Well-wishes thread for Marcus Spears

Get better.

That's an order.
Hello Marcus:

Here's wishing for you a speedy and complete recovery from the injuries you sustained last week in practice. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

A fellow brother from Baton Rouge, and an alumni of Southern University stranded in Alaska (Sourdough), and no dough to get out.

SU, Class of 62
Mr. Spears,

I'd like to congratulate you on your success in making it to the NFL. I'm sure it was hard work and it will only get harder in the future.

From a fan's somewhat selfish standpoint I was very upset when I heard of the injury and am very glad it's not too serious. As fans, it may seem that our concern for you is based only in what you can do for our team, but I sure that you can understand that we are behind you completely and that your attitude and hard work has already earned you a ton of respect and a huge following. We are all thrilled your a Cowboy.

While most don't know you personally, I can at least share well wishes that the injury is not too painful and that you can soon feel 100% again.
Man, I was so bummed when I read you were hurt.

... and then.

I was so glad to hear you would be back.

Get well and be careful.

Go Cowboys!

Get well soon Mr. Spears and I can't wait to see you out there on the field terrorizing opposing offenses. You got no idea how happy I am that you are a Dallas Cowboy. Geaux Tigers!!!!!
Marcus!! I am so glad you arent out for the season, get well soon, dont rush yourself back. You'll have a big year this year.
Get well soon Big Guy! The Cowboy Nation is prayin' for ya.
Get well soon!

We need you out there ASAP!

Ive been waiting for a long time to you in a Dallas uniform.

Feel better soon and have a great season!
Keep you chin up Marcus,,we know you will be a big part of the Cowboy Nation for many years to come. Our hopes and prayers are with you for your recovery.
Lee campbell
"Stay UP" Big Man.......Your part of the Cowboy Nation now......

Thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery.

You're in my prayers. Get well and make us all proud. Represent the star.
marcus-o-buddy dont rush back, that is the LAST thing we need, when your ready to step on to the field, the opposing qb's will feel it, take care
Take Care of that leg. We're all behind you and wish you the best through the good times and the bad. Go get 'em Marcus
Get well soon man, I'm looking forward to watching you destroy offenses for many seasons to come. All the best to you, have a great year.
get well soon Marcus !! can't wait to see you on the field. :star:
I got a call at work saying you were injured boy that made a bad day till later when it was announced you only had a 2-5 week injury. THANK GOD! Get Well Bro!
Marcus, having you around has excited Dallas fans all over the nation. Being an LSU fan, I am even more excited having seen you in person. Take care of that leg and dont get out there until you are ready. You have plenty of time to be the high impact DE we all know you can be. You guys are all in my prayers; and I know all of us here at CowboysZone.com are behind you in your recovery. Take Care. ------Tom Stanley aka-DallasBlue
Hey Marcus!! I'm certainly glad to know that we didn't lose you for the season. My family and I wish you the speediest of recoveries! GO #96

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