DallasEast;1536258 said:
I've never used an 'ignore' feature at any forum. No disrespect, but it just seems plain silly. I disliked dantheman with a passion over at the old DMN, but I still read his posts. It didn't cause me the least bit of anxiety in not responding to any of his comments for
years. Still, I always want to read as many diverse opinions as I can. Not because I want to read thoughts from those who I agreed or disagreed with, but because I feel it's necessary to keep tabs on every viewpoint which I might have been confronted with in the future. Kinda dorky sounding, huh?

If that's what
you like to do on a message board...well good for you. I can say you're the better man for it....and I can live with that. I can also live with you finding it
plain silly that I exercise my right to ignore someone...I'll still sleep knowing full well I may be missing out on some great informational diversification, and will get by just fine not knowing what anyone has to say about me and my views.
You say anxiety....I say apathy.
I posted a
full summation, as silly as it may be, on my attitude towards ignore, and feel no need to defend it nor compelled to explain it further.
superpunk;1536352 said:
Well, that's certainly not what you actually wrote.
It could be possible there is a difference in 'what I actually wrote' and what you 'actually define as to what I wrote'. While on the surface it may appear that I did do my 'one stop shopping', it is just a continuance on what I have been doing all along...a well documented one at that.
Please accept my apology for not being more clear in my original posting.
superpunk said:
Cheer up bucko...I'm sure a better job will come up soon.
superpunk said:
Vick looks guilty as sin. But there's still a possibility the guy is a victim of circumstance here. Deciding to ignore people because they voted no (doubtless because they can't be sure, and no seems closer to that REASONABLE option (which this poll was not) than yes) is crazy. You're no deity, you can't determine Vick's guilt.
I've determined no one's guilt. In fact, I still have an open challenge for anyone (no takers so far) to find ANY post in which I have even accused M Vick of dog fighting, let alone determine his guilt or innocence. I'll save you the time...I've made no such posts.
superpunk said:
So why decied to disregard an entire group of people's opinions based on a ridiculous poll, that could have NO good result, and should never have been started in the first place? (whether it was the final nail in the coffin or otherwise, for you)
That's not Sparta....that's madness.
I've already said I haven't disregarded anyone based entirely on a
ridiculous poll. Whether you choose to believe it is not my problem. And if I may....anyone that doesn't care as to whether anyone does this heinous activity...is condoning it. It all ends right there...I couldn't care less as to whatever feeble minded opinion on anything these people may have.
I answered the poll question for what it was...
Do you care if M Vick is involved in dog fighting.
It was really quite simple...not nearly as complex as you've made it. My answer would be the same regardless of the name that was inserted.