No team has done that, because no team would trade away an MVP QB for any amount of draft picks.
At first glance 5 firsts sounds like an impossible amount. But consider Washington. Consider the Jets. The Bears.
Decades. Like, an entire GENERATION...has passed since those teams were relevant. There are people alive today, in their early 40s, that would have no memory of those teams being good or having a good QB (I don't mean fake-good, where they sneak into a wildcard game once every 7 or 8 years....I mean LEGIT good).
How many dozens of 1st rounders have those teams burned thru, only to find themselves where they are right now, no closer to being great than they were 20 or 30 years ago.
In that context, 5 years worth of 1st rounders, for an MVP level QB that will have you in hunt for conference championships every year for a dozen more years, is nothing. But it will never happen, because a team like Buffalo wouldn't let Allen go for TEN first rounders, knowing it could be 30 more years b4 they draft a QB as good as him what do draft picks matter then?