Warner Bros. Looks to Beall for Justice League Script

StevenOtero;4584978 said:
Marvel Studios' mashing of B-List characters and turning it into something great has finally forced WB's hand.

I'm just sick of the fan boy in-fighting. Can't we all just be comic book/super hero movie fans and love the genre? No, we have to stick to either Marvel or DC. *sigh*

I for one prefer DC...but I can't be so narrow minded as to not enjoy what Marvel produces.

I do not think anyone is bashing. I like them both. I just think other than SM and BM, DC has really dropped the ball. I thought Burton's Batman and Batman Returns were awesome, and they are my favorite still!
DallasEast;4584984 said:
You read my mind! :laugh2: But I disagree on Routh. :)

Not in the sense of being a twin, just how his size and acting kinda took me back to the original. When I think of SM, I think of Reeves, and for me I think Routh kinda hit the nail on the head.
CashMan;4585012 said:
I do not think anyone is bashing. I like them both. I just think other than SM and BM, DC has really dropped the ball. I thought Burton's Batman and Batman Returns were awesome, and they are my favorite still!
Oh, I don't mean anyone on here necessarily, I mean in general.
StevenOtero;4585016 said:
Oh, I don't mean anyone on here necessarily, I mean in general.


Well, for me they are all super heroes, so there is no I love this one, that one sucks. I do enjoy Spawn as well, and I hope they do something with that franchise.
DallasEast;4584821 said:
Mostly agree. I believe the quality of Green Lantern was brought down by its three main actors: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and whoever that guy was playing the human villain. Otherwise, I think the rest of the movie was pretty good.
I kinda see Jessica Biel. She's athletic, has the right build for the character and has enough acting chops to get it done. Don't see the same in the young actress from The Lightning Thief.

If this had came about fifteen years ago, I would have said that DC should hand the Wonder Woman role over to Lucy Lawless on a silver platter. :) The same goes for Angelica Jolie from that same timeframe. There was an actress who played Aphrodite in The Lightning Thief who would have an outside shot at the role in my opinion: Serinda Swan.

I maintain that ryan reynolds should have been the flash.

I listed the girl from the girl from the lightning thief mainly because she fits the build better than anyone else I can think of, tall, thin in the middle, big up top and dark hair, and gorgeous


what do you think of the chick that played catniss? she also played mystique in xmen first class
rkell87;4585121 said:
I maintain that ryan reynolds should have been the flash.
Reynolds as Barry Allen? Maybe as Wally West, but I do not see him as Allen. To be completely honest, I think that Reynolds could redo his role as Deadpool from X-Men Origins:Wolverine as a solo film. His mannerisms and acting ability fit the character to a T. His depiction of the character was perfect in the movie until they surgically altered him before his fight with Gambit, Wolverine and Sabertooth.
rkell87;4585121 said:
I hope that is a picture of the actress. My work computer is filtering the pic down to a red X. :eek:: She played Athena's daughter, right? I do remember her, but just don't picture her playing the Amazon Princess.
rkell87;4585121 said:
what do you think of the chick that played catniss? she also played mystique in xmen first class
Jennifer Lawrence? She would physically be perfect for the role. I haven't watched Hunger Games yet. How did she look as a brunette? She hasn't really shown an edgy side to the few movie characters that I have seen her play. If she does, I can see her as a viable candidate for the role.
DallasEast;4584786 said:
I'm way past getting worked up over DC's impotence. They have characters as equally great as Marvel's. With the notable exception of Nolan's Batman franchise (along with the first two Superman movies three decades ago and Tim Burton's Batman two decades ago), they have been pathetic in translating characters to the big screen.

Marvel has drawn a successful blueprint for DC to follow to get a Justice League movie done right. If they take shortcuts to that end, I doubt they will enjoy similar success.

You are absolutely on the money here.

Marvel has shown them how to do it successfully. Follow that blueprint.

You don't follow it? You'll fail. As you have been repeatedly for years.

DC has one film property worth anything right now and that's Nolan's Dark Knight, which is about to end.

I would do what it take sto try top get Christian Bale to come back as Batman just to have some semblance of continuity with something that was successful.

If Man of Steel isn't a flop, you'll have two major characters, and familiarity with Green Lantern (if nothing else) would allow a 3rd big name character without having to restart an entirely new franchise.

I think Wonder Woman would be the only franchise starter they would have to do, and the one that has shown itself to be most challenging to this point.

But I feel it must be done and it must be done right.

Along the way, you can add the less well-known team members as was done in Thor/Iron Man 2 and then the Avengers.
StevenOtero;4584978 said:
I'm just sick of the fan boy in-fighting. Can't we all just be comic book/super hero movie fans and love the genre?

I am with you man ......

The success of any comic book movie is a positive sign for both DC and Marvel films.

I am hoping Nolan and Bale decide to do the Dark Knight Returns story line in 6 or 8 years.
zrinkill;4585256 said:
I am with you man ......

The success of any comic book movie is a positive sign for both DC and Marvel films.

I am hoping Nolan and Bale decide to do the Dark Knight Returns story line in 6 or 8 years.
Amen brotha! That would be pretty awesome.
stasheroo;4585173 said:
I think Wonder Woman would be the only franchise starter they would have to do, and the one that has shown itself to be most challenging to this point.
I agree with you, but do not understand why Wonder Woman poses such a challenge for Hollywood to bring to the big screen. There was a relatively low-budget (I'm completely assuming here) straight-to-video animated movie which came out during the past two or so years ago of the character. It was moderately entertaining and that was ANIMATED! Surely... some creative minds can do a live action CGI Wonder Woman movie.

The biggest burden of any film project involving the character falls squarely on the shoulders of the actress picked to play her. She could potentially be bigger fame-wise as Wonder Woman than Christian Bale as Batman or Christopher Reeve as Superman. That should be the only humbling factor, but it seemingly isn't.

My goodness! Hollywood can portray Angelica Jolie as Lara Croft, but cannot do Wonder Woman! Lucy Lawless was internationally famous as Xena and that was through s-y-n-d-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. The whole "WW cannot be done by Hollywood" mystery blows my mind.
The DC animated movies are awesome. I don't get how they can get those right but their live action movies....they just do so much dumb stuff. They'd just screw up Wonderwoman anyway...cast some stupid actress like Megan Fox.

I'm looking forward to the new Superman. He'll actually have people to fight in this one....ZOD!
kmp77;4585313 said:
The DC animated movies are awesome. I don't get how they can get those right but their live action movies....they just do so much dumb stuff. They'd just screw up Wonderwoman anyway...cast some stupid actress like Megan Fox.

I'm looking forward to the new Superman. He'll actually have people to fight in this one....ZOD!

I think there's a key bit of information that many 'suits' in the entertainment industry fail to understand:

If you don't respect the property your producing, nobody else will either.

There's a reason these characters and stories have been around as long as they have - they WORK! People LIKE them!

Don't change what has been working.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
DallasEast;4585145 said:
Reynolds as Barry Allen? Maybe as Wally West, but I do not see him as Allen. To be completely honest, I think that Reynolds could redo his role as Deadpool from X-Men Origins:Wolverine as a solo film. His mannerisms and acting ability fit the character to a T. His depiction of the character was perfect in the movie until they surgically altered him before his fight with Gambit, Wolverine and Sabertooth.
I hope that is a picture of the actress. My work computer is filtering the pic down to a red X. :eek:: She played Athena's daughter, right? I do remember her, but just don't picture her playing the Amazon Princess.
Jennifer Lawrence? She would physically be perfect for the role. I haven't watched Hunger Games yet. How did she look as a brunette? She hasn't really shown an edgy side to the few movie characters that I have seen her play. If she does, I can see her as a viable candidate for the role.

I'm sorry man all of my comic book knowledge comes from the animated series incarnations up through the 90's and what I remember of the flash was that he is cocky and very sarcastic, a character that reynolds fits to the T. I did like him as deadpool and I do believe they will make a feature movie for that character.

yes it is a picture of her, idk if she could play the part from an acting or action standpoint but she would look great in the uniform.

yes Jennifer Lawrence was a bad *** in hunger games and I think she looks better as a brunette, but she may not want to risk being type cast as a comic book movie character. honestly any of these three would be a better casting than anna paquin was as rogue.

rkell87;4585387 said:
I'm sorry man all of my comic book knowledge comes from the animated series incarnations up through the 90's and what I remember of the flash was that he is cocky and very sarcastic, a character that reynolds fits to the T. I did like him as deadpool and I do believe they will make a feature movie for that character.

yes it is a picture of her, idk if she could play the part from an acting or action standpoint but she would look great in the uniform.

yes Jennifer Lawrence was a bad *** in hunger games and I think she looks better as a brunette, but she may not want to risk being type cast as a comic book movie character. honestly any of these three would be a better casting than anna paquin was as rogue.


This was wonder woman before the movie fell apart...which was perfectly cast. She has to look like an amazon...not a 'hot' model or woman...

kmp77;4585544 said:
This was wonder woman before the movie fell apart...which was perfectly cast. She has to look like an amazon...not a 'hot' model or woman...


meh, they can do better
rkell87;4585548 said:
meh, they can do better

Then who? Don't just say a young pretty girl...just giving someone dark hair doesn't do it. She's gotta be over 6' and look amazonian.
kmp77;4585554 said:
Then who? Don't just say a young pretty girl...just giving someone dark hair doesn't do it. She's gotta be over 6' and look amazonian.


the comic was a white woman with blue/black hair, they can make her look like what ever and there are plenty of tricks to make whoever they choose look taller on screen.

all of the actresses i named are about 5'8", chris evans is 6' chris hemsworth is 6'4" but in the avengers they were the same height, it is more about who can pull off the roll the best.
Please don't throw Megan Fox into the Wonder Woman role. That was never going to happen. She's hot, but can't act worth a lick. well...maybe a lick :D
rkell87;4585587 said:

the comic was a white woman with blue/black hair, they can make her look like what ever and there are plenty of tricks to make whoever they choose look taller on screen.

all of the actresses i named are about 5'8", chris evans is 6' chris hemsworth is 6'4" but in the avengers they were the same height, it is more about who can pull off the roll the best.

Might want to pick up a comic if that's your reference. Also, Hulk also no longer looks like this...


They need to find someone who can match the animated movie version. Just giving dark hair to someone doesn't make them right for the part....aka Megan Fox or Jennifer Lawrence.
rkell87;4585387 said:
yes Jennifer Lawrence was a bad *** in hunger games and I think she looks better as a brunette, but she may not want to risk being type cast as a comic book movie character. honestly any of these three would be a better casting than anna paquin was as rogue.

Bold-->Ain't that the honest truth? Love her as Sookie in True Blood, but Bryan Singer really did the character (and Paquin for that matter) an injustice.

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