Was Listening to Talking Cowboys and Broaddus Said Players Questioning Coaching Privately

The Ominous

Dead Man Stalkin
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I think the players really miss playing for Rob Ryan and some of the grumblings became vocal after last week's embarrassing debacle. It was a massively horrible decision to go get Old Yeller to run our D. Time to put him out of his misery.

Gemini Dolly

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Broaddus is one of the few I respect. I haevnt heard what he said, but if the OP is accurate of what came out of Broaddus', mouth, I believe it.


Well-Known Member
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Sorry, bro...but in a court of law, that is nothing but hearsay. Until we actually hear a player say things like that it means nothing.

Here are a few questions I would like to ask you. Let me first say I have no inside information and no clue how the players feel about the coaches. But for the sake of discussion lets ask anyway.

** Did you think the team quit on Wade Phillips?

** If so, what led you to that conclusion?

** Did you see the very same type of behavior - quitting - in the Saints' game?

** If not, how did one differ from the other?

As I recall, and I could be wrong, but not one player made a public comment about Wade when the team quit on him - if that is what actually transpired. There were rumbles, somewhat like this thing brought out by Broaddus. But I do not remember any player actually making a comment that they were done, they questioned Phillips, or that they quit.

However, there are some of the same players on this team that were on that team. And since the common denominator of all teams, regardless of coaching, is the players and their attitudes and talent.

** Then would it be a reach for this team to quit on their coaches - and these could very well be the same players that "quit" before?

To me it seems possible, however unlikely.

But then I do not have a stake in this coaching staff, nor have pinned my hopes on a miracle when the evidence has been pretty clear for three years this team is middle of the road.


Well-Known Member
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Who isn't questioning the coaching at this point?

Yeah, I hope players are not telling the media they are having doubts about the coaches, but I have to admit, taking into account the current state of affairs and Broaddus's reputation, this report is more believable than not. Just sayin'.


The Funcooker
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They can say its coaches because they won't throw under the bus the guy that signs their paychecks.


Well-Known Member
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if we lose to the giants, things will get ugly. expect ed werder in dallas all next week and the return of the "anonymous source".


Here comes the Sun...
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if we lose to the giants, things will get ugly. expect ed werder in dallas all next week and the return of the "anonymous source".

Why do you make a scary post like this? Ed Werder! and that other guy?


Well-Known Member
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Why do you make a scary post like this? Ed Werder! and that other guy?

i'm just saying man things will get hectic around here if we lose to the giants! mods will be very busy on this forum lol.


Well-Known Member
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if we lose to the giants, things will get ugly. expect ed werder in dallas all next week and the return of the "anonymous source".

....It will be interesting how the players come out of the gate in the Giants game. If the Giants jump on us early, it could get ugly, then the pressure builds fast.


Sleeps with the fishes
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I don't find it the least bit surprising the players on the 32nd ranked defense find the scheme or coaches lacking? They aren't going to look at themselves, at least not on this rudderless ship.

Kiffin, by his own admission, plays a simple scheme. I don't think simple works in this day and age with everything benefitting the offense. Trying to confuse a qb is probably the best hope in this era of arena league type offense. The only time simple might work is if the defense is stacked with above average talent. Currently on Lee fits that description and the Ware from 3 years ago. Simple scheme, subpar talent get you 32nd ranked defense and plenty of finger pointing.

Most of that finger pointing should be at the guy acquiring the talent.