "the Bull" Gravano ring a bell?

The feds always go after the top dog (no pun intended) in these cases. And yes they will let a punk who is guilty as sin walk if it gets them convictions higher up the chain.

As for calling for this guys head...It's already in the noose. He pleaded guilty and he will do hard jail time; just not as much as he would have done without rolling over on Vick.
Twyst;1569909 said:

Hey, i know this Cowboys fan ;)

Dr. Ben Sobel: [Ben Sobel asks Paul to describe a picture of a father walking in saying good night to his wife and son lying in bed] OK, Paul. I want you to take a look at this picture and tell me what is happening.
Paul Vitti: This is a picture of a guy who is a nice hard-working fellow and comes home to find his wife is in bed with a midget who she has been ****ing while he has been out of town.
Dr. Ben Sobel: So she has been having intercourse?
Paul Vitti: Yep. With a midget!