West Point Army Ranger Confronts APD Police Officer

CowboyMcCoy;4423856 said:
What is it they call it in the police and/or military, protect (and serve)?

He was only doing his duty as a soldier and a citizen, imo.

Sure, protect and serve, but that doesn't mean you get a free ticket to do what you want because you are trained to do it.

This guy is not the innocent victim he is playing here. That's how it is majority of the time in these situations. Sure, there are rouge police out there - but this sure doesn't seem to be the case here.

There is nothing in that video that is over the top at all. Now as far as the spitting - I don't think any of us know what happened. Only the police and this guy do.
CowboyMcCoy;4423849 said:
How many Aggies does it take to brutalize a drunken, handcuffed woman?

It appeared two were handcuffing her and lifting her to her feet. How well will you lift the dead weight of a drunk?

Regardless of the alleged abuse the hero wants to claim, his arm throwing theatrics afterward show him up to be less than chivalrous and more inciting and looking for a confrontation.
vta;4423842 said:
People need to stop playing the voice of conscience game with police. Interfering with their job then playing the victim afterward is nothing more than incitement and aggravating any situation. Where it would simply have ended up with a drunk driver getting penalized as she should have been, this guy is looking to have two men lose their jobs. Nonsense.

in all fairness the soldier boy was not interferring with them doing their job, he just took a photograph of them beating up what appears to be a drunk and hot latina. It isn't his business to interfere.

If he is right, then those two should lose their jobs or at the very least be suspended.
Is there any more of the video than that? What was showed on that news clip doesn't clear anything up at all. I didn't see anything one could describe as abuse in the pictures of the girl, and the video starts way too late to know if there was anything done by the guy. Basically a waste of time.
CowboyMcCoy;4423856 said:
What is it they call it in the police and/or military, protect (and serve)?

He was only doing his duty as a soldier and a citizen, imo.

taking photos is not protecting her,
CowboyMcCoy;4423873 said:
I'm sorry, I'm talking about training. And the police use the same definition. Meaning if it causes pain, it's assault. Yet they get away with it. I've seen people hog-tied and thrown on their face. It's just not something we should be so accepting of in our society, imo.

Yes, because our society is so law abiding.....

Yes, because our society respects the laws and those that try to enforce it for your safety.....

CanadianCowboysFan;4423876 said:
in all fairness the soldier boy was not interferring with them doing their job, he just took a photograph of them beating up what appears to be a drunk and hot latina. It isn't his business to interfere.

If he is right, then those two should lose their jobs or at the very least be suspended.

True, if he is right and pictures were taken that aren't shown, then a case should be made. It also appears the cop didn't try to take anyone's camera, but told him in effect to blow off. Had he any intention of having them called to the carpet for their 'abuse' of the woman, he would have taken the advice and brought incriminating picture to public awareness.

He did not. He instead aggravated the situation most likely in the hopes they would do something stupid to him and he can cry his cry. If he had enough evidence of the girl being abused, he would have been satisfied.
CanadianCowboysFan;4423878 said:
taking photos is not protecting her,

It's all you can do in the states and even with that you're risking getting tazed, beaten with a baton and having your camera flung at the nearest concrete sidewalk via Randy Johnson fastball. Or just sentenced to 2-10 like this guy was. The sad part is the justice system and "wall of blue" will cover his *** and they'll go on ruining many people's lives when they aren't caught in the act.

The amount of people taking the cop's side over a West Point Army Ranger with a degree from Stanford is amusing to me. I'm guessing these guys are old and white and don't venture out into public anymore outside of getting feed at the local granary.
gmoney112;4423883 said:
The amount of people taking the cop's side over a West Point Army Ranger with a degree from Stanford is amusing to me. I'm guessing these guys are old and white and don't venture out into public anymore outside of getting feed at the local granary.

Or probably not inclined to allow a prejudice to sway reasoned logic.
vta;4423891 said:
Or probably not inclined to allow a prejudice to sway reasoned logic.

You should move to a city where you didn't play high school football with Bubba and the rest of the gang.
gmoney112;4423883 said:
The amount of people taking the cop's side over a West Point Army Ranger with a degree from Stanford is amusing to me. I'm guessing these guys are old and white and don't venture out into public anymore outside of getting feed at the local granary.

if he wasn't a soldier and didn't go to Stanford, would you believe him or the fuzz?
gmoney112;4423893 said:
You should move to a city where you didn't play high school football with Bubba and the rest of the gang.

You should stop talking out of your anus. The room you're in must smell something awful by now.
CowboyMcCoy;4423873 said:
I'm sorry, I'm talking about training. And the police use the same definition. Meaning if it causes pain, it's assault. Yet they get away with it. I've seen people hog-tied and thrown on their face. It's just not something we should be so accepting of in our society, imo.

Have you ever thought that those people that was hog-tied and thrown on their face did something to deserve it ?
My cousin was a cop in Texas when he arrested a hooker with AIDS . She spit in his face and he slapped her . This was before the medical community knew anything about AIDS and thought it could be caught from casual contact . My cousin was suspended for three weeks before he was cleared . I would have slapped her too . She wouldn't let him cuff her. Now , in your opinion , was he wrong ?
numnuts23;4423804 said:
This is just another case of someone pushing police past their limits. Police, as a whole have a verystressful job. Then you get these people "it's my right, what are you going to do", and sometimes it pushes them beyond their limits.

This case:

You have a girl getting arrested for allegedly being drunk. She was not cooperating with the police, she is freaking out about getting arrested and starts to scream. This guys decides to start taking photos. The police ask him to stop, he gives the "it's my right speech" and who knows what else. It likely upset the officer - he's just like anyone else when it comes to being a human. Then the rest occurs...

The police are there to enforce the law, not to exact punishment.

They weren't in danger and have zero justification for wrenching a person around.

Sure, she was drunk. It's New Years. She was in the wrong but that doesn't mean you can mistreat or handle someone however you please.

The police shouldn't even have asked him to stop. They should have ignored it and went on their way.

Did he spit in his face? Who knows.

Did he resist going to the ground when the officer was trying to take him there? Sure looks like it.

He stood there arms wide open as the cop just shoved him around. He wasn't fighting him, he wasn't doing anything but standing there.

I betting he didn't spit. In fact, I'm nearly certain of it just based on how the whole situation went down. If he would have spit, the other cop would have gotten in there a hell of a lot sooner.

The cop claims he spit because it's something that could and most likely would go unnoticed by anyone not within a immediate vicinity.

Basically the guy could have stayed back, took whatever photos he wanted and made sure nothing happened to this poor "drunk" girl - who gives a wonder story in another part of this story. Then nothing happens, and this is a non-story. Instead, he gets right up in the action, taking his photos and making likely comments to the officer when he is asked to stop.

How do you stay back when the officers initiation interaction?

Now as far as jail time, there is no way he's going to jail. That's just to stir up news.

People need to respect police officers and majority of this officer abuse won't happen. Pretty simple to me.

This is ridiculous. Police officers are supposed to be above reactionary action that harms other people.

That's why they are police officers. They are public servants.

Wearing a badge doesn't make someone immune from the repercussions of acting in a way that other people would be punished for just because someone was disrespectful.

Police officers are supposed to mediate and detain, not intimidate and harass.
CanadianCowboysFan;4423897 said:
if he wasn't a soldier and didn't go to Stanford, would you believe him or the fuzz?

Given the severity of legal action, especially on word of mouth evidence, then the assumption should always be that the person being accused is innocent. If there isnt indisputable evidence, and I don't mean his partner Billy Bob saying the whole thing was 100% factually correct after they corroborate their stories for 20 minutes.

I know there are people that are crap. That goes without saying. Yes cops have to deal with scum, great so does everyone else in this world usually and we don't have the advantage of a glock on our hip. It's when they start screwing with normal members of society who have done absolutely nothing wrong just because they're having a bad day or because their wife didn't cook them the right kind of waffles or their 13 year old got impregnated by the family bull that is really inexcusable.

If you don't have the balls to do your job ethically and like a man then don't do it at all.
Hoofbite;4423903 said:
The police are there to enforce the law, not to exact punishment.

They weren't in danger and have zero justification for wrenching a person around.

Sure, she was drunk. It's New Years. She was in the wrong but that doesn't mean you can mistreat or handle someone however you please.

The police shouldn't even have asked him to stop. They should have ignored it and went on their way.

He stood there arms wide open as the cop just shoved him around. He wasn't fighting him, he wasn't doing anything but standing there.

I betting he didn't spit. In fact, I'm nearly certain of it just based on how the whole situation went down. If he would have spit, the other cop would have gotten in there a hell of a lot sooner.

The cop claims he spit because it's something that could and most likely would go unnoticed by anyone not within a immediate vicinity.

How do you stay back when the officers initiation interaction?

This is ridiculous. Police officers are supposed to be above reactionary action that harms other people.

That's why they are police officers. They are public servants.

Wearing a badge doesn't make someone immune from the repercussions of acting in a way that other people would be punished for just because someone was disrespectful.

Police officers are supposed to mediate and detain, not intimidate and harass.

Please explain this punishment argument. How did they punish him? How did they punish the poor drunk girl and just wanted to have fun on new years?

It's pretty obvious to see (unless your watching with your mind already made up) that the officer was trying to take him to the ground. He was resisting at that point and was trying to keep his feet and his stance wide to make it as difficult as possible.

Get a cab - new years or not.

Once again - who knows on the spitting. I'm not arguing that point.

Yes, the badge takes the human aspect out of it - instantly. It's magical it seems. Police are just like you and me except they have the job of enforcing the law. The deck is stacked against them from the moment they step out of their house.

I understand, you don't like the police - that's pretty easy to see - and guess what? You've just made my point and added to the stacked deck against them... thanks :)
numnuts23;4423913 said:
Please explain this punishment argument. How did they punish him? How did they punish the poor drunk girl and just wanted to have fun on new years?

It's pretty obvious to see (unless your watching with your mind already made up) that the officer was trying to take him to the ground. He was resisting at that point and was trying to keep his feet and his stance wide to make it as difficult as possible.

Get a cab - new years or not.

Once again - who knows on the spitting. I'm not arguing that point.

Yes, the badge takes the human aspect out of it - instantly. It's magical it seems. Police are just like you and me except they have the job of enforcing the law. The deck is stacked against them from the moment they step out of their house.

I understand, you don't like the police - that's pretty easy to see - and guess what? You've just made my point and added to the stacked deck against them... thanks :)

Yeah a Class 3 Felony is cakewalk bro. High five.
gmoney112;4423915 said:
Yeah a Class 3 Felony is cakewalk bro. High five.

You must have missed the "who knows on spitting" that was in there...high five back. That wasn't my argument, but way to leave out details
numnuts23;4423913 said:
Please explain this punishment argument. How did they punish him? How did they punish the poor drunk girl and just wanted to have fun on new years?

Inflicting unnecessary pain is punishment.

Shoving someone up against a vehicle before dragging him to the ground is unnecessary.

When's the last time someone has seen a cop throw a person to the ground when they are making to effort to fight or get away?

It's pretty obvious to see (unless your watching with your mind already made up) that the officer was trying to take him to the ground. He was resisting at that point and was trying to keep his feet and his stance wide to make it as difficult as possible.

What was he trying to do when shoving him against the vehicle?

Who the hell knows. When you're getting shoved into a vehicle and then the cop automatically goes into a takedown maneuver, you're supposed to be aware of what he's doing?

Get a cab - new years or not.

Once again - who knows on the spitting. I'm not arguing that point.

Yes, the badge takes the human aspect out of it - instantly. It's magical it seems. Police are just like you and me except they have the job of enforcing the law. The deck is stacked against them from the moment they step out of their house.

I understand, you don't like the police - that's pretty easy to see - and guess what? You've just made my point and added to the stacked deck against them... thanks :)

Actually, you're pretty much dead wrong as I have sat on this very forum and defended the actions of police.

Here's a post from a thread about cops killing an 8th grader for having a pellet gun.


There was a thread a while ago in which I posted a significantly length post that defended the police but the search function won't go back that far.

I have zero problem with police when they do their job as they should.

I do have a problem however when they decide to exercise their authority in a manner that is inappropriate.

Because taking someone to the ground is inherently a part of their job in certain situations doesn't make it right when they do it regardless of the situation.
Hoofbite;4423931 said:
Inflicting unnecessary pain is punishment.

Shoving someone up against a vehicle before dragging him to the ground is unnecessary.

When's the last time someone has seen a cop throw a person to the ground when they are making to effort to fight or get away?

What was he trying to do when shoving him against the vehicle?

Who the hell knows. When you're getting shoved into a vehicle and then the cop automatically goes into a takedown maneuver, you're supposed to be aware of what he's doing?

Actually, you're pretty much dead wrong as I have sat on this very forum and defended the actions of police.

Here's a post from a thread about cops killing an 8th grader for having a pellet gun.


There was a thread a while ago in which I posted a significantly length post that defended the police but the search function won't go back that far.

I have zero problem with police when they do their job as they should.

I do have a problem however when they decide to exercise their authority in a manner that is inappropriate.

Because taking someone to the ground is inherently a part of their job in certain situations doesn't make it right when they do it regardless of the situation.

I'm sure there are no words being said about going to the ground. It's obvious he was resisting.

Well in this case, it sure appears everything was negative towards the police coming from you. Sorry I made a false statement and I implied a false generalization about you, but in this case the officers did nothing wrong. (spitting accusation not being argued)

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