It's Grand Theft Auto V with hacking.
I'm waiting for Destiny and The Last of Us. Probably pick up H1Z1 when it comes out as well. Finish up with Advanced Warfare in November and I'm done for the year other than free games.
I'm done with Call of Duty until that series undergoes a complete overhaul.
You should really check out the Borderlands 2 Prequel (1.5?) they are going to put out. Looks pretty good. Also, if you have next-gen there will be another installment of the Batman games that comes out. Both 2 of the best series out there.
I'm almost positive the Borderlands game will not be next-gen.
Really? That kind've sux
Yeah. Gearbox didn't want to try to develop for all the different platforms at once and I don't think they received Dev kits all that quickly.
Gearbox is quickly becoming one of my favorite studios. They put out good work, they support the game post-launch better than any other studio, and they aren't making games just to milk their fanbase.
They were approached and asked to make the next installment of COD and they flat out turned it down and said it wasn't a challenging enough task. They'd rather risk having a flop than just take the easy payday.