Want a great laugh? Or read?

Extremeskins used to be a good place to ruffle feathers with skins fans and read a lot of posts. Now its a completely useless crap site. What happened? They sold the site to the Commanders.com? Many years ago (5-10-15ish years ago) I used to go there a lot, but i havent been there in several years.

True. They had the absolute biggest homers on the internet and you could get them going with even the most harmless truthful criticism of the team. That place was a blast and then Snyder bought it because it was the most successful skins message board and half the posts were just roasting him. It has never been the same. I think they purged a ton of the negative posters or they simply left over the years.
Extremeskins used to be a good place to ruffle feathers with skins fans and read a lot of posts. Now its a completely useless crap site. What happened? They sold the site to the Commanders.com? Many years ago (5-10-15ish years ago) I used to go there a lot, but i havent been there in several years.
the best part about that forum is when scott david trolled them for almost a full year.

that was pure epic. wacky ralph i believe he went by.
People shouldn't troll other teams boards. They should do like myself and troll my own team's board. :) :D
I love how the thread just died and laid dormant between the 1st Skins loss to the Cowboys in Oct and then goes active again on Jan. 5th.
Dogunwo, represents.

No doubt! Way to bring the reason, Dog!

This I absolutely can't get my head around. I can understand being reasonable and objective on opponents' boards, but...

Some Commander fan:
I don't get it either. Had a Cowboys fan at work lauding Prescott today. While I agreed with him that Dak looked great, I told him I needed to see more. He seemed offended that I didn't think he was the next Cam Newton. Sigh.

Demarco Murray 29, who claims to be a Dallas fan:
Seems to be the norm in Dallas. Some are already saying we need to cut or trade Romo sits to pee.

They wonder why they mock us lol

The dood has 9k posts over there. Does he post here? Which one of you shot his dog? I mean, well, I got nothin'. Anybody?

Weakest excuse for a fan of any team that I have seen anywhere. Ever.
No doubt! Way to bring the reason, Dog!

This I absolutely can't get my head around. I can understand being reasonable and objective on opponents' boards, but...

Some Commander fan:

Demarco Murray 29, who claims to be a Dallas fan:

The dood has 9k posts over there. Does he post here? Which one of you shot his dog? I mean, well, I got nothin'. Anybody?

Weakest excuse for a fan of any team that I have seen anywhere. Ever.
I think that site auto corrects "Romo" to "Romo sits to pee". Still, he spends time making up stories like he ran into a bandwagon Cowboys fan who thought the QB's name was Dat Preston.
Every once in awhile, I feel compelled to just say something. I think people would agree with me that that guy is pretty lame over there.

He's a Redsk*ns sympathizer in a blue and silver hat. There is nothing lower in the sports fan hierarchy than that. It ranks just below Cowboys fans with Stockholm syndrome living in Eagles territory.
I wish I was.

How can anyone take a board seriously when it doesn't just encourage posters to act like children, it builds childish behavior into the fricking software? How can they enforce any sort of decorum when they have made dumb, inflammatory rhetoric mandatory? It's their board, but I don't know what they expect from visiting fans when they smear brainless crap like that in everybody's face right up front. That's a really low bar they set. Honestly, it's laughable, but I guess it just demonstrates the mentality of ES posters. I knew many posts there sounded juvenile, but, wow. The board itself makes anyone who types Tony's last name sound like a 13-year old, and a stupid 13-year old at that. "Huhuhuh! See what we did? Huhuhuh! Get it? Huhuhuh!" SO FUNNY!

Didn't Snyder buy that forum?

I wonder what their female posters think of that VERY clever feature.

Any ES posters reading this? Wanna help me out here? Feel free copy and cross-post.


On a lighter note, my favorite post...

Who cares about your team....l

Uh, a whole bunch of Commander fans posting in a now 7-page thread over the entire past year, and going strong into 2017?

Please. I live in Virginia. I have never seen a fanbase, team, beat media and owner so obsessed with another team as the Burgundy and Gold is with the Dallas Cowboys. If you live in or around DC, you know exactly what I mean.
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How can anyone take a board seriously when it doesn't just encourage posters to act like children, it builds childish behavior into the fricking software? How can they enforce any sort of decorum when they have made dumb, inflammatory rhetoric mandatory? It's their board, but I don't know what they expect from visiting fans when they smear brainless crap like that in everybody's face right up front. That's a really low bar they set. Honestly, it's laughable, but I guess it just demonstrates the mentality of ES posters. I knew many posts there sounded juvenile, but, wow. The board itself makes anyone who types Tony's last name sound like a 13-year old, and a stupid 13-year old at that. "Huhuhuh! See what we did? Huhuhuh! Get it? Huhuhuh!" Seriously?

Didn't Snyder buy that forum?

I wonder what their female posters think of that VERY clever feature.

Any ES posters reading this? Wanna help me out here? Feel free copy and cross-post.


On a lighter note, my favorite post...


Uh, a whole bunch of Commander fans posting in a now 7-page thread over the entire past year, and going strong into 2017?

Please. I live in Virginia. I have never seen a fanbase, team, beat media and owner so obsessed with another team as the Burgundy and Gold is with the Dallas Cowboys. If you live in or around DC, you know exactly what I mean.
It's true for the entire East. All their boards are littered with year round Dallas coverage. It happens here on occasion but nothing near the level of obsession elsewhere.

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