What industry do you go out of your way to support?

personally, if i were in an apartment building, i would not want pot grown next to me. the smell bothers me and i have no need for THC. however a smart complex would segregate things so people can get along.

california is growing many times more than residents in CA can consume. it is obviously going all over the country where the price is much higher. instead of drug interdiction at the national border, it is now happening between states. as the wave continues, interdiction would become senseless.
As a recent resident of CA, the second point is false. Most recreational shops run out of supplies often.
personally, if i were in an apartment building, i would not want pot grown next to me. the smell bothers me and i have no need for THC. however a smart complex would segregate things so people can get along.

Yes, the smell is what concerns landlords (both cannabis and tobacco), they are also banning vaping (that's too far), vaping leaves minimal to no oder. It will be tough to police. Another important thing landlords are worried about is mini grow-ups. Indoor grow-up leave lots of moisture and mould problems. I am supportive of respectful, responsible uses of cannabis. I smoke outside myself and am moving in another month, and the fact that landlords are banning cannabis use in their buildings (some have banned it on the property), factored in to me buying another house. I currently own a townhome, so it would have been hard to grow plants outdoor, I will be able to in my new home...

A roadside saliva device was just approved to test high drivers. The police said the device is only one step in determining if you will be charged. That will never be a problem for me, I do not drive drunk or high.
i believe it is the legal supply chain has bottlenecks. i believe growers are growing many tims more than residents can consume. so there is a lot of black market distribution going on, particularly the price is much higher in the east coast (ny?)
Could be regulatory factors, but knowing first-hand (having had a medicinal license in NY), they run out of stock ALL the time.
Yes, the smell is what concerns landlords (both cannabis and tobacco), they are also banning vaping (that's too far), vaping leaves minimal to no oder. It will be tough to police. Another important thing landlords are worried about is mini grow-ups. Indoor grow-up leave lots of moisture and mould problems. I am supportive of respectful, responsible uses of cannabis. I smoke outside myself and am moving in another month, and the fact that landlords are banning cannabis use in their buildings (some have banned it on the property), factored in to me buying another house. I currently own a townhome, so it would have been hard to grow plants outdoor, I will be able to in my new home...

A roadside saliva device was just approved to test high drivers. The police said the device is only one step in determining if you will be charged. That will never be a problem for me, I do not drive drunk or high.

for me, the smell bothers me, but i also do not want to inhale thc when i dont need it.
i am in a house so not an issue for me.
for me, the smell bothers me, but i also do not want to inhale thc when i dont need it.
i am in a house so not an issue for me.

And you should not have to be bothered by the smell, people need to respect people's rights ... which I do. I would NEVER smoke in front of someone if it is bothersome, but I am also big on respecting personal space, which is whyI am looking forward to my move, much smaller house, but much more outdoor space.. Landlords are correct in the action they are taking, they are just protecting their investment..(other than vaping).
I like the fact they took away the names of the states that have not legalized it, serves them right. We need a new name for Texas.
Which of these statements is best associated with alcohol or marijuana?

"Hey, I'm buzzing now, let's go out and get in some trouble. Oh hell no, I can drive".

"I ain't moving, gonna sit right here and not move".

The other thing about the difference is if you run out, if the liquor stores are open, you can go get more, probably at the exact time you should not. If you are stoned and run out, you can't remember where you bought it.
Which of these statements is best associated with alcohol or marijuana?

"Hey, I'm buzzing now, let's go out and get in some trouble. Oh hell no, I can drive".

"I ain't moving, gonna sit right here and not move".

The other thing about the difference is if you run out, if the liquor stores are open, you can go get more, probably at the exact time you should not. If you are stoned and run out, you can't remember where you bought it.
How about this one: "Job? I don't need no stinkin' job!!!!"

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