CowboyWay;3288241 said:
Not being able to get directly to the movie menu when I put a dvd in. They make you watch ads, FBI warnings and previews.
I bought the damn movie, I DECIDE WHAT I"M GOING TO WATCH ON IT !!!
This is the single biggest reason I now download torrents instead of buying movies.
People who go through green lights in intersections even though they can't make it all the way through the light because of other traffic, so that when it turns green on my direction, I can't go anywhere. If there is such a thing as justifiable homicide, this would be it.
Those are two of my big ones, especially the intersection one, it's my single biggest driving pet peeve, and to go along with it... when you're the car and you know there isn't enough room to go all the way through, so you stop at the white line and the dorks behind you begin honking, despite that big "do not block intersection" sign hanging there.
A couple of mine...
1. People who don't understand just because they love talking on the phone for endless hours it doesn't mean everybody does. I don't want to sit/stand around holding my cell phone (screw those wireless headsets) talking when there is something I could be doing..... tell me what you called to tell me, then end the conversation. Namely when it's somebody you see on a regular basis.
2. People who text each other when they are in the same room, or the people who sit right next to each other and decide to start playing the 10 year old songs from their cell phone back and forth to each other, like the other person had never heard the song before... on a better audio device.
3. To end my trifecta of phone annoyances, the people with those blue tooth headsets who for some reason think they have to talk at amplified levels, and do it within 2 feet of you. Even worse, when they stand right next to you (and you have no idea they have one of those stupid things on), start talking, then when you say "excuse me" or "what" they give you some crazy look like your the idiot and point at their fat ear.