What ticks you off?

Elitism in every form. Especially those that look down upon people for what they do for a living. What we do/did for a living is not who we are, that does not define anyone.

And I was raised around a lot of rich people and I noticed early on that the ones that did the least to earn the family fortune looked down on others that worked for a living the most. Entitled and ignorant.

Watch any of those YouTube videos of the talent contests, particularly the British ones, and watch their reaction when the contestant tells them what they do to live. Then watch their surprise that the person could actually have exceptional talent.

Nowhere are preconceived and erroneous notions on display that with those that consider themselves elite.
Elitism in every form. Especially those that look down upon people for what they do for a living. What we do/did for a living is not who we are, that does not define anyone.

And I was raised around a lot of rich people and I noticed early on that the ones that did the least to earn the family fortune looked down on others that worked for a living the most. Entitled and ignorant.

Watch any of those YouTube videos of the talent contests, particularly the British ones, and watch their reaction when the contestant tells them what they do to live. Then watch their surprise that the person could actually have exceptional talent.

Nowhere are preconceived and erroneous notions on display that with those that consider themselves elite.
Yeah, people who meet me are often surprised that I'm a truck driver, because of my intelligence. I tell them that a dumb truck driver isn't a truck driver for very long.
I see you left cats off that and with good reason. You do not want to get on the bad side of a beer guzzling moody cat. He has two moods, pissed off and about to get pissed off.
You should have named him Kitt Eastwood.
I see you left cats off that and with good reason. You do not want to get on the bad side of a beer guzzling moody cat. He has two moods, pissed off and about to get pissed off.
it doesnt piss me off seeing a beer drinking cat on a couch.
it makes me wonder
besides...i dont think you and i have ever argued or had a run in.

lately...most of mine seem to be a dog or a baby.
Trying to write a review of poor performing cooler purchased from a well known store

when I hit "submit" to send my review

page responds "error processing, try again later"

how convenient!
There you stand in line at the bank, there are 12 teller locations, but only two have tellers.

Then after the transaction is finished the teller and the member are visiting about whatever, sheesh!!!!
The 10 missing tellers are checkers at the supermarket and not there either. Something is kidnapping bank tellers and grocery store checkers and they're going to unleash them on us with a vengeance in 2024.
The 10 missing tellers are checkers at the supermarket and not there either. Something is kidnapping bank tellers and grocery store checkers and they're going to unleash them on us with a vengeance in 2024.

I hope you are right, who doesn't hate standing in any line? And the bank honchos need to understand that and have at least six tellers at all times.
I have another one I thought of. Acknowledgment. I'm huge on acknowledgment and it drives me crazy when people cannot reciprocate that.

For example, if you text somebody something and get no reply. I understand people have lives and I'm not expecting a reply .02 seconds later, but, to never return the message? Drives me crazy. I always acknowledge people. Even if it's a simple 'LOL' text back, I've let you know that I'm acknowledging you.

This applies to me in any form of communication.

Edit: And yes I have accidentally missed texts before and didn't realize they were there until much later. Guess what? I still replied and apologized for my tardiness.

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