What is up with the cage dancers?

The dancers don't look as bad as the men up there in those white suits with the big stars on the back!

Now that's funny. :laugh2:
Tikkanen;2958215 said:
Nothing wrong with a little T&A. I can't blame Jerry the owner for this. The blame falls on the bonehead celebrity QB Tony Romo, Jason Garrett leaving the running game when his QB was cold, etc.

Exactly. The running game was killer and Garrett killed us
DallasGirl50;2958405 said:
The dancers don't look as bad as the men up there in those white suits with the big stars on the back!

Now that's funny. :laugh2:

It's Marti Gra in Texas.

SilverStarCowboy;2958189 said:
Jerry has made a laughing stock out of Dallas for the rest of the National Football League since Jimmy Johnson told "The Joker" Jones to get thee behind him.

Lastnights' fiasco was just another 15 year encore with lifetimes more lining up for the future right in front of our eyes.

The real Ring Leader of this Circus Jones is Jerry Jones and opening the New Stadium only reinforces that he will never let his death grip of this franchise go.

Meanwhile the rest of the world watches this drive by of fellow NFL fans which are the real clowns in his Circus.
lcharles;2958128 said:
I never in my lifetime saw anything as cheesy as that mess last night.

I hate Jerry Jones.

He got what he deserved last night.

He should go buy out Barnum and Bailey. :lmao2: :lmao:

if you pay $29.00 to stand basically out of the stadium, then you should at least get some cage dancers
NFL fan watching the Dallas Game at home with a Brew - $1

NFL fan eating Cheeseburger in 2nd half while Romo throws 3rd INT - $2

NFL Fan getting to see Jerrys' Worl' open and thanking the kind mercy of the football Gods that he isn't a Dallas Cowboys Fan -- PRICELESS!!
Cowboys stadium the worlds biggest scrip club, all we're missing now is pacman :jackpot:
The mob has its pitchforks at the ready.
The Miller Lite dancers are first on their list.
The cheerleaders will soon follow.
Run girls run.
CliffnMesquite;2958605 said:
They seemed a tad over dressed.
That's only because Jerry Jones didn't want them
so thinly clad that the team's fans would attack them.
Little did he know that his team's losing would have
the exact same effect.
It's like we have our own miniature Babylon.

And we wonder why the Giants would benefit so greatly from three highly improbable bounces.

I kid. I kid.

IMO they should have showed more of the "cage dancers". Much would have rather seen that then those ducks Romo was throwing last night.
lcharles;2958128 said:
I never in my lifetime saw anything as cheesy as that mess last night.

Cheesy is the exact word my wife used.

I like the dancers, I just wish I was able to see them in person.:)
CanadianCowboysFan;2958500 said:
yeah because the cheerleaders just exude class

I'm sure you said this sarcastically, .. if so, you may want to do a little homework before you say something so absolutely wrong.

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders' reputation is that of total class.