Video: Cooley's TD catch with Replay


Pixel Pusher
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Can you post a video of that "catch" right before the skins hurried up and spiked the ball, there was some discussion about whether it was a clean catch or not and whether the refs should have reviewed it even though a second play had been run, like they did against us when we played the Bills.


The Duke
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YoMick;1776370 said:
In other words.... "another beat Roy down" thread.....
Don't know how it can be when Roy is in deep contain on the outside and Bradie James chucks him and lets him go.

But oh well, it is what is, yet another lesson in no concept of assignments, just blame the guy who is closest when the play ends.

Oh, and I'm not blaming Bradie James in case anyone wonders.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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TheCount;1776382 said:
Can you post a video of that "catch" right before the skins hurried up and spiked the ball, there was some discussion about whether it was a clean catch or not and whether the refs should have reviewed it even though a second play had been run, like they did against us when we played the Bills.

Yeah, that pissed me off. It was less than 2 minutes and they didn't even review the catch. They didn't even replay it on TV. I was pissed off. I have it DVRed, but haven't had a chance to go back and look at it.


Mick Green 58
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TheCount;1776382 said:
Can you post a video of that "catch" right before the skins hurried up and spiked the ball, there was some discussion about whether it was a clean catch or not and whether the refs should have reviewed it even though a second play had been run, like they did against us when we played the Bills.

Yes, I will have to find out the percise time it occurred because I am at work and the video feed is slow using Remote Desktop.


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TheCount;1776382 said:
Can you post a video of that "catch" right before the skins hurried up and spiked the ball, there was some discussion about whether it was a clean catch or not and whether the refs should have reviewed it even though a second play had been run, like they did against us when we played the Bills.

Was that the Randel El catch? It hit the ground from what I could see. The Skins got the next play off before the refs upstairs could stop it. I don't know what replay they were watching, but they were obviously slow. Even if it was a catch, it was close enough to deserve a review in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
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In other words.... "another beat Roy down" thread.....

the original poster said watch the video and decide for yourself. Many posters were saying it was James fault for that TD...which clearly it was on Roy Williams...AGAIN !!


The Duke
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Wood;1776400 said:
the original poster said watch the video and decide for yourself. Many posters were saying it was James fault for that TD...which clearly it was on Roy Williams...AGAIN !!
A guy who is pre snap 15 to 20 yards away?



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Wood;1776400 said:
the original poster said watch the video and decide for yourself. Many posters were saying it was James fault for that TD...which clearly it was on Roy Williams...AGAIN !!

Because Aikman said so?


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;1776389 said:
Don't know how it can be when Roy is in deep contain on the outside and Bradie James chucks him and lets him go.

But oh well, it is what is, yet another lesson in no concept of assignments, just blame the guy who is closest when the play ends.

Roy wasn't in deep contain on the outside. Roy was just playing deep and it was in fact Roy's man as he had coverage assignment of Cooley once he left the short middle as you can see by him turning coverage his way. The question is why did he turn his hips outside when his eyes were watching Cooley?

Look at the replay when Aikman is going over the play. You can clearly see the CB is in man coverage and isn't breaking off coverage as his man get close to the endzone. Without question, that was Roy Williams man and he got twisted up and failed to make the play.

As was said before. Something has to give, and at this point it's Roy Williams thats giving the house away.


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nyc;1776412 said:
No, look at the stupid tape. :bang2: Take off your stupid Roy Williams bias glasses.

No Troy said so. You know it is true.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;1776401 said:
A guy who is pre snap 15 to 20 yards away?


What does that mean? You say a guy that was 15-20 yards away. It was a 19 yard TD. Does that resolve the issue? The back of the endzone was 29 yards away. I think that puts Roy Williams right where he should be to make the play.

Without question, this one is on Roy. Bradie James was playing zone underneath. Roy Williams was playing the deep zone. I'm sure as hell not going to believe the Roy should have been playing the underneath zone and James should have been covering the endzone and it's just plain crazy for someone to actually think it was James' play to make.


Mick Green 58
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TheCount;1776382 said:
Can you post a video of that "catch" right before the skins hurried up and spiked the ball, there was some discussion about whether it was a clean catch or not and whether the refs should have reviewed it even though a second play had been run, like they did against us when we played the Bills.

Was this the Skins 2nd to last drive or the last drive before the game ended? I don't have my game notes at work so I don't know for sure and the video is too big to encompass both drives.


The Duke
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nyc;1776422 said:
What does that mean? You say a guy that was 15-20 yards away. It was a 19 yard TD. Does that resolve the issue? The back of the endzone was 29 yards away. I think that puts Roy Williams right where he should be to make the play.

Without question, this one is on Roy. Bradie James was playing zone underneath. Roy Williams was playing the deep zone. I'm sure as hell not going to believe the Roy should have been playing the underneath zone and James should have been covering the endzone and it's just plain crazy for someone to actually think it was James' play to make.
Nothing I say about coverages will change your mind so I won't waste my time or yours. Believe whatever you want. You're going to anyway.


Pixel Pusher
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Hostile;1776401 said:
A guy who is pre snap 15 to 20 yards away?


I think it was just a good route against zone defense. The short guy drew Bradie in and Roy seemed to think he would get help on the inside so he played deep to stop anything over the top.

You can see that the guy running the short out already had a guy on him but Bradie still goes with him, leaving the middle wide open.

I think they were both at fault, Roy put himself completely out of position by commiting to the outside and Bradie went with a guy that was not only running a short route (instead of a guy that was running to the endzone) but was already well covered.


The Duke
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TheCount;1776438 said:
I think it was just a good route against zone defense. The short guy drew Bradie in and Roy seemed to think he would get help on the inside so he played deep to stop anything over the top.

You can see that the guy running the short out already had a guy on him but Bradie still goes with him, leaving the middle wide open.

I think they were both at fault, Roy put himself completely out of position by commiting to the outside and Bradie went with a guy that was not only running a short route (instead of a guy that was running to the endzone) but was already well covered.
Ding ding ding.


Active Member
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TheCount;1776438 said:
I think they were both at fault, Roy put himself completely out of position by commiting to the outside and Bradie went with a guy that was not only running a short route (instead of a guy that was running to the endzone) but was already well covered.
