That’s not a reflection of Dak being good, it’s a popularity contest. Players like Dak bc he helps them win.lolThat doesnt matter. What matters is that of the 1700 players on NFL rosters Dak was voted the 2nd best last year. Now if you say there is a bias to QBs, which is fair, you can say he was voted the 2nd best out of the 32 QBs. It doesnt matter that they were convinced 1st was 1st by a wide margin. It matters that of the 32 QBs he was considered the 2nd best last year.
To mediocrity.Follow through on every play
It was a terrible throw. We've seen other QBs make similar throws. We've seen Dak get overexcited and under throw easy first downs and overthrow easy TDs.An excuse is an excuse.
No QB at the NFL should miss THAT throw. I understand the corner throw on 1st, that's a tough throw, but not that 4th Down throw.
I think that rule is suspended for the last game of the regular season.I'm in Dallas and just noticed that Atlanta is playing Jacksonville opposite our game on CBS....what happened to that rule that another game in your market can't be shown at the same time????????
Shhhhhh....Someone is trying to save their job......Please sit Cooks n Tolbert!!! So tired of seeing them.
The last few games every season during the Campo years come to mind.I can’t remember a regular season game in January that feels so much like a pre-season game.
I don’t think rgiii downfall was strictly due to being hurt. But getting hurt when you can’t actually throw is an issue.RG3 got hurt though. Although the way he went about watching film, he probably would have fell hard even without the knee injury
Mariotta to me is the patron saint of QB's that start strong and then just become mediocre once the league has film on them
They had open receivers.Our red zone play calling sucks.
In the redzone its like his brain malfunctions. It's why we kick so many field goals. Ya'll thought it was just Dak and Rush. Look its Lance too. Its the crappy plays. In the redzone the defense has the shortened field to their advantage so you have to come up with some good offensive plays or have a dominate run game to win in the redzone.WTH kind of play calling is this????? McCarthy Suck!!!!!!!!!