What is one reason why you want Jason Garrett gone?

Results. As in, lack thereof.

9 1/2 seasons, 2-3 in the postseason, never made it out of the divisional round, never mind the conference championship game or Super Bowl.
Garrett is the sole reason why we are 8-8. It's his one defining attribute to turn teams like the Cowboys roster and make them mediocre.
He sucks.
A stubborn inability to make real and effective change coupled with a mind-boggling lack of attention to detail.

For a guy touted for his intelligence, these should be his strong suits. Without doing these, it leaves us to question what he actually contributes to the team.
Two very different but very perfect answers lol
I can tolerate losing, but not losing and boring at the same time.
Get rid of the stale, same-old-same-old Garrett offense and defense.
Training camps are the same vanilla plays over and over.
Players that shine in camp are relegated to the bench and are rarely given a chance.
Garrett's offense is the same offense from 20 years ago.
Can't run a screen pass for the past 10 years regardless of who the QB/RB are.

The same coaching that got us into this mess, is not going to get us out of this mess.
I want Jason Garrett fired for wasting Tony Romo‘s career. If I were Tony Romo and I saw Jason Garrett, I would kick Jason where his nuts are supposed to be, and then I would pull Randy moss and shake my butt all over his face! Then I would leave.
Every other game is up and down and has been the pattern for 10 years not just recently.

His inability to make in game adjustments or halftime.

Tends to take his foot off the gas too early in the game.

Hasn't improved in any aspect of his coaching ability from day 1 to current day.

His sense of security with Jerry seems to become too apparent at times.

His pressers are too generic, doesn't really understand the reasons from one loss to another.

His friendship with Romo and Witten was wrong and could've backfired in a big way.
I think he lives in the Jimmy Johnson era of Cowboys Football.
Problem was that Jimmy did not have to worry about the Salary Cap when he was with the Cowboys.

I think Jason believes you don't have to scheme well. If you play perfect football you play with talented players and they will win no matter if the other team knows what plays are coming or not.

When we had that team with Jimmy other teams knew we were going to run the ball and there was nothing we could do with it because the team was just more talented than the other team.

We started to see that crumble after jimmy was gone and Switzer decided to go for it multiple times against the eagles and the eagles stopped us.

What is really bizarre about this is the idea of not wanting to change things up but instead of being run heavy like Jimmy was, they are Pass Happy now.

This is not just with Zeke. This has been going on for some years now. They get away from the run too often. Now you can blame the QB audibling out of the run, you can blame the OC for play calling but the HC has the ability to tell both areas to stop passing so much and run the ball. Jason does not seem to do this. Not when he was oc, not when he was HC and still calling the plays, not when they took the play calling away from him and gave it to linehan and not when Kellen took over.

Then they lose a game mostly because they got too pass happy and they get the backlash from the fans and media only to go at least one game after where they run the ball with good balance with the pass only to go the next game after that with being pass happy.
The lack of vision/philosophy/mentality of the team

I haven problem with how operated with Jerry, the clapping, the robotic press conferences and all that stuff ... His players always played for him.

My only problem is the lack of vision/philosophy that you feel the players, as talented as they are, have no clue what exactly we are doing, how are we approaching each game, and how are they mentally prepared to execute the finish the game

Because he fell short of accomplishing what he was hired to accomplish. Anything else is secondary (or tertiary, or unimportant).
The final death blow should have been when he walked out after the Vikings game and in trying to explain why they suddenly ran Elliott on that last drive said they were trying to run clock............... despite the fact they were snapping the ball with time still on the play clock.

Right there should have been the moment when even fans of his realized that this guy is a total clown.
Lack of attention to detail. Great coaches are prepared for pretty much everything and anything.

JG's team not so much.

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