We Had a Spammer 04/13 But He Has Been Executed

Thankfully I didn't have to worry about it cause I didn't even get the PM. :)

Thanks for the heads up, all the same though. Solid work.
Lets see.

Drawn and quartered then hung by his balls doused with lighter fluid and lit up.

Or dragged behind a SUV with Cowboys plates over 3 miles of desert rock and cactus then staked out over an anthill with honey poured on him.

or dipped slowly feet first into boiling water then slowly sectioned by a very blunt chain saw.

decisions decisions
Hostile;2034023 said:
My apologies to all of you who got a rather dirty PM from a member named Natural36DD.

Don't open that link in the PM even if you like that kind of stuff. It is probably loaded with spyware. You don't want to spend all day trying to get rid of that crap.

Better to just delete the message.

Thank you to everyone who reported it as soon as he got started.

I just deleted it. Lame spam does not entice me. Thanks for the sticky on it though. ;)

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