What Restructures Need to Occur to Sign Big Free Agents?


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Who was the last "big FA"?

They are lucky. They like their own guys which works out since no other team likes them that much.


Landry Hat
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The way forward is simple but difficult:

1. Admit McCarthy is not going to get you to a SB and prepare for life without him after 2022

2. Admit Zeke, Cooper, and Dak aren’t getting you to a SB and prepare for life without all 3 by 2024.

3. Blow up the old core of players by 2024 as well… Smith, Lael, Gregory, Jarwin, D Law etc… all need to be released asap

4. Make a good hire at HC after 2022

5. Do whatever you have to do to get in position to draft a franchise QB

6. After purging the cap, add quality players in FA. Be choosy. But don’t go bargain bin shopping. Identify your needs and address them with quality assets

7. Continue to build through the draft. Stop drafting injured players and avoid taking a “flyer” on a guy who drops. Add quality players with every pick— build your team from the OL and DL out
8. Cut Parsons just to save time He will suck sooner or later


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
….and Josh Allen and Mahomes may need to do that as well. Of course Dakota has the full right not to do so but at some point he has to ask, “ has he lived up to his contract in the playoffs and against great defenses?”

if he can honestly say “yes”….he should be able to sleep like a baby and keep the contract as it is

with Zeke probably being gone with his salary in 2023 and Lawrence probably not being resigned the main salary to be restructured is Dakotas……again that’s his call.
How old is Aaron Rodgers worked out. One win out of five. In the playoffs. They should tell you that it takes more than just a quarterback


Well-Known Member
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Y’all do realize that every “big FA” wasn’t deemed worth it by the team that knew him best, right?

Ya’ll sit up here and cry about “bad contracts“, yet get pissed when we aren’t overpaying for players in free agency. Truly odd!

Teams simply don’t let their best players become free agents that often.


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Yeah, I know the odds of Jerry making a signing that could, you know, actually have an immediate significant impact on the team are slim to none but if he's finally feeling the grim reaper closing in on him like Parsons on Heineke and does, what contracts could the Cowboys restructure and how much would it free up in cap space? I wouldn't do Zeke (again) but I'm in the "keep Amari" camp so they could potentially do that. Do they go ahead and already do something with Dak's? Ask Lawrence to take a pay cut? I don't think they can release him because I don't know that it would be worth it, especially with what they could replace him with.
D law first only because it’s possible. Dak should be 1 because he’s the most over paid player in the history of earth.


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Yeah, I know the odds of Jerry making a signing that could, you know, actually have an immediate significant impact on the team are slim to none but if he's finally feeling the grim reaper closing in on him like Parsons on Heineke and does, what contracts could the Cowboys restructure and how much would it free up in cap space? I wouldn't do Zeke (again) but I'm in the "keep Amari" camp so they could potentially do that. Do they go ahead and already do something with Dak's? Ask Lawrence to take a pay cut? I don't think they can release him because I don't know that it would be worth it, especially with what they could replace him with.
tell me which big FAs you want to sign? and Why?


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Build through the draft. Get O-Line and DT pick up RB later. Hope to hit on some hidden gems in the 4th and maybe 5th. We have been drafting pretty good..


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If Over the Cap is truly accurate (and they’ve proven to be pretty good), restructuring Coop still allows him to be cut NEXT year at basically the same savings as this year ($18M).


Since 1971
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Yeah, I know the odds of Jerry making a signing that could, you know, actually have an immediate significant impact on the team are slim to none but if he's finally feeling the grim reaper closing in on him like Parsons on Heineke and does, what contracts could the Cowboys restructure and how much would it free up in cap space? I wouldn't do Zeke (again) but I'm in the "keep Amari" camp so they could potentially do that. Do they go ahead and already do something with Dak's? Ask Lawrence to take a pay cut? I don't think they can release him because I don't know that it would be worth it, especially with what they could replace him with.
Restructuring is what gets the Cowboys into cap mess. Cut bait and move on! Cooper? Really? The offense needs to change philosophy and focus on running the ball.


"We Are Penn State"
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Many fans forgot for 2022, Dallas has more Smith money in the dead cap category. His unallocated signing bonus from the remaining years on his contract prior to release all land there, as does some money from Bradlee Anae who is currently on the practice squad after being released from his rookie deal.

Dallas has just over $7 million of dead money on next year’s cap, & that number will go up w/any releases of players w/unamortized bonus money remaining. It's a massive headache!
8. Cut Parsons just to save time He will suck sooner or later


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How old is Aaron Rodgers worked out. One win out of five. In the playoffs. They should tell you that it takes more than just a quarterback

never said it takes just a quarterback….. merely saying that the man that commands 22% of the teams salary cap is the main contract that needs to be restructured……if it was our punter, I would say it should be him…..it’s just the math


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everyone is different. On a personal note, I’ve lived long enough that if I’ve made 50 million a year minimum in endorsements and insurance, like Dak has since his 2nd year, I would be looking toward my legacy in my profession rather than lumping more tens of millions over the existing tens of millions. A few million restructured wouldn’t put me back in the bread line

I also don’t have a Tad or entourage that I have to make a living for …..so there’s that.

He didn’t though. That is a popular misconception where they consider his insurance income and he will never see that insurance unless he gets injured and never plays again.


Well-Known Member
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He didn’t though. That is a popular misconception where they consider his insurance income and he will never see that insurance unless he gets injured and never plays again.

i made sure to include that because it’s considered compensation by the man. The misconception is that all that money was from endorsements alone


Well-Known Member
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According to overthecap, the top 5 players (from a savings perspective) for restructures would be:

Prescott ($15.2M)
Lawrence ($11.9M)
Cooper ($12.6M)
Elliott ($9.1M)
Smith ($8.3M)

Not suggesting that they will or even should restructure these deals. Just presenting info from the following site:

I’m seeing we have 15 million available to push into next year too..


Well-Known Member
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For sure. JJ will never quit Dak lol… JJ is the elephant in the room and the true reason why this club is as dysfunctional as it is.

The list above is merely the first steps to even attempting legitimate contention of a title. We will never get there because JJ lives in denial and delusion that we are actually contenders right now… therefore why make macro changes at all?

Which is why he can trot out on 105.3 and puff out his chest and tell the fanbase to feel good about MM, DQ, and KM returning. Status quo and continuity because “we are soooo close!!”

He can sell it because he actually believes it himself.
I think it was George Kostanza who said 'it's not a lie if you believe it'