Add the fact that we pretty much stole Desean from there trash can is going to make these games carry alot more weight.
The first post was enough to know these guys are batcrap insane and bored to death. What part of they were absolutely god awful last year do they not remember.
Commanders fans are the most delusional of any fan group in all of pro sports. Reading a few posts in that thread is just typical Skin fan nonsense. I lived in foreskin territory for 30 years. That entire region of the country is obsessed with all things Dallas Cowboys. Its not just during football season either. Its a year round thing. Every day of every week. Every week of every month. Every month of every year. A Skin fan cannot think or talk about his/her team w/o also thinking about the Cowboys. Its just not possible.
The following post from that thread pretty well sums it up:
Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:46 PM
The 'Boys ain't a rival, they're a foe! Our historical enemy! They were ****n with us before they were even a team, who can possibly compare to that?? It is always fun to beat Philly or NY but there is one and only team that has it's own "week" during the season. I have plenty of loathing left over for the other two, trust me, but there can be only one!
Looks like several of them hate the Seahawks, what the hell is up with that?
"Some things you don't mess with. The Cowboys will always be the Death Star, and we will always be the Millenium Falcon." I think I'm okay with this.
Yeah, the Death Star was moon-sized Imperial military battlestation while the Millenium Falcon was a light freight ship.
He's probably wrongly assuming that the Falcon blew up the Death Star, which shows he knows as much about Star Wars as he does about football