What happens if (or when) Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye


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As the season progresses and it gets to a point that Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye on the plays or game plan in general? Will Moore have the say so on game and halftime adjustments or will Garrett try to retain that power?
You know Garrett as HC will have the power to override Moore if he feels he needs to. I seriously doubt he uses that power much and I certainly don't see him abusing it. Moore is on a very long leash as a rookie OC and that's the way it should be until proven to not to deserve that latitude.


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If they got to the point they don't see eye to eye, that means the offense is not working. They will both know early on whether it is working or not and the assumption that Garrett is just a figurehead and doesn't know offensive football is an incorrect assumption.

This perception that it could come to a throw down was creating by Booger's mouth telling his new OC to come see him if anyone got in his way. Wanna see a team implode and come apart at the same time, just have a situation with the HC and OC disagreeing because there's no hiding that, especially with a team that loves to leak information.

We wouldn't be watching football games anymore, we'd be watching The New Odd Couple. And we don't know how Oscar feels about Felix being hired to replace Murray.


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Since Moore will be on the sideline, I want to see Garrett run down the line and shove him, ala Parcells and Haley, backwards for a bad play call. Then I want to see Booger come stumbling out of his suite to come down and pick up Moore. Then I want Moore to sucker punch Garrett, ala Longley and Staubach, in the locker room at halftime and Garrett to have tears streaming down his face and yell "you can kiss my Ivy League *** goodbye" at Booger and storm out.

Talk about a 2nd half I'd be interested in.


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As the season progresses and it gets to a point that Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye on the plays or game plan in general? Will Moore have the say so on game and halftime adjustments or will Garrett try to retain that power?
Ya know, for the pure entertainment factor of the Dallas Cowboys reality show, I wouldn't mind watching that.

If this offense does struggle, you can bet you will see stuff coming out from reliable sources.

However, as I've said many times, judge this offense first on execution. Too many fault the play call because of the lack of proper execution.


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Who has final word at any job....the employee or the boss? There's your answer.


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In most "normally" run organizations that would be true...........but in a Jerry Jones run organization "normal" rarely comes into play.....I've learned to expect the unexpected with Jerry.
So have his employees. Does he think he did Moore any favors with that remark?

Every coach and GM in the NFL looked up and thought w t f did he just say? This would have been like Roosevelt telling Patton "if Eisenhower gets in your way, come see me". Like he would know how to run a war.

However, we never know how those on the inside take what that blowhard shoots his mouth off about. I don't actually think he thinks much about what he shoots his mouth off about, half the time his brain trap is set on "wide open". I think the word "eye rolls" applies here with everyone in the league.

What he should have said was "I told Kellen if Jason gets in his way, come see me and I'll send him to the glorry hole".


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Moore works for Garrett. They know each other well and get along. Garrett just promoted Moore on his staff. The offensive coaches collaborate. It’s a shame it doesn’t fit the agenda, but it’s true.
If Garrett does succeed no one will deny you were behind him all the way. You may be the only one and I admire your consistency. Even if I disagree and think he’s hung around far too long.


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before such a thing happens, you will hear rumblings, one way or another, from the players. just like we did last year regarding linehan's playcalling. Stephen is putting his stamp on this team. and that stamp includes moore. garrett, not so sure. he threw a fit when Callahan was made oc by jerry. he continued until he got back the play calling duties. then he brought in linehan until things imploded last year. i'm pretty sure that's why the comment was made to moore about if anyone hinders him, come see fearless leader. no more mutinies will be allowed.


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before such a thing happens, you will hear rumblings, one way or another, from the players. just like we did last year regarding linehan's playcalling. Stephen is putting his stamp on this team. and that stamp includes moore. garrett, not so sure. he threw a fit when Callahan was made oc by jerry. he continued until he got back the play calling duties. then he brought in linehan until things imploded last year. i'm pretty sure that's why the comment was made to moore about if anyone hinders him, come see fearless leader. no more mutinies will be allowed.
I think Booger's intention, while doing it the wrong way, was to show his confidence in a first time OC. I have a hard time thinking the coaching staff, especially Moore, or players took him seriously. But that will serve as something for the media to bemuse themselves about and I can almost see the headline "Dallas Cowboys, divided locker room?"


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I think Booger's intention, while doing it the wrong way, was to show his confidence in a first time OC. I have a hard time thinking the coaching staff, especially Moore, or players took him seriously. But that will serve as something for the media to bemuse themselves about and I can almost see the headline "Dallas Cowboys, divided locker room?"
I concur. I did not take it literally. perhaps a tad subliminally.


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As the season progresses and it gets to a point that Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye on the plays or game plan in general? Will Moore have the say so on game and halftime adjustments or will Garrett try to retain that power?
Based on last season I would say JG would allow Moore to call plays as he see's fit during the game. With Linehan it seemed that JG spoke with Linehan about the issues with the offense but when it came game time Linehan did what he wanted. That could be a good or a bad thing empowering your coordinators like that; obviously last year it almost derailed our season. I would expect JG to give Kellen enough rope to run a Moore Betta Offense.


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If Garrett does succeed no one will deny you were behind him all the way. You may be the only one and I admire your consistency. Even if I disagree and think he’s hung around far too long.

You mean if he doesn’t succeed more than he already has?

He’s accomplished a lot as HC. The team hasn’t gotten over the hump, but building a team that wins more than other teams in the conference over three seasons into a current contender is already delivering much more than the 80% of the site who repeatedly told me he’d “never get over .500” predicted. Building contending teams with two different QBs is also an accomplishment. He’s already proven I was right that he’s a good coach. It’s ok that I’m the only one that says so.

He needs to prove now he can get a good team to a Superbowl and then win one.


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Its fallacy for anyone to think Garrett has ever been a controlling head coach. Under Garrett both OC and Dc have had free reign to call their plays within the scope of their control. Garrett did have say on the operational side such as when to go for it on 4th down, time outs etc but he wasn't telling linehan what plays to call. These guys have been working together and together they came up with the offensive game plan for the last few games last year. That will continue, garrett will have input in the planning during the week and as long as the players execute Moore will have full control as linehan did.


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Garrett is better dealing with the press than moore. Moore is still a really young kid and wet behind the ears. Jason is a better spokeman for the team and a super likeable guy. Its his designated blocking schemes i cannot stand.

Everything on the defensive side of the ball is ran pretty good. Marinelli and richard do a good job of maximizing what they have.

The offense on the other hand is not. We got a fb and a backup rb with almost zero production and the te core plays all the passing snaps but doesnt hit minimum benchmark as receivers.

Im once again excited that we drafted 2 rbs. We spend more money on our oline than just about anybody and it makes sense to have a few guys producing that can carry the team when zeke hits a bad streak at scoring etc. Checkdowns to our rbs always yield better results than our te and fb.

The wr core looks promising. We picked up Cobb and he came off the Grass like Amari and should play faster on the turf. That helps alot when you have a guy thats good on grass and you move him to the turf. I dont think its gonna dramatically improve his scoring ability but he will prolly play faster and have a higher open rate and yac on the turf.

I really do think cobb will outperform Gallop per snapcount no matter where he lines up if he stays healthy and I hope we get to see these wrs and rbs steal alot of passing snaps from these checkdown tes.

Id like to see more bunch formations, screens, slants, picks and spread formations over these Jumbo sets

I dont think Moore will have the power to overide Anybody but maybe he'll at least be able to come up with some better strategies that involve more players and higher % of scoring. Hes gonna have to use more substitution to match the personell groups based upon the down and distance. Too many times we have players that are not deep ballers or red zone threats out there on plays where they have a low rate of effectiveness.
Super likeable!!!!:lmao2::lmao2::lmao::lmao: