Wade on Android!

pgreptom;3483159 said:
I don't personally like any other browser because of lack of pinch to zoom. Default method of zooming sucks. Other than that I haven't had any other problems with alternative browsers...

xScope has pinch zoom. Actually, it has three different types of zoom. Pinch zoom, double tap zoom, and tap and drag zoom.
That's awesome.. developers hard at work I see. I haven't used an alternative browser since Opera and that was when you had to install Opera Bridge to make ti the default. That wasn't that long ago.. 6 months? Somewhere in that range.
nyc;3483041 said:
Flash came in Froyo. (Android 2.2) It is not a stripped down Flash, it's Flash 10.1 that has been reworked for mobile devices. Now, that said, the official release of Froyo may not be available for the EVO 4G yet. (the only one I know for sure is the Nexus One) Of course, many people just manually download the Froyo release and install it on the phone themselves before the devices' official release.

Froyo is official on Evo. It started being pushed out on Monday. I updated Monday night.
BlueStar22;3483207 said:
Froyo is official on Evo. It started being pushed out on Monday. I updated Monday night.

:thumbup: Good stuff. Having Flash support rocks. I especially love the fact that Flash doesn't load unless you click where the flash app is preventing any battery or cpu usage unless you absolutely want it.

Question, I have the Nexus One and 2.2 enabled both tethering and HotSpot access without additional cost. Does yours have both also with 2.2 or did Sprint limit/charge for HotSpot and/or Tethering?
pgreptom;3482883 said:
The only problem with that phone is all the garbage AT&T puts on there. If you use the Navi program, you get charged $10/month. Google Navigation is free... there's no Visual Voicemail(Once again, Google Voice is free to use and setup for visual voicemail and transcribing of your voicemails). They load up your phone with all their AT&T garbage... i.e, AT&T FamilyMap, AT&T Hot Spots, AT&T Maps, AT&T Music, AT&T Navigator, and AT&T Radio are your first six apps.... and you can't remove them without rooting. VERY impressive specs, though.

If you get that phone, and you don't have insurance.. I would root it immediately. If you get that phone and you do have insurance.. I would just look for the Pro version of a launcher on the Market that will allow you hide apps in your app drawer so you don't have to go through all the AT&T crap all the time.
You're talking to an XDAer. ;)... my cherished captivate is rooted with 8 of the 10 or so bloatware apps uninstalled. Rooting was fairly easy and sideloading is also now an option. I'm straight. ATT can't hold a brotha down. :D
actual29;3483137 said:
im curious... whats the diff between the default browser and the xscope one?

I, personally, love the default browser. I've installed Opera Mini (2nd fave), Skyfire, and Dolphin HD. All are great browsers but the best functionality to me has come from the default.

Froyo 2.2 should become available OTA slowly in the coming weeks for the different models. My phone is slated for early September. I'll wait patiently for it.. although my tweakish side wants to go find and install it like yesterday. :D

Glad everyone likes the SRD app... It should come in handy when football season gets into full swing. I can already hear the pre and post game press conferences that I am rarely privy to living in Florida. Can't wait! :star:

Thanks to everyone else that added their input as well. Droid does! or is it Wade does? :D
What a great thread!

Thanks for this app, I downloaded to my Nexus One and will give it a whirl.

I've had froyo 2.2 for a month now and I can tell you it's awesome. I was waiting for Flash 10.1 so I could listen to Hostile and company on DCFanatic Radio when I'm mobile, rather than needing a PC. Now I can just browse to DC's site with my Nexus, stream it to my blue-tooth, and listen live after games. It's made it so I won't miss much despite whatever social function my girlfriend has forced upon me.
pgreptom;3482881 said:
If you're going Android, there's only two phones I'd consider. The X or the Evo.

I got the Droid Incredible back in May and LOVE it. Little bit (3.7 vs 4.3") smaller screen but better processor than the Evo. Man does this thing fly. The new Moto X looks awesome but is it pocketable?? I mean it looks massive! I'm currently stock but I might root if Verizon doesn't hurry up with Froyo. HTC just makes good stuff.
Yeah I got this app about a couple weeks ago and its beautiful.
No longer must I log on the internet to here other sport stations. I got the pro since it kept bothering me to get it. But it is a great app.
Hello fellow Cowboy tech nerd fans....

I have the T-mobile HD2. It windows mobile based. Any recommendations for a similar program for windows.

I may download Android and dual boot if I can't find a good one. I need a windows based phone for my business.
Bleu Star;3483545 said:
You're talking to an XDAer. ;)... my cherished captivate is rooted with 8 of the 10 or so bloatware apps uninstalled. Rooting was fairly easy and sideloading is also now an option. I'm straight. ATT can't hold a brotha down. :D

Awesome site. I have started working on my own ROM for my HD2. For those that do not know, XDA Developers is the best site on the net for modifying smart phones.
Ozzu;3482726 said:
Another good app for the sportsfan on Android is RadioTime. It not only has sports stations, but it has other radio stations too. The big bonus is that it streams The Ticket out of Dallas as well. That's pretty rare it seems like.

ditto. i use this one with my Pre.
JonJon;3482817 said:
Cool. I'm getting TMobiles version, the Samsung Vibrant, next week. Will definitely download this app.

Get your Vibrant yet? If so how do you like it?

$59.99 a month for 500 minutes and unlimited text/internet seems like too good of a deal to pass up with T-Mobile.
pgreptom;3483162 said:
ADW Launcher - great if you want to change the look of your android and have ultimate control of your home screens and launcher

LauncherPRO is better :D
nyc;3483048 said:
While we are recommending apps, check out xScope web browser. IMO it's the best browser on Android hands down. There are two versions. A free one and a pay one. I use the free one and it's easily all I need it to be. At some point I will probably upgrade just to support xScope's development.

Wow, your right. It is a ton faster imo, and it has some extra features that I wanted on the stock browser. Thanks!

Another great app if you visit more message boards is Tapatalk. You can get around message boards a lot quicker. Cowboyszone hasn't enabled Tapatalk yet but I did PM Hostile about it and said they are considering it.
Ah forgot one more app. Shapewriter keyboard is just awesome. It is just like swype which is on the droid x. Can add words to the dictionary and is super fast to text and write.

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