What happens if McCarthy wins the Super Bowl?


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So what happens if McCarthy wins the Super Bowl next season?
Let us just think about this unlikely, but fun, and funny scenario:
Somehow, MM, and the team, pull it altogether and advance to the SB, all while working on the last year of his contract.
MM would hold all of the cards, and Jerry would be left answering all the media and fans questions as to why he didn't re-sign MM when he had the chance.
MM would be basically an in demand free agent coach and could entertain all offers from all the other NFL teams in search of a HC at that time.
Jerruh would look like an even bigger fool and mistake of a GM than he does now.
Sorry, I know this scenario will never happen, but its partially gratifying just to think of the karma playing out against Jerruh
There might even be a movie made about it. The 2024 Football version of the late 1980's movie "Major League". :)
Hey, A lifelong (almost 60 years) Cowboys fan can dream can't I? ;)


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I would probably need to be hospitalized for shock; then laughing like a loon they would lock me up in the local peculiar parlor.

Now IF I managed to talk my way out of THERE, I would probably say that MM will get a new deal. Being the FIRST HC to win the SB with two different teams guarantees him the HOF but I imagine he would like another ring or two
Jerry would pretty much give him a blank check and Stephan would probably stroke out right after


Since 1971
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I like McCarthy. I think he has done a great job with the Cowboys and gotten everything out of them he can considering the circumstances he works under. That said, they have no shot at a winning season next year, IMO. Jerry has created an untenable situation with the coaching staff there.

If he loses Quinn and Quinn takes even one guy from the staff with him, how does Jerry replace them? The rest of the staff is on a one-year deal and likely in their last year with Dallas. So, Jerry is already picking the next D coordinator for the new HC?


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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If this happened, and I think there's a better chance of Jamaica being covered in 6 feet of snow, I would love to see the media showering all the praise on MM and not give any credit to Jerry. Jerry would be so fuming mad smoke would be coming out of his ears. That would be quite entertaining and Jerry would fire him on the spot.


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You think MM would win the Super Bowl here and go somewhere else? You really didn’t think this through at all.
I am just thinking he would have Jerry over a barrel. That would be entertaining to me
Again, I clarified in my original post that this was just a what if scenario.
Just posted it, as everyone else, and their dog, is thinking that MM will fail and leave.
Its fun for me to think about alternatives.
Btw, everyone should think things through differently. jmo.
its OK with me if you think differently than me.


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It ain't gonna happened back to reality
What is your reality?
How many wins are we going to have next season ?
When does MM get fired?
Who does Jerruh hire as a replacement?
Just saying, there are a million different scenarios that could play out next season. I just posted my dream scenario.
Post yours
Thank you. .


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If he wins a SB and wants to leave or stay fine. I understand where your going with this but a SB win to me and Im good for the next 10 years hopefully not 30
Couldn't have said it better myself. A Superbowl win every ten years would be absolutely fine.


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If this happened, and I think there's a better chance of Jamaica being covered in 6 feet of snow, I would love to see the media showering all the praise on MM and not give any credit to Jerry. Jerry would be so fuming mad smoke would be coming out of his ears. That would be quite entertaining and Jerry would fire him on the spot.
I agree, but Jerruh can't fire a guy without a contract.
And if he didn't try to keep MM after a SB win, its 1994 all over again.
Further Proof that jerruh really values the power rather than having a winner.