Wanna check out the stadium? live right now... Pics/Vid added

xWraithx;2847415 said:

figured... ah well
I care more that you fart than I care about soccer and I don't give a flying fig that you fart.
DALLASD94DW;2847385 said:
Well, the crowd that was in there today would of blown out any of the crowds we had during Dallas's games. I just hope they can match the intensity. There were only 70,000 tickets that were going to be sold and it ended up being more than 82,000. As much as everyone may hate football (soccer) its the world's sport. Germany, Africa, England, Ireland, Japan, South America, Mexico, Italy, all over the world gentlemen.

I love NFL football it brings a whole different excitement, but ask anyone out of the states, and no one cares about baseball, basketball, football (NFL).

well here in America, we get it right.

we have better everything, including sports. Real football is our football. :starspin
Hostile;2847418 said:
I car emore that you fart than I care about soccer and I don't give a flying fig that you fart.


ka0tic;2847401 said:
its not like soccer is ruining our playing turf. they said the stadium has 5 different playing turfs for any occasion. (college football, soccer, cowboys turf, another PRO football turf, and for other events)

stadium looks amazin. heres a pic. of tha screen...


attendance was about 82,000. largest crowd ever in texas for a soccer game. it pains me but, i doubt the stadium will get as loud as today for the rest of the year.


Actually there's three different turfs ordered not five, soccer, college and Pro football field.
to each their own, however the product the US puts out on the soccer field is not even on par with what the NFL was doing in Europe. In my opinion that is the main reason why Americans don't like soccer.
glorydaysrback;2847432 said:
to each their own, however the product the US puts out on the soccer field is not even on par with what the NFL was doing in Europe. In my opinion that is the main reason why Americans don't like soccer.

the US national team just won 2nd place in the Confederations Cup (beating #1 ranked Spain along the way)

what are you talking about?
Ignorance.. Im at least open to the idea that football (NFL) is a great a sport. Unfortunately for me i have to defend both footballs. Football soccer because America is still young in soccer, but is close to reaching high levels of play. And football (NFL) because everyone else in the world says its just bums hitting each other mindlessly with no point, which i also contest because i know there's a large complexity and beauty to the game.
RW Hitman;2847412 said:
that is why suite holders have designated seats for them above their suites... they can choose to keep partying below or they can go up to the field seats above

yes, I understand that but nobody is only going to have only two people in their suites, so if you buy a field suite and it comes with two seats in the stands, what are the rest of the people you have in the suite going to do. If the suites were elevated by three feet above the field, the site lines of the field wouldn'd be obstructed. I thought from day one when the plans were released of the new stadium that the field suites weren't thought out well as far as I'm concerned.
xWraithx;2847434 said:
the US national team just won 2nd place in the Confederations Cup (beating #1 ranked Spain along the way)

what are you talking about?

first and foremost I was referring to the MLS, the National team does not play for a league. Second of all, I don't care what the US did in that minuscule tournament, let's see what the US does in the world cup. And if you want to talk about the US' performance in small tournaments take a look at what they are doing in the gold cup - ha, it is laughable
DALLASD94DW;2847435 said:
Ignorance.. Im at least open to the idea that football (NFL) is a great a sport. Unfortunately for me i have to defend both footballs. Football soccer because America is still young in soccer, but is close to reaching high levels of play. And football (NFL) because everyone else in the world says its just bums hitting each other mindlessly with no point, which i also contest because i know there's a large complexity and beauty to the game.

really, i love both footballs also. i just sometimes can comprehend why here in America Soccer is so boring for so many people? its the only place in the whole entire world that think that way about soccer (HAHAHA, literally)

that also reflects on the crowd too. MLS soccer crowds are horrible. they have that baseball like atmosphere...Soccer has to have a different type of crowd. (not violent) but very Passionate.
DALLASD94DW;2847435 said:
Ignorance.. Im at least open to the idea that football (NFL) is a great a sport. Unfortunately for me i have to defend both footballs. Football soccer because America is still young in soccer, but is close to reaching high levels of play. And football (NFL) because everyone else in the world says its just bums hitting each other mindlessly with no point, which i also contest because i know there's a large complexity and beauty to the game.

Soccer will NEVER be big in the states, Never..... It's a very boring game to watch, too many dives and fake injuries trying to draw a yellow or red card or a direct or indirect penalty kick and not enough scoring chances or goals. people have been saying for twenty years that soccer will catch on in the U.S, but it never does and never will....
glorydaysrback;2847439 said:
first and foremost I was referring to the MLS, the National team does not play for a league. Second of all, I don't care what the US did in that minuscule tournament, let's see what the US does in the world cup. And if you want to talk about the US' performance in small tournaments take a look at what they are doing in the gold cup - ha, it is laughable

again, what are you talking about?

the US is in the semi-final with a freakin C team (they're resting all their A teamers b/c of their participation in the Confed Cup... a tournament so "miniscule" that Spain, Italy, Brazil etc sent their A team

wow. clueless.
The Quest for Six;2847442 said:
Soccer will NEVER be big in the states, Never..... It's a very boring game to watch, too many dives and fake injuries trying to draw a yellow or red card or a direct or indirect penalty kick and not enough scoring chances or goals. people have been saying for twenty years that soccer will catch on in the U.S, but it never does and never will....
I pray you are right.
I was watching a bit of this at a bar with my brother. Every few minutes, the Mexican kitchen workers/wait staff would sneak into the bar to check out the score. When it was 2-0, I remarked "Game over." That's an almost insurmountable lead in soccer land.
bbgun;2847455 said:
I was watching a bit of this at a bar with my brother. Every few minutes, the Mexican kitchen workers/wait staff would sneak into the bar to check out the score. When it was 2-0, I remarked "Game over." That's an almost insurmountable lead in soccer land.
You should shower for that confession.

Funny stuff though.
DallasCowboysRule!;2847377 said:
I'm posting from the parking lot of the stadium on my iPhone. I went to the soccer games in the stadium with my family. ( Sister and cousins are big soccer fans). While I'm not too interested in soccer I agreed to go to see the stadium.

The stadium is awesome. The video screen is huge an has perfect clarity. I preferred to watch the screen over the real action. The best thing is that the stadium is loud. Very loud. When Mexico would score I was unable to talk to the person right next to me. Jerry did a fine job on this stadium and seeing pics of it doesn't do it justice until you've seen it for real.

I'm planning on taking the tour tomorrow so expect pics sometime Tuesday when I get back home to Tulsa.

By the way, only downside is that the parking situation here sucks. I've been sitting in this parking lot for a good 20 minutes or so and have barely moved. Traffic is at a complete stand still. Hopefully this is something they get figured out.

Thats a lot to type on the iphone man. Thanks for the pics ahead of time.

I almost didn't start this thread. 3 pager.... Glad I did.
bbgun;2847455 said:
I was watching a bit of this at a bar with my brother. Every few minutes, the Mexican kitchen workers/wait staff would sneak into the bar to check out the score. When it was 2-0, I remarked "Game over." That's an almost insurmountable lead in soccer land.

not really, ask the U.S national team in the final with Brazil. they were up 2-0, and brazil came back to score 3 goals. but i agree, today it was ''over'' b/c it was haiti. with all respect, they had no chance today either way......
Rampage;2847399 said:
but I live in the states and here soccer ain't nothing special.

Its getting to be though.

It got me interested and about 4 months ago i'd say the same things you Soccer haters are saying.

By no means did the teams that played tonight spark any interest to me.

But when USA plays or the England league or a few of the Italy teams play than you usually get some very cool games.

Theres a reason why its so popular.

But it doesn't touch American Football. Regardless of what anyone says.

World Cup next year will be bad ***.
ka0tic;2847441 said:
really, i love both footballs also. i just sometimes can comprehend why here in America Soccer is so boring for so many people? its the only place in the whole entire world that think that way about soccer (HAHAHA, literally)

that also reflects on the crowd too. MLS soccer crowds are horrible. they have that baseball like atmosphere...Soccer has to have a different type of crowd. (not violent) but very Passionate.

Yeah, i guess it has to do with your childhood. I grew up watching football (soccer) and people just dont comprehend the magnitude of passion that comes with a goal. It's not as common as field goals and touchdowns. It's not as easy. The spin on the ball, the strength of the kick, the beauty of the passing, and a nation backing their team. It's sad the US doesnt have that kind of support...
DALLASD94DW;2847435 said:
Ignorance.. Im at least open to the idea that football (NFL) is a great a sport. Unfortunately for me i have to defend both footballs. Football soccer because America is still young in soccer, but is close to reaching high levels of play. And football (NFL) because everyone else in the world says its just bums hitting each other mindlessly with no point, which i also contest because i know there's a large complexity and beauty to the game.

Yeah a lot of ignorance going on from both sides.

But our football is way better.

But their football lacks in commercials which is awesome.

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