Vick not pleading to dog killing and gambling?

ABQCOWBOY;1603329 said:

Must be Friday. The fellas are getten Chippy!

Every day is Friday for me, ABQ...

:laugh2: I just don't want to get a job!

My wife asks me, "What are you going to do today?"

I tell her that I have to get up early so I can take a nap...

YoMick;1602405 said:
I caught the tail end of the story.

Those dogs were depressed about losing, and committed suicide...

That's Vick's story, and he's stickin' to it... who ya gonna believe, him or your lyin' eyes??
HopeCowboyFan;1602584 said:
Apparantly they don't, those thugs that turned on Vick have vast criminal records. Some in jail on other charges today.

If you've got 7 witnesses lined up, all telling the same story, and you can prove that factual elements of their testimony have proven to be true (like those dog carcasses the Feds dug up), then their individual credibility isn't nearly as big a factor...

It seems what this lesser plea is REALLY all about is Vick agreeing to roll on others in the dogfighting biz...

Vick not guilty on gambling.

And yet, Goodell just suspended Vick indefinitely, gambling being the biggest reason offered...

Another perfectly good Vick apologist theory, shot to h*ll...
AnyGivenSunday;1603197 said:
Because they had an epiphany while eating their crispy bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken? :eek::

Once again, Mr. I'm Too Morally Superior To Eat Animals defends a man charged with abusing animals for fun and profit...

You're starting to make me think that avoiding the consumption of animal flesh leaves your brain incapable of logically consistent thought...
peplaw06;1603151 said:
Vick musta had some leverage :eek:

Right you are, man... believe it or not, I've enjoyed my back and forth with you, because you give me a perspective that I lack, an insider's view of the legal system...

It never occurred to me that Vick might be fixing to turn informer... first thing I've been wrong about in all these weeks of arguing this... :D

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