What Makes a Team "Built to Win" in the Playoffs


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Over the last 3 seasons, Dallas has had more regular season wins (36) than another other team aside from the Chiefs (37).

This team has led the league in scoring multiple times in the span, fielded a top-5 scoring defense, had league leaders in TDs, yards, has at least a few blue chip players on either side of the ball, but continues to fall flat in the playoffs.

This is what is so truly confusing about about this team.

Their regular season performance is among the best, but they just cannot beat good teams regularly. This narrative is only partially true though since this year they did beat Philly, LA, and Detroit, all of whom were playoff teams (but each of these wins was either the result of a good bit of fortune, or catching the other team in a slump).

They can stack up wins better than anyone, but for whatever reason when the playoffs come around, they are totally punchless. I don't get it.

A good example I can think of in other sports would be a team like the 2014 Atlanta Hawks (60-22). Regular season wood chippers, but when your go to guy is Al Horford, you probably aren't going to win big in the playoffs and that is exactly what happened. The 2009-2013 Denver Nuggets are another great case study. Won 50+ games in three of four seasons during that stretch but never made it out of the first found of the playoffs. Their best players were Ty Lawson and Kenneth Faried.

If you want an NFL example, I present to you the 2013-2017 Cheifs. They averaged over 10 wins in that 5 year span, but could never advance past the divisional or WC round.

I believe Dallas is in a similar situation to these teams. They can win in the regular season, but are unable to close out games against tough opponents when it is win or go home. What we all should be asking, is why?

The question I have for you is this: What traits do you think makes a team "built to win" in the playoffs in the modern NFL?


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Over the last 3 seasons, Dallas has had more regular season wins (36) than another other team aside from the Chiefs (37).

This is what is so truly confusing about about this team.

Their regular season performance is among the best, but they just cannot beat good teams regularly. This narrative is only partially true though since this year they did beat Philly, LA, and Detroit, all of whom were playoff teams (but each of these wins was either the result of a good bit of fortune, or catching the other team in a slump).

They can stack up wins better than anyone, but for whatever reason when the playoffs come around, they are totally punchless. I don't get it.

A good example I can think of in other sports would be a team like the 2014 Atlanta Hawks (60-22). Regular season wood chippers, but when your go to guy is Al Horford, you probably aren't going to win big in the playoffs and that is exactly what happened. The 2009-2013 Denver Nuggets are another great case study. Won 50+ games in three of four seasons during that stretch but never made it out of the first found of the playoffs. Their best players were Ty Lawson and Kenneth Faried.

If you want an NFL example, I present to you the 2013-2017 Cheifs. They averaged over 10 wins in that 5 year span, but could never advance past the divisional or WC round.

I believe Dallas is in a similar situation to these teams. They can win in the regular season, but are unable to close out games against tough opponents when it is win or go home. What we all should be asking, is why?

The question I have for you is this: What traits do you think makes a team "built to win" in the playoffs in the modern NFL?
Is the GM's job on the line for winning a trophy? thats how teams are built to win...


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Over the last 3 seasons, Dallas has had more regular season wins (36) than another other team aside from the Chiefs (37).

This team has led the league in scoring multiple times in the span, fielded a top-5 scoring defense, had league leaders in TDs, yards, has at least a few blue chip players on either side of the ball, but continues to fall flat in the playoffs.

This is what is so truly confusing about about this team.

Their regular season performance is among the best, but they just cannot beat good teams regularly. This narrative is only partially true though since this year they did beat Philly, LA, and Detroit, all of whom were playoff teams (but each of these wins was either the result of a good bit of fortune, or catching the other team in a slump).

They can stack up wins better than anyone, but for whatever reason when the playoffs come around, they are totally punchless. I don't get it.

A good example I can think of in other sports would be a team like the 2014 Atlanta Hawks (60-22). Regular season wood chippers, but when your go to guy is Al Horford, you probably aren't going to win big in the playoffs and that is exactly what happened. The 2009-2013 Denver Nuggets are another great case study. Won 50+ games in three of four seasons during that stretch but never made it out of the first found of the playoffs. Their best players were Ty Lawson and Kenneth Faried.

If you want an NFL example, I present to you the 2013-2017 Cheifs. They averaged over 10 wins in that 5 year span, but could never advance past the divisional or WC round.

I believe Dallas is in a similar situation to these teams. They can win in the regular season, but are unable to close out games against tough opponents when it is win or go home. What we all should be asking, is why?

The question I have for you is this: What traits do you think makes a team "built to win" in the playoffs in the modern NFL?
It all starts in the trenches on both sides of the ball.


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The #1 trait is a QB with balls of steel who can perform under pressure (hello Nick Foles). Then you need either a stout defense or a playmaking defense, but if it's playmaking you MUST be able to rely on your offense scoring . This is why the cowboys are a flop every year and will continue the same


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Do the opposite of whatever Jerry Jones does and you have a better chance of success.


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I would offer the following 10 things off the top of my head:

1. The QB. You can see it every year it is always the same QBs that appear over and over again. You can have a 60 million dollar QB but he has to play like it.
2. Depth. All teams sustain injuries and must fill in spots along the way. Good teams do not feel like the season is lost if someone is hurt. Roster sports are valuable. Good teams do not rely on injury prone players to be key contributors.
3. Focus: Good teams have a focus on winning. They are not concerned about brand image or brand development. They come to work and act like professionals. Social media is not the driving force.
4. Unity: Good teams are united and have a trust and a belief in each other. They do not "run to Daddy" they resolve issues like adults.
5. Accountability: Good teams are held accountable and more importantly hold each other accountable. Roster spots should be earned on a week to week basis.
6. Leadership: Good teams have quality leadership usually coming from the best and highest paid players on the team setting the example.
7. Value: The salary cap is real. You need players to exceed their contracts. No team has ever won that in hind sight have a pile of "overpaid" players at the top.
8. Physicality: To advance in the playoffs you need to be prepared to battle for every yard.
9. Youth and Hunger: These can go hand in hand but do not necessarily. It may not be promoted as such but the league is dominated by young and hungry players.
10. Legacy: Does the player actual care about the game and their legacy within it. Is it all about maximizing the bag?

I can list you decision after decision made by the front office of this team that completely ignores everything I have listed above.


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One that does NOT have Dak Prescott as their starting QB is a prerequisite before even thinking of anything else.
yeah they didnt have Dak the 20 years before..it worked very well..next theory? I'll give you one thing your ability to overlook the 28 year problem on this team for your focal point is amazing....


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If you ever asked Jerry and Stephen to show you their plan what do you think they would say? If you asked them their mission statement and core values what would they say? If you asked them for their decision making policies what do you think they would say? I guarantee you it would be horrifying. They would have nothing to offer. Just stupid buzz words and meaningless drivel.


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Players that truly want it, and leadership that inspires that.

Coaching that can exploit the weaknesses of the opponent and hide their own.

We seem to just line up and do what we do. The better coaches/schemes always know how to beat us.

Jerry doesn’t think much of coaching, and thinks the culture isn’t a problem. I’m gonna go ahead and disagree.


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22 All Pro's, 7 isn't enough unless you have an elite QB
well he was one of them and 2nd in MVP..it worked well for them they came in ready to play....let me guess Romo would've won with THIS team..man some of you deserve another 28 years of Jerry because the first 28 hasn't taught you anything...
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Really it comes down to there are 5 aspects of football....

Specials teams play
Run defense
Pass defense
Run offense
Pass offense

The more areas that you're deficient in the higher the probability that you're going to run into a team along the way in the post season that is build to beat you. If you're bad in more than one of those areas you are at a significant disadvantage of actually stringing together wins in the post season.

The Cowboys this year were vulnerable in the run game on both sides of the ball. If you're going to be vulnerable in two areas you need to be elite in the other two.


Well-Known Member
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Really it comes down to there are 5 aspects of football....

Specials teams play
Run defense
Pass defense
Run offense
Pass offense

The more areas that you're deficient in the higher the probability that you're going to run into a team along the way in the post season that is build to beat you. If you're bad in more than one of those areas you are at a significant disadvantage of actually stringing together wins in the post season.

The Cowboys this year were vulnerable in the run game on both sides of the ball. If you're going to be vulnerable in two areas you need to be elite in the other two.
If you have a dominate run game and can consistently dominate the time of possession, does that make your defenses job easier?

Complimentary football.


Well-Known Member
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Really it comes down to there are 5 aspects of football....

Specials teams play
Run defense
Pass defense
Run offense
Pass offense

The more areas that you're deficient in the higher the probability that you're going to run into a team along the way in the post season that is build to beat you. If you're bad in more than one of those areas you are at a significant disadvantage of actually stringing together wins in the post season.

The Cowboys this year were vulnerable in the run game on both sides of the ball. If you're going to be vulnerable in two areas you need to be elite in the other two.
the run defense has been trash for nearly 28 years...its really not hard to see what the problem is...


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This team needs to take a page out of the Tuna’s playbook when it comes to building a winner. He always had good defenses and knew that a great team was built in the trenches. If you have a great offensive line with good backups, your skill position guys don’t have to be the best in the league to be successful. It was boring football, but it was winning football..