We woould have been better off w/Jay Fiedler

Doomsday101 said:
Count me as one who is in Bledsoe corner!! Not expecting Pro Bowl numbers but I do think we can win with him at QB.

He's up to 3 now.




Well, it will be an easy list to remember when the "I-told-you-so's" are handed out.
burmafrd said:
I watched that game- Pats would not have won without Bledsoe there. Simple as that.
Just like we would not have won if we had not had Kosar there that one NFC champ game. Bledsoe has NEVER been questioned as regards desire or competitiveness or guts. Holding the ball- YES. But look at how many QB's get rattled and through it too fast. It is RARE to see someone stand there willing to get splattered time and again, have it HAPPEN time and again, and still stand in there.

You've been on Bledsoe koolaid for far too long. There's still time to swear off.
ravidubey said:
Fiedler? :lmao2: He re-defined the term "bus driver".

As for being tough, Bledsoe is tough as nails, tougher than anyone I can think of except Brett "Vicodin" Favre. Drew Bledsoe won a game throwing deep passes with a broken index finger that required a pin. That's tough. He got up after each and every one of those famous 150 sacks and gave his backup not a single pass except in garbage time. The last time he was hurt, he was bleeding internally from a fluke hit to the abdomen which he almost died from. And talk about mentally tough, that same year he rode the bench with class while the team he almost died for replaced him with Brady. He did that because the team was WINNING. He still came off the bench to carry that team through the AFC Championship game with Brady injured.

Bledsoe holds the ball too long. Bledsoe often fumbles when he's sacked. Bledsoe has trouble with the blitz. Fine-- discuss these arguable points all you like, but don't question his toughness.

Good post.

With all his flaws, Drew is a warrior.

Fielder, btw, lost time several year with injuries, in particular a hip. He has the rep of being very brittle boned. That's in addition to having career back up talent.

Nice guy, but you wouldn't want to have him starting.
MichaelWinicki said:
He's up to 3 now.




Well, it will be an easy list to remember when the "I-told-you-so's" are handed out.

You can count me in as well.

The Bledsoe bashing has become so ridiculous, its bordered on hyperbole.
kartr said:
Develop a young guy. Don't you get it. Parcells doesn't have faith in these young qbs, that's why he brought Bledsoe here. He's not going to admit this publicly cause he doesn't want to them get down on themselves and for his personal pride. But deep down he already knows he's failed with these guys, he just has to let the string play out itself just in case.

He had enough in Drew and Tony to let them back up a 41 year old last year.

And he has enough faith in them not to have brought in a vet behind Bledsoe this year.

How does a three year developmental investment in TR and a two year one in DH demonstrate "lack of faith"?

Not many HCs would be going with these two kids, at this stage, behind their starter. For two years running.

Not too many HCs would carry the two of them together , either.
MichaelWinicki said:
He's up to 3 now.




Well, it will be an easy list to remember when the "I-told-you-so's" are handed out.

I'd rather back and player and be wrong than to be a nay sayer. As I mentioned in another post I understand the nay sayers points of view but I also think Bledsoe is capable of having a good season and helping this team. I also realize he is not the future of this team and his contract is for the most part a 2 year deal in which it allows us more time to work with the 2 young guys. I don't see Bledsoe as a Hall Of Famer nor am I expecting pro bowl numbers I do think he can put up a season with an 80 plus QB ranking which is not consider outstanding but good. In the end you can say I told you so but that does not bother me in the least.
joseephuss said:
The experienced veteran QBs that have been available since Parcells arival in Dallas has been terrible. Kerry Collins has probably been the best and he is not that great. He certainly isn't mobile. Fielder is terrible. Vinny, Bledsoe, Garcia, Warner, Couch, Flutie and anyone else you want to list don't inspire much confidence. Delhomme would have been a decent choice, but at the time he was an unexperienced veteran.

That leaves developing a young guy. Carter failed, Hutch failed and now it is up to Henson and Romo.

I said awhile back that I would have rather had Griese or Warner. I still feel the same. Having said that, we got Bledsoe. For better or worse, he's who we got. No time to cry about it now. The time to cry about it was when he was signed and not many did. He's our guy. We've only played 1 preseason game. I think we should see how things shake before we start warming the Tar and plucking the feathers.
MichaelWinicki said:
He's up to 3 now.




Well, it will be an easy list to remember when the "I-told-you-so's" are handed out.
Mike, you know where I stand.

Little faith in Drew to correct his flaws, but a lot in Tuna to enforce the corrections.

Drew fails, Bill does.

So I have to hope against hope Tuna recreates the old formula, or finds a new one.

Let's see what DB looks like opening day.
Doomsday101 said:
I'd rather back and player and be wrong than to be a nay sayer. As I mentioned in another post I understand the nay sayers points of view but I also think Bledsoe is capable of having a good season and helping this team. I also realize he is not the future of this team and his contract is for the most part a 2 year deal in which it allows us more time to work with the 2 young guys. I don't see Bledsoe as a Hall Of Famer nor am I expecting pro bowl numbers I do think he can put up a season with an 80 plus QB ranking which is not consider outstanding but good. In the end you can say I told you so but that does not bother me in the least.

Well the truth is I wouldn't do that anyway... I'm not Nors. But I hope the guy starts showing something--- soon. ;)
InmanRoshi said:
You can count me in as well.

The Bledsoe bashing has become so ridiculous, its bordered on hyperbole.

There is one way to make all us Bledsoe bashers to shut-up. ;)
MichaelWinicki said:
There is one way to make all us Bledsoe bashers to shut-up. ;)

Well I guess two ways... but a 'knuckle sandwich" is a bit of an extreme. :)
MichaelWinicki said:
Well the truth is I wouldn't do that anyway... I'm not Nors. But I hope the guy starts showing something--- soon. ;)

I did not take you as the I told you type I know because that is the kind of guy I am. LOL just kidding. I would hope that the fans show support for Bledsoe not blind support but allow him the chance to succeed or fail before burning him in effigy
There wasn't ANYONE out there that was better then Bledsoe. NO ONE. Griese, Fiedler- CAREER BACKUPS. They have done NOTHING as starters. Say what you want, but Bledsoe has been to 3 Pro Bowls and the last one was only 3 years ago. MAYBE he is done- but that is a chance you take. Unless you get very lucky and find a real gem in the draft, you are stuck with what you can find in FA. People talk about Delhomme, but he had done nothing untill Carolina's SB year. NO one really thought he would be as good as he was. WHO thought Brady would become what he has? Searching for QB's is ALWAYS a crapshoot.
ravidubey said:
Fiedler? :lmao2: He re-defined the term "bus driver".

As for being tough, Bledsoe is tough as nails, tougher than anyone I can think of except Brett "Vicodin" Favre. Drew Bledsoe won a game throwing deep passes with a broken index finger that required a pin. That's tough. He got up after each and every one of those famous 150 sacks and gave his backup not a single pass except in garbage time. The last time he was hurt, he was bleeding internally from a fluke hit to the abdomen which he almost died from. And talk about mentally tough, that same year he rode the bench with class while the team he almost died for replaced him with Brady. He did that because the team was WINNING. He still came off the bench to carry that team through the AFC Championship game with Brady injured.

Bledsoe holds the ball too long. Bledsoe often fumbles when he's sacked. Bledsoe has trouble with the blitz. Fine-- discuss these arguable points all you like, but don't question his toughness.
Well freakin' said .Very well said. :cool:
burmafrd said:
There wasn't ANYONE out there that was better then Bledsoe. NO ONE. Griese, Fiedler- CAREER BACKUPS. They have done NOTHING as starters. Say what you want, but Bledsoe has been to 3 Pro Bowls and the last one was only 3 years ago. MAYBE he is done- but that is a chance you take. Unless you get very lucky and find a real gem in the draft, you are stuck with what you can find in FA. People talk about Delhomme, but he had done nothing untill Carolina's SB year. NO one really thought he would be as good as he was. WHO thought Brady would become what he has? Searching for QB's is ALWAYS a crapshoot.

You sound as if your trying to convince yourself of something.
MichaelWinicki said:
There is one way to make all us Bledsoe bashers to shut-up. ;)


Because at the end of the day I am not a Bledsoe Basher.....I am a Cowboys supporter.

So at the end of the day I want the best guy on the field. If that is Bledsoe then put him on the field.
Mike 1967 said:

Because at the end of the day I am not a Bledsoe Basher.....I am a Cowboys supporter.

So at the end of the day I want the best guy on the field. If that is Bledsoe then put him on the field.

But there is one caveat

If we are not going to make the playoffs with the veteran behind center...then I say put the young guns in so that they can get some snaps and so that the team can get a better evaluation of what they can do under fire.
Badattitude said:
I'm no fan of his but he can move and he's tough -with the offensive line becoming an even bigger Question mark than last years( I cannot believe I'm saying that) I can't see Bledsoe lasting more than 3-4 games before either getting A)Hurt B) Pulled for Crapiness.

-The bigger question : how come it took a HOF coach till crunch time to realize his biggest problem was at RT - when people on this board, myself included(pats back) told him 4 months ago that Rivera was a start ....not a finish.

I'm disgusted with him.
Yep he was so good that Miami,who by the way is trying to find their next Troy Aikman,let him go.The National Football League does not work like an X-box.Franchise qaurter backs are not just there at every teams disposal.If that was the case there would 32 of them starting and 32 at back up and 32 on the practice squad.Sometimes they are right under a teams nose ala Tom Brady ,who new?The fact of the matter is if not for Drew's injury we would either now have Q.B with more rings on his finger or he would'nt be here at all.Say what you will Drew can be a decent Q.B. and who knows maybe Romo or Henson is Tom Brady in the wings.Who knows?You wear your moniker well my Cowboy fan friend.
kartr said:
Bledsoe didn't carry anybody. The Pats won that game with defense and special teams. Brady/Bledsoe combined for just 10 offensive points and had less yards passing than Kordell Stewart(250 yards passing).

Just like Quincy! He didn't carry squat either. Chalk it up to good defense at the time.


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