Vince Young

Remember this is a true rookie doing what he is doing. The guy is amazing. People actually thought he was going to be a bust? lmao @ them...
cowboysfan;1220839 said:
Everytime I see his team win is because he scrambles whether NCAA or NFL, is he really so hard to tackle ? once injuries slow him down, it will have tremendous impact to the team which rely on his ground scramble.

well by the time that happens, he will have figured out the passing game. Until then, he may as well as do what he does best. He's a winner, plain and simple.
As a Sooner fan, I didn't care much for Young, and mocked him and his game... that was, until last year.

After that National Championship year, I don't see how any rational person could continue to doubt his game (sorry, HeavyHitta). He's just a pure gamer.

His game obviously has some holes, and I think he'll have some struggles in the pros, but the guy's a winner and I think when all is said and done, he'll win more than he loses.
Here at UT, a lot of the Texans fans I know don't care that their team lost because Vince was the reason.

Vince is god
Rack;1220869 said:
If he works hard on his throwing motion and improves his accuracy (a lot) he could be one of the best ever.

Yeah I said it. EVER. But he won't make a career out of running the ball. He HAS to improve his passing.
He continues to show improvement on his passing every week and with his will to succeed and win HE WILL BECOME ONE OF THE BEST EVER!!! He is what Vick was supposed to be
thekavorka;1220874 said:
Here at UT, a lot of the Texans fans I know don't care that their team lost because Vince was the reason.

Vince is god

You know of a place on this earth where there are "a lot of texans fans"?

I never thought such a place would exist.
i think its more the organization than thier fans...they need to fire themselves coulda had young or bush...thats not to say williams wont become a player but geez
Yes, VY's passing game needs improvement. Will he improve? Yes. Young will do what ever it takes to become the best that he can be.....that's just the way he is.
cowboys4life;1220880 said:
i think its more the organization than thier fans...they need to fire themselves coulda had young or bush...thats not to say williams wont become a player but geez

Charlie Casserly smiles.
I love it, the better he does, the more chance Fisher stays, the less chance Jerry signs him up.
Cbz40;1220886 said:
Yes, VY's passing game needs improvement. Will he improve? Yes. Young will do what ever it takes to become the best that he can be.....that's just the way he is.

And that's why the comparisons between him and Mike Vick or so ridiculous. He won't let himself become mediocre or a hinderance to his team like Vick has. He's going to be a great one.
I don't want to come across the wrong way but I wouldn't jump the gun on vince young just yet and my reasoning is Mike Vick. Vince young's career seems to be getting off to an earily similar start to vicks career and look at vick now. If you guys recall vick also had his superman type plays early in his career and also won a game in OT via a long run just like young did today (2002 vs vikings ) While I definitely agree young's arm is better than vicks the question is how much better is it. So this post is NOT to say vince young WONT become the real deal and its NOT taking anything away from what young has done thus far because he has been amazing. THis situation just really reminds me of how every1 was all over vick when he was young and now look at him.
i remember last draft day, kinda dreaming that Dallas would trade up and take VY. of course that was before anyone knew how good Romo would be, but i had no doubts VY is going to be a superstar in this league.
He better hope to God that he never has a serious leg/knee injury that hinders his runnign ability, because he wont ever be able to beat teams solely with his arm.

Michael Vick had a play just like that a few years back to beat Minnesota in OT, and was immediatly crowned the next great thing.
glorydaysrback;1220897 said:
I don't want to come across the wrong way but I wouldn't jump the gun on vince young just yet and my reasoning is Mike Vick. Vince young's career seems to be getting off to an earily similar start to vicks career and look at vick now. If you guys recall vick also had his superman type plays early in his career and also won a game in OT via a long run just like young did today (2002 vs vikings ) While I definitely agree young's arm is better than vicks the question is how much better is it. So this post is NOT to say vince young WONT become the real deal and its NOT taking anything away from what young has done thus far because he has been amazing. THis situation just really reminds me of how every1 was all over vick when he was young and now look at him.
Blasphemy!! Another non-believer.
glorydaysrback;1220897 said:
I don't want to come across the wrong way but I wouldn't jump the gun on vince young just yet and my reasoning is Mike Vick. Vince young's career seems to be getting off to an earily similar start to vicks career and look at vick now. If you guys recall vick also had his superman type plays early in his career and also won a game in OT via a long run just like young did today (2002 vs vikings ) While I definitely agree young's arm is better than vicks the question is how much better is it. So this post is NOT to say vince young WONT become the real deal and its NOT taking anything away from what young has done thus far because he has been amazing. THis situation just really reminds me of how every1 was all over vick when he was young and now look at him.

Why do people always feel the need to compare people. You can't compare Vince to ANYBODY. It's insulting. Vince is unique. Get it?
HeavyHitta31;1220907 said:
He better hope to God that he never has a serious leg/knee injury that hinders his runnign ability, because he wont ever be able to beat teams solely with his arm.

Michael Vick had a play just like that a few years back to beat Minnesota in OT, and was immediatly crowned the next great thing.

OK, will the Horns fans take the bait?

10 bucks says they will. :D
Fan Since 77;1220910 said:
Why do people always feel the need to compare people. You can't compare Vince to ANYBODY. It's insulting. Vince is unique. Get it?

Really? He's a great runner, a poor passer. Vick is an even better runner, and a poor passer.

Vince Young is a slower version of Michael Vick, nothing more.
CowboyChris;1220900 said:
i remember last draft day, kinda dreaming that Dallas would trade up and take VY. of course that was before anyone knew how good Romo would be, but i had no doubts VY is going to be a superstar in this league.

I think VY is humble yet confident in his ability as a game changer. I never felt like Vick was humble.

This can be a major asset to a players personality pie because being humble shows that you undersand that you can always be a better person/player with more hard work. I do not see that from Vick and it oozes from VY.
He better hope to God that he never has a serious leg/knee injury that hinders his runnign ability, because he wont ever be able to beat teams solely with his arm.
You know this how? Because he's a Horn and you love the Aggies?

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