Vick keepin' it real

Good read.

As a proud black man, "keepin it real" to me means making sure my children grow to have a better life than I have had while conducting themselves with the values I instill in them every day. Hopefully they take that to their children. & so on & so on... Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
SupermanXx;1575795 said:
lol, who the hell is Leotisbrown, and why do you all seek his counsel?

Leotis posted here & he was a very funny man. :D

Then he rocked the same thread here.

Aweseome thread
one of the men who originally fell victim to the disease that Burwell described in his article was inducted into the hall of fame this evening. I hope Michael Irvin's message was heard on the podium when he was speaking to his sons. Not everyone will be as fortunate to have a good family as an anchor to reponsibility that Irvin has. Congrats to Michael, that was the most "real" a man can be to admit his mistakes in front of a national audience like he did tonight and say that while he wouldn't trade his career or the people he has met and played with and for, he is totally ashamed of his past transgressions and wished he did things differently.
Crown Royal;1575605 said:
I think they are still there. We have the Tim Duncans and Marvin Harrisons - they just tend to be outnumbered by the PacMans and the Iversons.

I'm not sure that they are outnumbered by the others, or do we just hear about the bad apples more.

Look at our own Cowboys for example. You never hear about the good things that players such as Roy Williams, Terrence Newman, Gurode, etc. are doing.

These guys are great Christian men who are not afraid to stand for their faith and whatever they feel is right. But we don't hear about the good ones.

I think that there are far more of the Roy Williams types in the NFL than the Pac Man Jones, and Micheal Vicks in the NFL.

The old mantra "if it bleeds, then it leads" still holds true in the media.
The media just follows society.

I mean, let's take our own forum for example. How many threads will we have about Roy Williams doing good and then how many posts will that thread contain.

Compare that with how many threads we'll have if TO goes berserk and how many posts will those threads contain?

Whether we want to admit it or not, we'd much rather talk about controversy than calm.
It is true that many are attracted to controversey and such. BUT I maintain that its still the MEDIA and the ENTERTAINMENT industry that push it.
superpunk;1575580 said:
I got your role model right here...


:laugh2: where do you find this ****?

I was rolling for a straight minute and a half
The NFL needs more Curtis Martin and less Michael Vick. That's the long and the short of it.

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