What if Packers make a run and win the Super Bowl?


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Would tha change your opinion of the Dallas loss? What if they run up 48 points on all the rest of the teams?


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No. It would actually make me more upset because there likely won’t be a better chance to win the Super Bowl than this year.
Yep. A down year in the NFC and Philly imploded to gift us 2 home playoff games where we were undefeated (because the refs hate Detroit more) and couldn't cash in. Curshing if you're super emotionally invested.


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If my aunt had... never mind.

I really think the Packers just caught Dallas unprepared. How that happens in the playoffs I will never understand but I don't think the Packers are anywhere near as good as they looked against Dallas. Nor is Dallas as bad as they looked. Dallas decided to be something other than what they were all season and they fooled themselves. I think in a way the Packers snuck up on Dallas. I do not think they will sneak up on anyone else.

Can they beat SF? Sure, anything can happen, but I will be as shocked, maybe more shocked, if that happens than I was at how Dallas lost. I think the 49ers will run on GB with great success. The 49ers have 4 legitimate threats on offense so I do not think the Packers will be able to take 1 guy away and stop them. The 49ers are a good run defense and they play a more aggressive style. I think GB will have trouble running the football on SF they way the ran it on Dallas. I also don't expect the 49ers to change their defense and wind up leaving WRs wide open downfield the entire game the way Dallas did. SF is not going to take them lightly the way Dallas did.

GB averages 22 points per game, The 48 they scored on Dallas is more than double their season average and the most points they scored all year. In fact, the 27 points they scored in the first half is more they scored in all but 4 of their regular season games! Dallas clearly underperformed and Green Bay over performed. I don't think SF will underperform. If anything, I expect them to come out and put the hammer down on GB. If they beat GB by 24 points, I would not be the least bit surprised. If there is an upset this weekend, I think it will be the Bucs over the Lions, but I also believe the Lions will expose Tamp Bay too.


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The Cowboys didn't get beat by a better team, they got beat because they were OUT COACHED and COMPLETELY UNPREPARED!
And had S's playing LB, a tweener starting at DT, and a QB who completely freaked out. Those were the reasons for the loss.


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And had S's playing LB, a tweener starting at DT, and a QB who completely freaked out. Those were the reasons for the loss.
your forgot to throw in the lousy coaching too........................


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Would tha change your opinion of the Dallas loss? What if they run up 48 points on all the rest of the teams?
My best friend is a cheesehead and he would be very, very happy.