What industry do you go out of your way to support?

and all the tax revenues instead of money going to dangerous people

I think there will be 2 taxes applied for recreational use. $1.00/ gram + a sales tax. Medicinal user only pay the sales tax, there is a lobby group working to get sales tax removed from medicinal use.
and all the tax revenues instead of money going to dangerous people

I also tell people to go medicinal, 1.00/gram is a lot ... plenty of doctors now approve and have no problem signing the prescription. Like I said my doc is 73 and is very receptive of its uses. An Aunt passed away a few months ago from Cancer, she was give less than a year to live ... she took cannabis oil and lived 6 years after being given less than a year ... a week before she passed she still attended church and was only hospitalized once in those 6 years, and that was in the last few days before she passed ... she was almost 90.
so a sin tax, not unreasonable.

Yes a sin tax. I have not heard how much in taxes they can expect to collect. I still think the black market will flourish. The news interviewed cannabis users when the pricing was set, many black market cannabis users said they were paying 7/gram and many dealers delivered within the hour 24/7 ... so I am curious to see how legalization goes. Plus as part of legalization you will be allowed 4 plants, smaller than 100 cm. Medicinal users can apply to health Canada for a grow licence, and now we are talking a grow-up ... if health Canada gives you a grow licence, then you are allowed to grow more than enough to last from grow season to grow season and enough for friends.

Apartment dweller are going to suffer though. Many apartments have gone completely smoke free, this also means inside your dwelling. Condo boards are going smoke, inside your dwelling as well. There will be some growing pains.
Yes a sin tax. I have not heard how much in taxes they can expect to collect. I still think the black market will flourish. The news interviewed cannabis users when the pricing was set, many black market cannabis users said they were paying 7/gram and many dealers delivered within the hour 24/7 ... so I am curious to see how legalization goes. Plus as part of legalization you will be allowed 4 plants, smaller than 100 cm. Medicinal users can apply to health Canada for a grow licence, and now we are talking a grow-up ... if health Canada gives you a grow licence, then you are allowed to grow more than enough to last from grow season to grow season and enough for friends.

Apartment dweller are going to suffer though. Many apartments have gone completely smoke free, this also means inside your dwelling. Condo boards are going smoke, inside your dwelling as well. There will be some growing pains.

personally, if i were in an apartment building, i would not want pot grown next to me. the smell bothers me and i have no need for THC. however a smart complex would segregate things so people can get along.

california is growing many times more than residents in CA can consume. it is obviously going all over the country where the price is much higher. instead of drug interdiction at the national border, it is now happening between states. as the wave continues, interdiction would become senseless.

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