jdub2k4 said:
OK. You got me. I admit it. My life long dream has been to ruin the Dallas Cowboys by wanting them to sign Terrell Owens. There, I said it. Your vast knowledge strikes again...
Yea, I love the idea of adding a selfish baby to the team who singlehandedly destroyed one of the greatest teams in the game, from the inside out. Not to mention he'd have to face that divisional team twice a year along with us and would be the sole target of all hatred that pours out of Philly on a dangerous level just fueling a fire that'll help them win against us.
It's people like you that not only allow punks like T.O. to continue playing in a game that he has no respect for but also rewards him with more money than any of us will ever see in our life and supports his kind of behavior all across the league.
Yea... we should sign him.