What do you think of McCarthy as HC thread

Air Force One

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This hire is great if you think we're on the verge of going to a super bowl but I don't. I wanted this whole crapshow blown up and instead they're betting on what Garrett built which is absolutely nothing but crap.


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This hire is great if you think we're on the verge of going to a super bowl but I don't. I wanted this whole crapshow blown up and instead they're betting on what Garrett built which is absolutely nothing but crap.

Me too bro. Same old same old.


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Not everyone is a fan I get it..... but what I’m seeing is...

packers fans think he’ll be a good hire.
giants fans wanted him.
Some of the media are actually giving us credit for the hire which they never do.

you want to say he’s good and not great that’s fine. Good will get us to the playoffs every year with our roster

What you're saying is facts. I already posted on the packers board as I go there from time to time and they do think we just got better.
Also, the Giants fans as a whole aren't happy about this because that was who they wanted mostly. Also, they're now worried that
Garrett is on a plane headed to NY. Apparently rumor has it that Jason is on the way to NY now set for a interview and the fans are shaking in their boots
because they want no part of Garrett.

I also agree, that the media is giving Jones credit for this because he didn't go with the splash hire but the smart hire.


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It must have been because of the spudity of their opponents that they could not figure out that "predictable offense" and GB could make 4xNFCC and 1 SB.
Playbooks get stale and stagnant if you don't update them or mix in fresh ideas. Aaron's aggressiveness made the offense more potent then it should have been in McCarthy later years. When the league or father time catches up to a player, coach or scheme, upgrades are needed sooner or later. And if you fail to update or upgrade the team will suffer, eventually.


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I was kind of ehh, but I say give him a chance and see what happens. Can't be worse then what we had. Plus he has more Playoff wins at AT&T then Garrett did!.. lol


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he doesnt have Rodgers anymore,Dak is good but he is not accurate as Rodgers especially on the deep throws.i hope he also does something with our stale running game,Zeke is too good to have so many sub par games.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Better than Garrett and better than Wade, So hope he doesn't keep Moore but other than that I think we're better off. Was hoping for more interviews but Jerry and Stephen were probably worried that theyd lose him if they waited.


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Honestly. I do not like the hire.

The ONLY Positive for me is... he should be only head coach to win super bowl with two different teams. And HE IS NOT... the refs cheated him out of it. Later admitted to as much for the most part.


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I think it's a solid safe pick, Jerry has been eluding to this for a while. He didn't want to train anyone for the job after going through what he did with Garrett. McCarthy like it or not has some skins on the wall and that checks the boxes for Jerry. I like how he wants to build an analytics staff, that sounds interesting. I would also like him to gut the staff and completely overhaul the offense. The DC pick will be critical since he is an offensive guy.


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I don't have a problem with McCarthy. I don't know how much fire he has anymore, but I'm certainly familiar with the offense he'll install. It'll be a clone of the Eagles under Pederson, and Andy Reid. They like the short quick passing game and running backs that are good receivers.


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As i mentioned in the other thread.

- People are going to give rodgers all the credit for their SB. As yourself this though, What "talent" did mccarthy ever have on those teams but rodgers. Half the years he had no defense, no oline and no running game. When was the last "great" GB running back you've heard of.

- I would argue at times he ONLY had rodgers and made the playoffs 9 of 13 years.

- Guy commands instant respect because of that ring. How many SB winning coaches have we hired for this franchise in the last 20 years. This is a change from the norm.

- People are going to say "his offenses are just like garret". Our teams including this year was top 10 in offense and defense. That wasn't the issue. The issue came to game management, lack of preperation and lack of adjustments in close games.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The fact that McCarthy was hire on the condition of or because he was okay with keeping Moore tells me nothing has changed. We'll see another several years of people complaining about the coach when the issue starts at the top.

Is this truly a fact.

I have this uneasy feeling that...
McCarthy = Wade
Moore = Garrett

Guys, Jerry is "comfortable" and that's what really matters.


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Guys, Jerry is "comfortable" and that's what really matters.

Yup. I appreciate your big picture thinking. Not comfortable in the least with so called influences from Jerry for considering past regime staff members. The HC either has full control over ALL his staff and free to choose whomever he wants or he doesn't.

Everything should be based off what the head coach's vision is. Everything.
To walk into an environment where the carryover coaching staff of Jones family favorites should have absolutely no bearing on ANY football related decisions.

Multiple threads were created and discussed ad nauseum regarding puppet or non puppet status hires.
Looks like the Master Puppeteer still reigns to me. Expect more of the same.


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How about we hire coach and give him control over football operations completely. Which means hiring his own staff having control over the players there. Making it his own identity. I understand that Jerry and his son want to get the players here but having a coach like this smells like it's the same stuff again and there won't be any real change for the better in the long run.

Totally agree. More puppet stuff from the Master Puppeteer. Nothing ever changes if the Head coach has no final say.