What positions do we upgrade next offseason?


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What do you think we'll do next offseason?

Look at our defense with the last few drafts....

OLB: Ware and Carpenter (in reserve: Burnett, Thorton)
ILB: Ayodele and James (in reserve Boiman and Parham)
DL: Fergi/Stanley, Canty, Spears, Hatcher, Ratliff, Johnson
CB: Henry, Reeves, Newman
S: Roy, Davis, Watkins

We are YOUNG on defense and we've used the majority of our draft picks on defense the last few years
We've spent 10 out of the last 16 picks on the defense.
Its starting to become hard to imagine us spending a first day pick next year or big free agent contract on a defensive player next year, except maybe to resign someone like Roy, Newman, or James.

We're pretty old on offense. I think the big questions key to our next offseason plan are?
1) Is Henson ready to take over for Bledsoe? If not Brady Quinn is the best QB prospect I've seen since Carson Palmer
2) Is JJ capable of making it through a full season without injury? Is he capable of carrying the load for 16+ games? If not, Adrian Peterson will probably be coming out and he's flat out amazing as well as big and strong, a BP kind of back capable of carrying the load. Michael Bush is another big back that might entice BP.
3) How much more does TO and Glenn have in the tank? Calvin Johnson is a going to be the second-coming of TO. Dwayne Jarrett is probably Keyshawn part II. Ted Ginn is ridiculous fast and there are a few other good WRs in next year's draft. Is Green capable of stepping up as our slot guy? How are the UDFA's progressing?
4) How are the young OL's doing? Kosier is probably here to stay, Flo probably has a few more good years in him. Is AJ or Gurode getting it done at C? Is Rivera getting back to PB form and how much does he have left? Is Peterman worth keeping? Is Pettiti or Colombo coming around?

I think our defense is set for a few years and the offense will be the sole focus next offseason.
I could very well see us making a big trade up next draft and signing a few big contracts on the offense next offseason.


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Offensive Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Injured Reserve
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I would like to see a stud WR in round 1 or our future QB prospect

chicago JK

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Obviously injuries will play a role and the Cowboys will stick to their board again, but I fully expect next year to be a heavy offensive draft.

big dog cowboy

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Not in any order:


That list will get longer as we incur injuries throughout the year and lose free agents after the season.


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Any position on offense (outside of TE) and CB to replace Glenn. And possibly FS if Watkins is not panning out.

But WR has a chance to be very deep next year. There could be plenty of talent throughout the first round.


The Great Communicator
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BlueStar II said:
We should take a serious look at both OL and WR in the early rounds next year.
That is my best guess at this point as well. But I'm going to wait until the end of the season and see who we lose to FA, who retires, who has developed some chronic injury, who has lost a step, etc. Then I will develop a strong opinion on what direction we should go next offseason.

bobbie brewskie

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in order of need:
1. Offensive line (IFiest position on the team by far)
2. Wide Receiver (Old and Crayton is the only youth that could even be a #2)
3. Quarter Back (bledsoe is old and there might be more talent in the draft than in henson and romo)
4. Corner Back (not much after henry, newman and then glenn in the nickle 'hes old as well')
5. Nose Tackle (a 6th round pick wont solve this and ferguson isnt amazing)
6. Free Safety (Watkins is not proven yet, but after the season this could become a non-factor)


Commanders Forever
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Cowboys 2007 potential upgrades or youth movement moves between FA and the draft:

In this order IMO:

QB - The future QB beyond Bledsoe is not currently on the roster.
OL - Infusing some young top teir talent is never a bad thing.
WR - Insurance against age, drama, and injury.
CB - Depth
TE - Witten may not be back.

bobbie brewskie

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SkinsandTerps said:
Cowboys 2007 potential upgrades or youth movement moves between FA and the draft:

In this order IMO:

QB - The future QB beyond Bledsoe is not currently on the roster.
OL - Infusing some young top teir talent is never a bad thing.
WR - Insurance against age, drama, and injury.
CB - Depth
TE - Witten may not be back.

witten is going to be back, where do people get these stupid ideas of witten leaving the orginization?

big dog cowboy

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bobbie brewskie said:
5. Nose Tackle (a 6th round pick wont solve this and ferguson isnt amazing)
Don't be so quick too wrote off Stanley. He was made to be a NT and fill the bill long after he replaces Ferg.


Regular Joe....
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To be honest with you, I think we need to start looking at what were going to do at QB. The time is rapidly approaching IMO. We are old at WR, as many have already said. I think Center is the key position we must upgrade next season. Beyond that, I think we start looking at trading out of our current picks for future high picks. People were frustrated with our draft this year because it wasn't flashy like it has been in years past. Well, get used to it because we are at a point where we will not be drafting players that can come in and beat out the players we already have on the roster.

You will always have the odd injury here or there. The lost FA that you will need to replace but it won't be like it has been for the past 10 years. We are getting good and we are getting deep, talent wise. We need to start trading out for future picks IMO.