***Vikings - 19 vs Commanders - 16 game thread***

Clove said:
If that were RW, Moss would be out for 4 weeks.
and their backup WR would probably score two TDs on him later in the game.

give the RW stuff a rest... maybe if goes a few games without imitating burnt toast (or go without a dumb penalty).
ESPN cannot call a game because they have no experience in calling plays only highlights
CrazyMonster said:
And did you hear Joey protest that call on the Skins...."that flag came out a week later" in an angered tone he spewed.

Tony makes a good point about all of Danny's wasted $$ not turning out championships & Joey has to chirp in a big YET.

This is making ESPN look so bad IMO.

well that flag was late, any ref worth his salt would have immediately thrown that flag

and yes, 21 Pro Bowlers before, none after Danny got ahold of them
dam its chris berman, im glad his team the whiners are struggling, I hate hearing him gloat after his team what a looser
A Skins point of view:

Offense has potential, but our run is not that great.

Major concern with our pass coverage and our corners, they do not look good at all.

Huge concerns with John Hall, both his field goals were terrible. And Frost's punts look terrible as usual.
These announcers Have to be the WORSE ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, they talk about everything except whats going on on the field.
Joe T. is a friggin homer and Kornheiser absolutly sucks.:bang2:
sandtrapp said:
These announcers Have to be the WORSE ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, they talk about everything except whats going on on the field.
Joe T. is a friggin homer and Kornheiser absolutly sucks.:bang2:

I mean I like Joey T., but that is obvious. I do agree it isnt great annoucing, but at the same time Madden says A L O T of dumb stuff.
Neither team looks good. Skins are getting the breaks in the penalty dept. though and are on top.

Someone please send Williamson a pair a hands for Xmas.
I will give a dollar to someone if they would slap Theezman.

While they are at it, can they get a step ladder for Tom and Danny.

hooskins said:
I mean I like Joey T., but that is obvious. I do agree it isnt great annoucing, but at the same time Madden says A L O T of dumb stuff.

Madden says dumb stuff...but he is not a super homer like Theezman.

Well...except for his obessesive man love for Favre.
why on Earth is Rock Cartwright your guy's #1 kickoff-return guy? he's slow, has no moves, he's basically horrible at it
someone tell ESPN....2 is company, 3's a crowd.
3 people that desperately want to hear themselves talk is too much. They talk more about stuff not going on in the game than they do the actual game. If the game itself was so boring that commentators needed something else to talk about, millions of viewers wouldn't be tuning in week in and week out regardless of who is commentating on the game.
Kick someone out of that booth, make it Theiswoman. Do it! Do it now!
summerisfunner said:
why on Earth is Rock Cartwright your guy's #1 kickoff-return guy? he's slow, has no moves, he's basically horrible at it

I do not know, I guess they want to limit hits on Randle-el and Trash.
After watching that putrid Sea/Det game yesterday, this is downright exciting.

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