What ticks you off?

Getting screwed over at work. One job site has a ugly female boss( not my boss) that is mad that men don't give her a 2nd glance. She complained on me for truly nothing, stepping on the dock. I was professional and she has no life. Bully female who likes to bully men. I guess I didn't cower in the corner. I was respectful and nothing sarcastic,but she knew I wasn't going to jump if she snarled.

Being let go from my job today for my phone being messed up and not picking up fast enough after there was a screw up on someone else's part most likely so I get blamed. I was told by the supervisor take the next assignment. Worked hard and did my job, kept my mouth shut,and was a team player. I worked my $#$ off while my supervisor was more interested not paying attention to the computer and try to break the Guiness Record on smoking cigarettes out back than watching the screen.

All I can say is "Karma will get them someday".
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Got a new job yesterday in recycling buying and selling. I'm glad there are 6 guys in the building where i work. It's just my experience and certainly doesn't apply to all but, Women in charge are a different challenge.

I stayed ticked off at my previous job because my boss was my boss by default and she would throw you under the bus to save her arse every chance she got. She had more accounts then me but I move out of my market to take this job and was having to build new relationships.

Ticks me off!

Anyway, I start my new job Monday. Pays 15,000 more a year and I will have Full benefits and retirement. In a way I need to thank her for being a *****.:clap::)
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Got a new job yesterday in recycling buying and selling. I'm glad there are 6 guys in the building where i work. It's just my experience and certainly doesn't apply to all but, Women in charge are a different challenge.

I stayed ticked off at my previous job because my boss was my boss be default and she would throw you under the bus to save her arse every chance she got. She had more accounts then me but I move out of my market to take this job and was having to build new relationships.

Ticks me off!

Anyway, I start my new job Monday. Pays 15,000 more a year and I will have Full benefits and retirement. In a way I need to thank her for being a *****.:clap::)
Sounds like I had your old boss as mine. Did she smoke like a chimney?
The Owner guy was nice but was a "Harumper" all his supervisors are females all the guys do the hard work out on deliveries.
we spend alot of time at work or the process so, finding the dynamic that works is very key.
You are on a street wanting to turn right onto a 3 lane Freeway Access Road....but the vehicle ahead of you at the stop sign will not turn right until there are ZERO cars coming up the access road because they obviously want to immediately access the far left lane of the access road in order to enter the Freeway....."find some confidence in your ability to drive or get off the road!!!"
People that call into the Restaurant that have{apparently}never ordered food over the phone before. I am talking grown adults that have to be guided through the ordering process as if they were 6 years old. And the old saying" the customer is always right" is a load of bunk.
I hate the people that gets in the 12 items or less checkout line when they have $500 worth of groceries in three shopping carts. I also get ticked off when businesses use the drive-thru at the banks. They know that it will take half a hour to complete their banking business , but they choose not to go inside. They had rather shut down the drive thru instead of going inside.
People who park at the fuel pump, just to go in and buy milk or something, rather than walk an extra 20 feet - especially when all the other pumps are being used....Dick move.
Probably because there’s no other parking available. You have to look at the big picture instead of just what effects Karen.
People who park at the fuel pump, just to go in and buy milk or something, rather than walk an extra 20 feet - especially when all the other pumps are being used....Dick move.

Yep, watched some bozo at 7/11 a weeks ago park at the pump go in and purchase everything BUT gas, took forever than came and sat in his car on the phone. This with a car waiting behind him for gas. Some people just need a beating.

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