I don't really get into the whole starting new threads just to push an agenda but I will gladly continue talking about what irks me the most in a current thread. Players like RW11 , Barbie, and coaches like Hoov really get under my skin. I'm glad we won and are now 4-2 but some counter forces still remain. If anyone has issue with people talking about things that interest them, be it positive or negative, the choice is always there to refrain from hitting the reply button. If your curiosity got you enough to click on what you might have considered a questionable thread, at least take some solace in the fact that you still have the choice to refrain from responding...
Deion and Merrill Hoge are simply seeing what the minority on the board with loud mouths see. I guess sometimes hearing it from a former NFL player kind of places a slightly higher legitimacy on it even if those former NFL players are considered dumber than a box of rocks and butthurt over the loss of TO. The level at which some go to sweep the riff raff under the rug is highly entertaining. You've got some guys that profess to rarely posting but have somehow managed to post 2000 responses in the last day telling those with opinions to keep it all in one thread...

Like we've never before seen multiple threads loosely resembling the same subject on the board...
I hope more alleged "mediots" step up and call Roy out. It's
well deserved. Perhaps that's the only thing that will get him to step up his game, stop running lazy routes, stop whining about how he's getting a bad rap, and start finding himself where Romo expects him to be on a regular basis. It's funny how no one can answer my question of why it appears as though Romo's INTs stopped when he stopped keying on Roy as his first option... That cracks me up to no end.
On a positive note, Romo is no longer keying on the lazy route runner and has instead chosen to focus his attention on the emerging, strong, precise, determined game of Miles Austin. I applaud Romo for finding what works best for him, as well as the team, and exploiting it. Romo may have just found his go to guy for the near and foreseeable future. Thank goodness for that! With three healthy RBs, a serviceable threat in Witten, Austin burning on the corner, Joe D's STs playing like madmen, and Hoov's defense doing it's job this team just might make a liar out of me and my 8-8 / 9-7 prediction. I sure would love to eat that crow. Keep up the great work Cowboys. :starspin