How can anyone take a board seriously when it doesn't just encourage posters to act like children, it builds childish behavior into the fricking software? How can they enforce any sort of decorum when they have made dumb, inflammatory rhetoric mandatory? It's their board, but I don't know what they expect from visiting fans when they smear brainless crap like that in everybody's face right up front. That's a really low bar they set. Honestly, it's laughable, but I guess it just demonstrates the mentality of ES posters. I knew many posts there sounded juvenile, but, wow. The board itself makes anyone who types Tony's last name sound like a 13-year old, and a stupid 13-year old at that. "Huhuhuh! See what we did? Huhuhuh! Get it? Huhuhuh!" SO FUNNY!
Didn't Snyder buy that forum?
I wonder what their female posters think of that VERY clever feature.
Any ES posters reading this? Wanna help me out here? Feel free copy and cross-post.
On a lighter note, my favorite post...
Uh, a whole bunch of Commander fans posting in a now 7-page thread over the entire past year, and going strong into 2017?
Please. I live in Virginia. I have never seen a fanbase, team, beat media and owner so obsessed with another team as the Burgundy and Gold is with the Dallas Cowboys. If you live in or around DC, you know exactly what I mean.