We woould have been better off w/Jay Fiedler

Skeptic said:
Ohhhhhh God.


The offseason brings out the weirdos, doesn't it?


Shake! Don't make me get Meatwad after you! :p:
Fletch said:
Just like Quincy! He didn't carry squat either. Chalk it up to good defense at the time.


You are not kidding, the guys praises the likes of Carter and claims how he lead Dallas and the Jets to the playoffs yet Brady is the one who was carried by the defense? LOL Hard to take this guy seriously
Badattitude said:
I'm no fan of his but he can move and he's tough -with the offensive line becoming an even bigger Question mark than last years( I cannot believe I'm saying that) I can't see Bledsoe lasting more than 3-4 games before either getting A)Hurt B) Pulled for Crapiness.

-The bigger question : how come it took a HOF coach till crunch time to realize his biggest problem was at RT - when people on this board, myself included(pats back) told him 4 months ago that Rivera was a start ....not a finish.

I'm disgusted with him.

I'd be interested if you went on "finheaven" with this post to see how your point of view on Fiedler would be received- after all they know Bledsoe, warts and all, and at one time they had an entire forum devoted to Fiedler. I'm pretty sure most would either disagree or disagree strongly and many would not be polite about it.

The fact is that year in and year out on EVERY team there will be positions that either due to other needs taking prioity, injuries, salary cap issues, or belief that a particular player/players will come through that the coach will roll the dice and hope things work out. RT was one of those for us. Free safety is another. I think Bill has overall done a terrific job of revamping this team and I for one am not even close to jumping to conclusions based on training camp and one preseason game. Chill pill time.
By week 3 - this entire board will turn on Bledsoe - you watch- I hope I'm wrong , but somehow I don't think so. I don't think people realize how slow and mailbox like Drew is...it's scary.
MichaelWinicki said:
Well I guess two ways... but a 'knuckle sandwich" is a bit of an extreme. :)

knuckle sandwich I would think if they wanted us quite the other method was cutting your tongue out :eek:
burmafrd said:
There wasn't ANYONE out there that was better then Bledsoe. NO ONE. Griese, Fiedler- CAREER BACKUPS. They have done NOTHING as starters. Say what you want, but Bledsoe has been to 3 Pro Bowls and the last one was only 3 years ago. MAYBE he is done- but that is a chance you take. Unless you get very lucky and find a real gem in the draft, you are stuck with what you can find in FA. People talk about Delhomme, but he had done nothing untill Carolina's SB year. NO one really thought he would be as good as he was. WHO thought Brady would become what he has? Searching for QB's is ALWAYS a crapshoot.

Brian grease has been to a Probowl in Denver and has led them to the playoffs as well
Badattitude said:
I'm no fan of his but he can move and he's tough -with the offensive line becoming an even bigger Question mark than last years( I cannot believe I'm saying that) I can't see Bledsoe lasting more than 3-4 games before either getting A)Hurt B) Pulled for Crapiness.

-The bigger question : how come it took a HOF coach till crunch time to realize his biggest problem was at RT - when people on this board, myself included(pats back) told him 4 months ago that Rivera was a start ....not a finish.

I'm disgusted with him.

Jay is about as close as you can come to Q's stats without taking the drugs. Tough? perhaps. But tough and mediocre.

Griese has had ONE good year- I did not think he belonged anywhere near the Pro Bowl that year- and he has done nothing since. One year does not a career make.
burmafrd said:
Griese has had ONE good year- I did not think he belonged anywhere near the Pro Bowl that year- and he has done nothing since. One year does not a career make.

And 13 years of average QB by Bledsoe does not make him good but that what people keep trying to say he is.

Ok to add to this I pulled Drew'ss stats and Brian's stats from nfl.com just for the heck of it

I looked at the stats and Griese does look impressive- untill I notice that he has NEVER played 16 games in a season. He has played 15 ONCE. Then his other FULL years (HA) were 14, 13,11,10. 5 years as a starter with good teams and he only averages 12 games a year. NOt all that hard to put up good stats when you don't play that much.
Bledsoe, meanwhile, has played 16 games 8 times; then 15,14, 13 (his first year). The only year less then that was the fluke injury that almost killed him- then Brady got hot.
Bledsoe is a QB that you can COUNT ON BEING THERE. Griese is not. Griese is the ROGERS of QBs.
burmafrd said:
Bledsoe, meanwhile, has played 16 games 8 times; then 15,14, 13 (his first year). The only year less then that was the fluke injury that almost killed him- then Brady got hot.
Bledsoe is a QB that you can COUNT ON BEING THERE. Griese is not. Griese is the ROGERS of QBs.

Funny Aikman only made it a full 16 games only one time in his career. So before going on about how durable Bledsoe is does not make him a better QB.
Aikman played a lot more then Griese ever has per season. You don't want to face the FACT that Griese cannot be counted on.
BlueWave said:
Mobile? I'm so sick of heraing about mobility. Read the quote below. It rings true.

Some of you people have gotten ridiculous about the QB thing, as always. Wait till Tuesday morning, everyone will be in love with Bledsoe again, for a little while.

Dealing with some of these posters emotional rollercoasters is the equivalent of having a seven year old daughter.

I agree with your post, but I can't support that quote.

Arguably Steve Young and John Elway could have been considered running QBs, they were very good passers in addition to their run ability. Its not whether you are a running QB or a passing QB, its whether you are a good QB that gets the job done. When Drew Bledsoe wins a Super Bowl I will take his opinion on this topic much more seriously.
Drederick Tatum said:
I agree with your post, but I can't support that quote.

Arguably Steve Young and John Elway could have been considered running QBs, they were very good passers in addition to their run ability. Its not whether you are a running QB or a passing QB, its whether you are a good QB that gets the job done. When Drew Bledsoe wins a Super Bowl I will take his opinion on this topic much more seriously.
You don't think barring Drew's injury in New England he would have lead them to the super bowl and won it.I understand that's hither nor yon.Personally I think he would have.

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