I dint think it's that people "won't like it"
But I think most fans that have a lick of sense realize coaches will always talk up other coaches.
I mean really....when is the last time you saw a new guy get hired as a head coach or coordinator on ANY team...where coaches he's worked with in the past said "oh man, that guy SUCKS"
we could have hired the assistant long snapper coach that worked for 5 days under Pete Caroll, and if someone asks about that assistant long snapper coach Pete would be all "GREAT GUY, HE'S READY!!! HE BELIEVES IN PHYSICAL OLINE AND DLINE PLAY. He's a big culture guy. HE WANTS TO RUN THE BALL'
It's just meaningless fluff that means nothing. Just something to put in an article. Think of the WORST possible coach you can think of, who totally flamed out and got fired after 1 year...and I guarantee you THAT guy had things said about him like this when he was first hired.
Meaningless fluff... but not bad or good. Just irrelevant. I'm sure (hope) most people in here are smart enough to know that.