Washington name change?

I know some liberals that if you called them pansies to their face theyd tear you a new *******
kidcrook said:
Or New York N******. That slur is a lil more applicable. Liberal or not some stuff is just wrong regardless of how "used to it" you are...

I agree right is right and wrong is wrong no matter how popular or unpopular it may be. Something being ok just because we are "used to it" has long been the mantra of the good ole boy-racist pigs caucus.

The Commander name is racist and insensitive but it doesnt' bother me that much but I am not a Native American.
Q_the_man said:
but what does Commanders mean?

than u have activist complaining about the Cowboys name, save the whale, bears, eagles, Chiefs. Why not just be Dallas with no nicknames :mad:

Just leave it alone

Just that insinuation is devoid of logic and what is resonable. I don't see any activists protesting the Bears (and I lived in Chicago for awhile), Eagles or Chiefs names. Just the Commanders and Cleveland Indians which not only employ a whole race of people as mascots but does it in a derogatory way.

It's all about common sense which this forum is sorely devoid of. The Indians nickname in and of itself is fine because it is neutral. The problem with the indians is the offensive charicature "Chief Wahoo" that is representative of the team name. Meanwhile, the Commanders name is a slur no matter how you slice it but I don't think their logo is offensive. The Native American in it looks regal and proud.
CapnComeback said:
Just that insinuation is devoid of logic and what is resonable. I don't see any activists protesting the Bears (and I lived in Chicago for awhile), Eagles or Chiefs names. Just the Commanders and Cleveland Indians which not only employ a whole race of people as mascots but does it in a derogatory way.

It's all about common sense which this forum is sorely devoid of. The Indians nickname in and of itself is fine because it is neutral. The problem with the indians is the offensive charicature "Chief Wahoo" that is representative of the team name. Meanwhile, the Commanders name is a slur no matter how you slice it but I don't think their logo is offensive. The Native American in it looks regal and proud.

Just curious, does that fence you're so staunchly implanted on hurt your azz!?
Mike 1967 said:
I would love to see a team come out with the name Rednecks.

Being a Redneck myself....I would take pride in having a team named after me....so long as it was not located in Philly or San Fran :D
yeah..guess you would.

But Redneck doesn't have 400 years of oppression linked to it either.
For the guys that say "just get over it." lol... unbelievable.
"if I were Native American..I wouldn't be offended." :eek:

Let's see... We'll steal your land, rape your women, kill your children...
then stuff what remains of you and your race on a 2 acre reservation---
Oh yeah... and for compensation, to help you 'get over it'...
we'll name some of our most beloved sports teams after your people!!!!
But WAIT... its in honor of you so that makes it all good, right???

:rolleyes: Sheesh - talk about a slap in the face.

And as for the "named in honor of" thing... and Commander not being said in a racist manor...

"Commander" is as outdated a term as "Colored"---- which was never meant as a racial slur either.

But I challenge any of you to walk up to any black man and ask him how would he feel if you referred to him as being "Colored". Then ask him would he mind you naming your local sports team after the colored.

Same goes for Native American.
I challeng any of you "I wouldn't be offended" guys....
to go up to any Native American and call him Commander.

No, I'm not Native American - and have not endured what they have had to endure in this country. So it is impossible for me to sit here and say what they should or shouldn't be offended by.

But I do know as a black man, I can relate a little.
So if they say they're offended... hell, I'll take their word for it.

......"if I were Native American... I wouldn't be offended"... lol un-be-lievable.....

As for the ignoramic Celtic, etc. analogies....
like I said.. tack 400 years of oppression to them and then ask the Irish would they want the oppress-or to name his teams after him.
I really liked the ESPN name for the 'Skins

Wasn't it Potomac Drainage Basin Indigenous Persons? :D
cowheel said:
For the guys that say "just get over it." lol... unbelievable.
"if I were Native American..I wouldn't be offended." :eek:

Let's see... We'll steal your land, rape your women, kill your children...
then stuff what remains of you and your race on a 2 acre reservation---
Oh yeah... and for compensation, to help you 'get over it'...
we'll name some of our most beloved sports teams after your people!!!!
But WAIT... its in honor of you so that makes it all good, right???

:rolleyes: Sheesh - talk about a slap in the face.

And as for the "named in honor of" thing... and Commander not being said in a racist manor...

"Commander" is as outdated a term as "Colored"---- which was never meant as a racial slur either.

But I challenge any of you to walk up to any black man and ask him how would he feel if you referred to him as being "Colored". Then ask him would he mind you naming your local sports team after the colored.

Same goes for Native American.
I challeng any of you "I wouldn't be offended" guys....
to go up to any Native American and call him Commander.

No, I'm not Native American - and have not endured what they have had to endure in this country. So it is impossible for me to sit here and say what they should or shouldn't be offended by.

But I do know as a black man, I can relate a little.
So if they say they're offended... hell, I'll take their word for it.

......"if I were Native American... I wouldn't be offended"... lol un-be-lievable.....

As for the ignoramic Celtic, etc. analogies....
like I said.. tack 400 years of oppression to them and then ask the Irish would they want the oppress-or to name his teams after him.

Blah...blah...blah. You know what I wish I had this much free time to get worked up over something that is STUPID. That is right I said stupid. At the end of the day who cares what the name of their sports team is. Is the name of a sports team going to improve or weaken your quality of life? What ever happened to commen sense in this country? I hear people talking all the time that everything has become P.C. Well that may be the case but this country has lost a lot of it's "street smarts" as well.
CapnComeback said:
It's all about common sense which this forum is sorely devoid of.

You contradict yourself so many times in this thread, I am amazed you can keep track of your own opinion let alone that of another race...

I find that particularily offiensive.

I don't think they should change the name. I think someone needs to stand up and say enough is enough.

And Cowheel, you argument is pretty weak. No white person was ever repressed, no way, uh-uhh. You can do better than that.
cowheel said:
pansy liberals?

I'm just gonna make one comment on this because I don't want to get in a big race thing.

But speaking as a black man... I know I'd be more than offended if there was a sports team out there with the name of "Alabama Black Faces".

The answer is staring us right in the face...

The Washington Pansy Liberals :D

Works for me.
I don't think Indians are offended by the word "indian". All the casino's in my area have the words "Indian gaming" after the name of the casino.

On a side note: I've never seen an indian before...only on TV, like in "Ernest goes to camp".
When all is said and done, the name will be changed, if not now in the future.

Society is evolving to the point where we're starting to become more sensitive to the issues of race, whether people like it or not.

It's just a name.
Stanford University had an Indian name before it changed to the Cardinals.
My old school Hampton Institute changed its name to Hampton University, and many students then were complaining about tampering with tradition. Now, no one gives it a second thought.
The Washington Bullets changed their name to the "Wizards" (a name I don't like), and no one really gives it a second thought now.

Old traditions die and new ones take their place.

The Washington professional football franchies will survive and so will we.