What do you think of Hitchens?

The normal pattern of evaluating a player doesn't stop when the draft is over. Sure, many of us didn't know the prospect when he was drafted. After a little research, we found out he was a very productive linebacker in a major conference. We then watched as he get pushed into what potentially was a starting position early in training camp. We have seen the growth. So yes, there might have been doubt when the pick was made. Since then, watching the guy, it is pretty obvious that he is a football player. Early on, some of his reads were slow and he was making tackles 5 yds down the field. Now he has improved and is meeting guys at the LOS. That is why Risen is such a phony. He threw out a snap judgement on the guy and instead of considering that maybe his opinion was wrong, he is going to turtleshell it and continue to throw out his rhetoric that HItchens is a scrub.

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