Video Game Systems for Old Guys

Man those were the days.I used to play after school till I go home.
I am glad the arcade manager and I became friends because I would stay for HOURS at his place. :laugh:
Joust and Defender were my games. Oh, and Tempest.
I envy you. I wanted to play Defender well but that dang ship and I did not always see eye-to-eye. :p

Another oldie (older than the games we are talking about) I enjoyed a lot but would get killed fairly quickly was Asteroids. Loved blasting those huge space rocks to bits but it was one of those pesky broken off pieces flying at freaking hyperspeed that would always crash into the back of my ship. I had a love/hate relationship with that one. :muttley:
I still have my orig X-box. works jest fine. EZ to use. plenty of games on eBay on the cheap. my personnel favorite is ''BLOOD WAKE'' .also had a I think was a Nintendo with these cards you slipped into a holder on the controllers for the different games.
I am glad the arcade manager and I became friends because I would stay for HOURS at his place. :laugh:
I envy you. I wanted to play Defender well but that dang ship and I did not always see eye-to-eye. :p

Another oldie (older than the games we are talking about) I enjoyed a lot but would get killed fairly quickly was Asteroids. Loved blasting those huge space rocks to bits but it was one of those pesky broken off pieces flying at freaking hyperspeed that would always crash into the back of my ship. I had a love/hate relationship with that one. :muttley:
Space Invaders and Contra
Bored of Jax?
if you have the budget and space, these are fun. Pretty much all the old school arcade games (usually 60 games), coin operated option and nostalgic. Can be had new for around $1000.

Dang if that doesn't look like fun and plenty of places for cocktails but do you have to stand up over it to play it? Margaritas and Frogger sounds like a fine paring, martinis and Donkey Kong, the pairings are endless.

But I wonder if you have a problem with it, who works on those? I'd probably get excited and spill a cocktail into it the first time I got on it.
Joust and Donkey Kong for me followed by Dragons Lair a bit later :grin:
Yep, Dragon's Lair was a new trend in games.

I used to take my oldest son to arcades all the time and our favorite pizza joints had game rooms. Did you ever take a real close look at those kids eyes after about 3 hours of arcade games? They all looked like Little Orphan Annie, no pupils.
I always wondered who made that background/boss music. Pretty cool :D
Yep, before they wanted to step up and license commercial works, they all used production music to score their games. That was before they exploded as they have since the creation of PS and X Box and now Switch and they blew everyone's projections out of the water. It is really interesting to see the evolution from the days of Atari and Coleco to this monster that it is today.
Dang if that doesn't look like fun and plenty of places for cocktails but do you have to stand up over it to play it? Margaritas and Frogger sounds like a fine paring, martinis and Donkey Kong, the pairings are endless.

But I wonder if you have a problem with it, who works on those? I'd probably get excited and spill a cocktail into it the first time I got on it.
you put chairs on each end and play seated. These are usually reproductions so inside the cabinet is typically a modern computer tower that is connected to a computer monitor. So they're not vintage machines and the equipment lasts pretty long. I've has mine for about 10 years
This is basically going to come down to PS4 or Xbox 1, in my humble opinion.

The Xbox 1 has a bigger, heavier, controller that can feel a lot better in your hands if you're worried about the controller being to small or feeling too small. I feel like the PS4 controller is overall a bit better, because it's lighter, and for longer gaming sessions tends to wear your hands out less. But the Xbox controller is very good.

As for the systems it really comes down to what type of games you'd like to have exclusive. For example I always tell everyone you should simply look at the exclusive lists to make your decision for which system. Forget about CoD, Battlefield, Overwatch, etc etc because those games will be on both systems. That basically makes it a choice of preference.

So look at the exclusives list. PS4 has God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, and the new Spiderman.

Xbox has Gears of War, Halo, PuBG and one of those race car franchise games.

I like the God of War and Gears of War series so I could go either way (I actually own both systems). What it really comes down to, for me, exclusives wise is that Last of Us. It is far and away the best of any of the exclusive games and it beats absolutely anything you could possibly play on Xbox. I'm sorry but it's not even close. If everything else is equal to you, with the systems, The Last of Us is worth going PS4, all on it's own.

I don't think you can go wrong with either system but if I had to choose just one I'm choosing PS4 every single time.
you put chairs on each end and play seated. These are usually reproductions so inside the cabinet is typically a modern computer tower that is connected to a computer monitor. So they're not vintage machines and the equipment lasts pretty long. I've has mine for about 10 years
I live alone, do I have to jump from seat to seat? So, I could count this as exercise time as well? And a cocktail for each of me!! If I win, I am gloating, can't help it.
OK, looking for advice here from the experts.

I feel the need for a game system as I haven't had one in quite some time but had all of them back in the day and really liked them.

What would you suggest for a mature gentleman that doesn't have the flexibility in his hands he did when he wore a younger man's clothes and some of the controls can really cramp the paws. I held the controls from my grandsons' Switch and they felt really tiny and I think too long with that could prove uncomfortable but I do love me some Mario.

So, based on the controls, any proprietary games, ease of use and ancillary benefits for a specific game system, what is your recommendation? And when I say mature gentleman, I played the first Pong game installed in Louisiana at Pascal's Manale restaurant in 1973. Played them all since then but not PS4, X Box or Switch.

Pong..............2 speeds. Slow and slower.............
Me and KsK played this old game as kids, I think it was called ''Is that Ewe'' and '' What are you Mutton''
This is basically going to come down to PS4 or Xbox 1, in my humble opinion.

The Xbox 1 has a bigger, heavier, controller that can feel a lot better in your hands if you're worried about the controller being to small or feeling too small. I feel like the PS4 controller is overall a bit better, because it's lighter, and for longer gaming sessions tends to wear your hands out less. But the Xbox controller is very good.

As for the systems it really comes down to what type of games you'd like to have exclusive. For example I always tell everyone you should simply look at the exclusive lists to make your decision for which system. Forget about CoD, Battlefield, Overwatch, etc etc because those games will be on both systems. That basically makes it a choice of preference.

So look at the exclusives list. PS4 has God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, and the new Spiderman.

Xbox has Gears of War, Halo, PuBG and one of those race car franchise games.

I like the God of War and Gears of War series so I could go either way (I actually own both systems). What it really comes down to, for me, exclusives wise is that Last of Us. It is far and away the best of any of the exclusive games and it beats absolutely anything you could possibly play on Xbox. I'm sorry but it's not even close. If everything else is equal to you, with the systems, The Last of Us is worth going PS4, all on it's own.

I don't think you can go wrong with either system but if I had to choose just one I'm choosing PS4 every single time.
Thanks for this. You are probably right because the Switch being portable is not really a consideration.
Well CC? Did ya break down and go to a Best Buy to window shop yet? I know a game series you’ll enjoy. “Uncharted”

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