Vick co-defendants plead guilty in dogfighting case *Merge*

ABQCOWBOY;1592297 said:
The thing that will be interesting to me is how this works once the state gets hold of him. If he cuts a deal and admits guilt, then that give the state all kinds of leverage. I would think that it would be next to impossible to beat the state rap in that situation. How would a sentance work on that, I wonder? Even if he were to get a year off the federal charges, that doesn't mean he wouldn't be facing much more time from the State. One of the legal guys needs to step in and help us out here.

Well according to the article that 03EBZ06 posted I would say Vick is one screwed pooch. :lmao: To add insult to injury the Falcon can demand the remaining signing bonus money back from Vick, he has 3 years left on that contract and according to what I read the Falcons can demand payment of that portion
03EBZ06;1592298 said:
Virginia to pursue Vick charges
Poindexter to send case to grand jury in September

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 08/17/07

Michael Vick's problems didn't end with his former friends and co-defendants pleading guilty and alleging that he funded a dogfighting ring and helped them execute dogs that failed to show the gameness to fight.

Virginia Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Friday afternoon that "yes, indeed, we will prosecute" Vick and others on possible animal cruelty and dogfighting charges. Poindexter said he would probably submit his case to a grand jury that is scheduled to convene Sept. 25.

He has not determined which charges he would file but said he would aggressively prosecute based on previously acquired evidence and some of the evidence presented in the federal case. Dogfighting and animal cruelty are felonies in Virginia with animal cruelty charges holding penalties of up to five years in jail for each animal killed.

"The execution of these animals — and the manner in which they were executed — is startlingly offensive and demanding of prosecution," Poindexter said.

Statements made in the guilty pleas reached by Phillips and Peace that they accompanied Vick in the execution of eight dogs this April and fought dogs on Vick's Surry County, Va., property solidified Poindexter's decision to move forward with prosecution.

Poindexter is trying to save his butt. He dragged his feet and let this get into the federal arena, and now he is trying to look good for the home town crowd.

One of two things were going on when this first broke.

Either PDog knew the feds were involved and stalled to let them do the case, not acting on the search warrant so as to not disturb the crime scene.


PDog was trying to interfere with the investigation by not serving the search warrant until it was "worded properly" The fact that the house was burglarized while PDog waited to act on the warrant is just a tough break, I guess.

But then again, wasn't he the one that said that this was all a witch hunt to get the high profile Black man?

I doubt that the state files any charges against Ookie after the feds are done. Any time he would receive from the state would run concurrent to the federal time, so what is the sense?
03EBZ06;1592033 said:
Additionally, both men fingered Vick in the execution earlier this year of about eight dogs that performed poorly in test fighting sessions. Phillips and Peace each told investigators that Vick participated in killing the dogs, which were hung or drowned, and that the animals "died as a result of the collective efforts" of the trio.


Freaking SAD.
When this is over, I bet Vick will look back and wish he would have taken the plea agreement. I seriously doubt an offer of one year will come up again.
fortdick;1592363 said:
I doubt that the state files any charges against Ookie after the feds are done. Any time he would receive from the state would run concurrent to the federal time, so what is the sense?

What is double-jeopardy? If Ookie does time in the fed prison and gets out after a year or so, can the state now prosecute him again and he might serve another 6 to 12 months or something like that?

5Stars;1592407 said:
What is double-jeopardy? If Ookie does time in the fed prison and gets out after a year or so, can the state now prosecute him again and he might serve another 6 to 12 months or something like that?

No, it would not be double jeopardy.

Feds is about a conspiracy charge for his alleged role in a dog fighting venture (and possibly illegal gambling with additional indictment).

State will be about dogfighting and animal cruelty.

Different charges.
I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but by golly, it's worth mentioning again....


A dogfighting sentence with an exclamation point on it

By Gene Wojciechowski

Her name is Little Mama. She's, oh, about 1½ years old. Just the sweetest pit bull you could ever pet. And then somebody stuck the blade of a 4-inch hunting knife into her skull.

"The worst case of animal abuse I've ever seen," says Carl Leveridge, president of the Atlanta Humane Society.

That's where they brought Little Mama, to the 58,000-square-foot nonprofit shelter and clinic in northwest Atlanta. She was terrified and in pain, yet Leveridge said Little Mama allowed one of the staff veterinarians to lift her lip and inspect her teeth. Like I said, a sweetie.

Surgery was needed to remove the knife blade, which had been pushed nearly 2 inches into her sinus cavity and lodged in bone. Miraculously, the stabbing missed her brain. And as of Thursday afternoon, the patient was in stable condition and showing signs of improvement.

"A half-hour ago I was over there petting her," said Leveridge, who has offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the creep who did this. "Her tail was wagging against the cage."

See, this is why prison is too good for people capable of this kind of cruelty. This is why Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, if he cops his own plea or is eventually found guilty of federal dogfighting conspiracy charges, should have to join the rest of his Bad Newz Kennels crew and do some hard time at the Atlanta Humane Society.

Just prison? Nuh-uh. Instead, doghouse during the day, then federal big house at night.

Maybe they'll make him work here a year. That would be good.
Carl Leveridge, president of the Atlanta Humane Society
"Do you think a judge might impose something like that?" asks Leveridge. "Maybe they'll make him work here a year. That would be good."

That would be justice. Or the beginnings of it.

Of course, if it were up to me, I'd also sentence all guilty parties of the Bad Newz group to work as Alaskan Husky No. 7 in next year's Iditarod. At the very least, I'd have them chase mechanical rabbits at Mile High Greyhound Park in Commerce City, Colo. Or have them fetch Joey Harrington's jockstrap -- post-practice -- with their teeth. And, sorry, no showers for the Bad Newz crew. Tongue baths only.

Yeah, I'm a dog person. I don't want to go all "Marley & Me" on you, but the night I brought my Cocker Spaniel puppy Elvis home, I slept next to him on the kitchen floor so he'd feel safe and wouldn't whimper so much. Twelve years later, I slept next to him on the living-room floor as his breathing became more shallow and his blood count worsened by the minute. He died later that day. But at least he didn't die alone.

We've got another pooch now -- a pain-in-the-butt, pig-in-a-dog-suit Cocker named Oskie. And even though he's been known to sneak on top of the Thanksgiving dinner table for a slice of just-carved turkey, I can't imagine a day without him.

So pit bull torture sessions? Drownings? Electrocutions? Hangings? Shootings? Rape stands? Fights to the death? There isn't an adjective in existence that describes my level of disgust, astonishment and sadness at the inhumanity of such acts.

Vick will get his day in court and, for his sake, I hope he's able to -- as he put it -- clear his "good name." But if there's a plea (and it appears such an option is being discussed), Vick and his accomplices deserve more than merely prison; they really should spend time working at the humane society.

Weird how this works out. Leveridge recently met with representatives of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. Blank happens to be the owner of the Falcons and has contributed to the Atlanta Humane Society for years. He has two old Labradors that he adores.

"He's a true animal-welfare advocate," says Leveridge. "For this to happen to him, I feel so bad for him."

If I'm the federal judge in charge of sentencing, I make Vick and the others report to the AHS Monday through Sunday at 8 a.m. sharp. There are about 100 cages that need to be cleaned twice each day. Sadly, there are few vacancies at the Humane Society.

Vick could walk dogs. He could help groom them. He could cut the grass and help maintain the grounds. He could stuff envelopes in the administrative offices. He could work with the on-site dog behavior expert. He could offer to work in the AHS wellness clinic, which provides free animal-health services for pets whose owners can't normally afford such care. He could attend the monthly support-group meeting, where animal owners who have lost their pets help each other through the hurt.

"It's a cliché term, but it is like losing a family member," says Leveridge. "If he went to some of these sessions, saw some of these people sobbing their eyes out ... and yet [Bad Newz allegedly] is killing them for sport."

Most of all, Vick could write a check. Something in the two commas, six-zero variety. It wouldn't bring back the dogs that were allegedly tortured and killed at Bad Newz, but it would save others.

The AHS has an annual operating budget of about $4.5 million. It cares for about 400 animals, including about 200 dogs. A Michael Vick Endowment Fund of, say, $5 million, would help bankroll the AHS for the next 20 years. Now that's a legacy. The AHS has an annual operating budget of about $4.5 million. It cares for about 400 animals, including about 200 dogs. A Michael Vick Endowment Fund of, say, $5 million, would help bankroll the AHS for the next 20 years. Now that's a legacy.

"That would be the best way, giving money," says Leveridge. "People would say, 'He realized he did the wrong thing and he wants to help animals.'"

It beats what some of them are saying now. Angry Falcons fans have sent more than 100 Vick jerseys or T-shirts to the AHS, occasionally with a charity check attached. Just the other day a woman handed Leveridge a bag full of Vick T-shirts with his familiar No. 7 on them.

The jerseys and T-shirts don't go to waste, though. The nice ones are used as pillows for the animals. The others are used as rags to clean the kennels.

Including Little Mama's.

Gene Wojciechowski is the senior national columnist for You can contact him at [email protected].
Whew, a few more 'graphic' articles like that and Vick should be willing to take whatever plea is offered.

I suppose the court of public opinon is already beyond cemented. At this point, I doubt many minds can be swayed either way as to his guilt or innocence...or to what his punishment should or shouldn't be. Certainly the Feds know where they stand.

But the full firestorm of public anger against Vick hasn't even been touched yet - his attorneys have to realize there is villification, and then there are the concentrated, sensationalized, mega violin-playing depths to which Vick COULD be subjected, and stories on every animal that was ever abused since Moby Dick will inevitably figure in Vick's opportunities to be 'rehabilitated', and accepted back into the fold.

Take the plea, Mike take the plea - ESPN or any articles won't have a direct bearing on your case's disposition, but this one is a good example of how the public can and will be repeatedly inflamed.
Crown Royal;1592247 said:
I don't know why I have never thought of this, but I just did.

Why is this a federal and not state case?

dog-fighting is a felony is why, as is conspiracy to committ dog-fighting
Bob Sacamano;1592639 said:
dog-fighting is a felony is why, as is conspiracy to committ dog-fighting

I believe the fed charges have to do with inter-state transport of dogs to fight.
Bob Sacamano;1592644 said:
he's also up against conspiracy charges is he not?


i love how they get ya on both doing something wrong and also on the planning to do something wrong, :)

conspiracy - it's the one additional charge you just can't deny
The real plea going on right now is not the dog abuse - jmo. It's the gambling charges. If he pleads guilty to that its possible Goodell suspends him for life.

Vick can get back after doing a year and apologizing on the other heinous charges. He potentially can't get back if he's tied back to a gambling ring.

This has Mike Tyson 5-6 year sentence all over it. Deservedly I might add.

Vick might be pondering taking the added years and not admitting to anything and hoping for an OJ like escape with a jury. Lose and swallow the pill and go to jail and again, never admit anything. He's in a real bad place tonight - again deservedly.

My dog arguably loves me as much as my family. Can't fathom doing what he was charged with to a dog(s).
LaTunaNostra;1592648 said:

i love how they get ya on both doing something wrong and also on the planning to do something wrong, :)

conspiracy - it's the one additional charge you just can't deny

lol yep, and it's a felony too

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