Actually, advertisers today seem to like. players with an edge, the bad boy anti hero if you will.
I will never know what it feels like to be an instant millionaire at the age of 22, while also having some of the most beautiful women in The world willing to......well, you well as being one of the most admired athletes in America.
I would like to think I possessed a reasonable amount of restraint, but at that age?. Yeah, right.
How many beautiful but misfuided young woman are out there with the plan that they are going to bag a proffeasional athlete? And then when things don't work out they decide that they seserve to be paid. There have been cases where the girl will deliberately provoke a guy so that he reponds in a way that can be litigated. There have even been cases of one night seductions strictly for the puroose of being impregnated. That's a pretty substantial 18 year string of child support checks.
"All he has to do....." Is have the will power and restraint that 99% of us don't have even twice Zeke"s age.
I am not trying to ignore legitimate domestix violence cases. where a man has been convicted. That does not apply to Zeke on any of the current situations and this is supposed to be a society were you are not punished unless found guilty
HoweverZeke earned the right to make his share of mistakes, he shouldn't be suspemded by his company for losing fopcus. If all companies did then there wouldnt be an open fast food place in the country.