Warren Sapp stiffs waitress on a tip, then explains himself on Twitter

Those acting like filing for bankruptcy is necessarily a character flaw, maybe they should ask Mark Brunell what he thinks about it?
Who do you think pays for the debts of someone who files? Let me guess, you filed?

Companies file all the time, meaning groups of people are making decisions. But apparently, if your a big corporation, you then become to big to fail. Bankruptcy can be the result of a bunch of different factors.
Warren Sapp. And since it's his money, he should have the right to determine whether or not his service was bad.

Were you there?

No offense to your great defense here of Warren simply saying it was bad service but....

Were you there?


Then him assuming the waitress did her job well, and being understandably annoyed, is just as good as your assumption that because Warren said the service was bad that it was bad.

I don't know either way cause I wasn't there but I'll say just from personal experience and how I handle this myself is that the service would have to be extremely bad for me to walk out and tip nothing.
I don't know about all the boy stuff but I've heard waitresses call a group of guys boys a bunch of times. It's not uncommon for them to come over and say "Are you boys doing alright? Can I get you boys anything?"

It's never, to my knowledge, been meant as a way to demean anyone. I don't know how this lady said it, or any of that, so it's all just opinion based off of bits of information but if he actually got his little feelings hurt because she called them boys then he probably should try and man up a bit cause that's pretty pathetic, IMO.

I'm not saying the service wasn't bad, btw for those who will only cherry pick here, because I don't know if it was or not. My opinion of that is based entirely off of if that's what happened as that's all I'll ever really know about the situation is a bunch of ifs.
Companies file all the time, meaning groups of people are making decisions. But apparently, if your a big corporation, you then become to big to fail. Bankruptcy can be the result of a bunch of different factors.

I do not agree with big business doing it, but that is a whole different matter.

I do not agree with any type, except medical. And of course that would spark debate in the political aspect of society about health care being offered to everyone, not just those with full time job and those who have full time jobs with over 50 employees at the company.

Yes there are going to be the cases, my friends best friend went through a bad divorce. Well, then do not marry a dead beat.

We are talking in Sapp's case, who literally made generational wealth, that pissed it down the drain, didn't learn from it, and made a $100,000 bet. I do not know too many people who have $100,000 sitting in their bank account, and after filing bankruptcy.
I don't know about all the boy stuff but I've heard waitresses call a group of guys boys a bunch of times. It's not uncommon for them to come over and say "Are you boys doing alright? Can I get you boys anything?"

It's never, to my knowledge, been meant as a way to demean anyone. I don't know how this lady said it, or any of that, so it's all just opinion based off of bits of information but if he actually got his little feelings hurt because she called them boys then he probably should try and man up a bit cause that's pretty pathetic, IMO.

I'm not saying the service wasn't bad, btw for those who will only cherry pick here, because I don't know if it was or not. My opinion of that is based entirely off of if that's what happened as that's all I'll ever really know about the situation is a bunch of ifs.

100% agree, but he is probably trying to use the race card, calling a black man, a boy.
Yes there are going to be the cases, my friends best friend went through a bad divorce. Well, then do not marry a dead beat.

The problem with your theory is that nobody has knowledge of the future.
Who says the service was bad?

I have had friends that are like this and they usually come up with any excuse to say the service was poor and not tip. I just let them know that if you are with me, you're going to tip (unless the service is truly bad). And if not, I can't eat with you again.


Sapp did in the article linked.
Unless you were there...

Who knows what really took place.
I don't know what really took place, but I do know the following for a FACT:

Warren Sapp is one of the biggest *******s on the planet. Oh, he's all fun and smiles when the camera is on, but turn that camera off and he treats people like you cannot believe. AFAIC, he gets zero benefit of the doubt.
The problem with any theory is there is no 100% knowledge. But gravity is a theory.

Let's not compare a theory that can consistently be verified and repeated over again to life decisions, such as marriage. That's just absurd.
Let's not compare a theory that can consistently be verified and repeated over again to life decisions, such as marriage. That's just absurd.

Couldn't agree more. Trying that comparison actually hurt the stance he was taking.
What does filing for bankruptcy say about your character?

It says:
1) Your word is not your bond
2) Your OK with others paying for your mistakes

I used to call all my friends "boy" when I lived in NJ.
Then I moved to Texas and called my new boss (a 350 black man) boy.
Geography & life experience can cause paradigm shifts.
Quick lesson:

Waitress: "can I get you boys anything else?" - nothing wrong with this. Waitresses say "boys," "hun," etc. all the time. The "sweet little waitress" is a persona used for service.

Friend: "You're my boy!" - nothing wrong with this. Calling someone "my boy" is like "my homie/dog/partna/roaddog/roadie/homeskillet/etc" General term of endearment for male friends.

Flava Flav: "Yeaaaaaah, boyeeeeeeee!" - do I have to explain, lol?

Man to Black Man: "What are you doing in this town, boy?" - slave owners used to refer to slaves as "boys" as a way to make sure that men were lesser than men. This is not okay, for obvious reasons.

Clearly, this is not what happened here, lol. Warren Sapp is just a cheap ******* and got caught, and is back pedaling better than Deion Sanders in his prime.

If you can't afford 20% on a $69 bill for wings and beer split between you and a buddy or two, then you shouldn't go out.

tl;dr, Sapp is a cheap POS, and a POS in general.
It says:
1) Your word is not your bond
2) Your OK with others paying for your mistakes

I don't think bankruptcy says anything about your character. I think it just says you have no knowledge whatsoever about financial management. They don't necessarily go hand in hand.
I think it just says you have no knowledge whatsoever about financial management.

Gotta disagree with ya
Poor financial management is the main reason people have debt.

There are many was of dealing with debt.
slashing expenses
sacrificing and doing without
gaining additional income and working like a dog at additional jobs

I would view all those options as "display of character"

When a person decides that their signed legal contacts are now null & void,
that their word, promise and signature are not to be honored
& that someone else will have to be held responsible for their mistakes.

those are NOT acts of character
Gotta disagree with ya
Poor financial management is the main reason people have debt.

There are many was of dealing with debt.
slashing expenses
sacrificing and doing without
gaining additional income and working like a dog at additional jobs

I would view all those options as "display of character"

When a person decides that their signed legal contacts are now null & void,
that their word, promise and signature are not to be honored
& that someone else will have to be held responsible for their mistakes.

those are NOT acts of character

That's okay. I still think it's ****** ****** doo doo lol. Just for different reasons.
Couldn't agree more. Trying that comparison actually hurt the stance he was taking.


The Theory of Gravity is not the rule of gravity is still is a theory. IF you do not know the person you are marrying, is not an idiot, who is going to rack up debt, then you deserve that debt. Not have someone bail you out.
Gotta disagree with ya
Poor financial management is the main reason people have debt.

There are many was of dealing with debt.
slashing expenses
sacrificing and doing without
gaining additional income and working like a dog at additional jobs

I would view all those options as "display of character"

When a person decides that their signed legal contacts are now null & void,
that their word, promise and signature are not to be honored
& that someone else will have to be held responsible for their mistakes.

those are NOT acts of character


Poor financial management is simply a vague word that encompass downright foolishness, or economic decision of which the tides turned. If money-making followed some scientific laws like gravity, everybody would be rich. People wouldn't need to 'hedge' their risk. The analogy is just dumb.
Companies file bankruptcy all the time. Blockbuster did it a few years back and so did GM.

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