What are your pet peeves?

Dogmatic religions of any kind and people loudly voicing extremist political opinions and people who try to force their opinions on others.
Beligerant bigots.
Inconsiderate people with little or no regard for others' rights, etc.
People who start arguments and fights.

When I get to be dictator of the USA, I'll throw them all in jail but since that doesn't seem likely anytime soon, I guess I'll just have to put them on ignore.

Life is good, any way.
jimmy40;3289029 said:
idiots that get on the highway going less than the speed limit.
Have you ever noticed that anyone who drives slower than you do is an idiot and anyone who drives faster is a maniac?
Chief;3289023 said:
I didn't even know there were still places that allowed smoking in restaurants. There's not many things I hate more than breathing in cigarrette smoke while trying to eat.

We decided we wanted to try a little steak house around the corner from us one night. When we opened the door a cloud of smoke rolled out. We shut the door and went somewhere else.
Yeagermeister;3289080 said:
We decided we wanted to try a little steak house around the corner from us one night. When we opened the door a cloud of smoke rolled out. We shut the door and went somewhere else.

Did you opt for the place that deep fries their burgers in 100 year old grease?

Hostile;3289076 said:
Have you ever noticed that anyone who drives slower than you do is an idiot and anyone who drives faster is a maniac?
I seem to find a hell of a lot more idiots than maniacs.:D
DallasCowpoke;3289101 said:
Did you opt for the place that deep fries their burgers in 100 year old grease?


Good ole Dyers :laugh2:

Nah I forget where we ended up
jimmy40;3289103 said:
I seem to find a hell of a lot more idiots than maniacs.:D

Both are out in force around here today. I almost had 4 wrecks and only drove 10 miles if that far. :bang2:
Okay, more more more.

* radio stations that play music I love but always insist in not finishing the song! Either they do an early transition to another song or go to commercial. GRRRRRR

* People who insist on tapping at the bar....like to a song, and just annoying everyone else around them while they are doing that.

* Having to be in a state/district that does not allow smoking inside buildings. HEY!! Last I checked, smoking cigs is STILL LEGAL! Either ban them or back the Frick off already! Man!
Phoenix;3289849 said:
Okay, more more more.

* radio stations that play music I love but always insist in not finishing the song! Either they do an early transition to another song or go to commercial. GRRRRRR

I haven't listened to the radio in a long time, but that whole jack-*** DJ talking over the entire intro of a song, right up to the moment the vocals start. Like that part was just superfluous and can be ignored in lieu of some **** talking DJ.

I'm so glad I have an iPod.
Hostile;3289076 said:
Have you ever noticed that anyone who drives slower than you do is an idiot and anyone who drives faster is a maniac?

Carlin attack! :bow:
I'm going to add people who more immature than their age warrants. being in a college town it really gets under my skin the amount of people around my age that still act like they are in high school. i also get annoyed at people that have no responsibility to speak of and do whatever they want and suffer no repercussions for their actions cause i know if i did those things there would be for me.

oh and another thing, people that make plans and cancel last minute or people that don't make definitive plans,( I'M NOT WAITING AROUND ALL DAY OR NIGHT FOR YOU TO DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU HANG OUT WITH ME!) or people that make lame excuses as to why they cant hang out that night(just tell me you feel like staying in or that you might be doing something else its no skin off my back)

and people that show up late to things, if you have a prior engagement that you are coming from i understand but if not how hard is it to be on time? you know how long it takes to get ready and you know how long it takes to get where your going so whats the deal?
People who park on the curb when they have a driveway, especially on narrow streets. Also people who walk in the road.
People who insists taking 30 minutes to back their giant truck into a parking space and force me to wait the entire time. People who roll around the neighborhood with their bass turned all the way up so that everyone in a 3 mile radius can here what they are listening too.
Yeagermeister;3290196 said:
5ft 100lb soccer moms in there huge SUV's that don't know how to park.

It's a proven fact: Women can't drive.

I'll bet anyone this was a woman driver:


Don't have to bet on this one:


Or this one:
Juggling three supermodels on the same night. Am I right, guys?

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