CFZ What Triggers Eagles Hate For Most Cowboys Fans?

Jealous? NOBODY is jealous of us.... anybody 40 to 50 has very limited remembrance of Dallas being good. Anyone under 40 has virtually none...which is the largest percentage of the population.

Dude, put away the VCR and the Rubick"s Cube.... only people who have grandchildren remember Dallas as anything other than a perennial playoff failure, run by a creepy old man with way too much plastic surgery, and his idiot son.

I hate it as much as you, but let's not add insult to injury by looking like the foolish old geezers that sit in their rocking chairs saying "I remember back in the good ole days.... before all these internets and thingamajiggy's, I'd watch Cheers and Dukes of Hazzard on Friday Night, and then watch Dem Boys win on Sunday!"
Hey, watch it Mr. I am one of those Geezers as you call us and I do remember the "good ole days". Doomsday defense and all that other stuff. Do I hate the Eagles? Not really. I do recognize them as division rivals and realize that they hate us but that's just the way it is. Nothing you can do about passion. Your saying the Cowboys aren't any good. Come on. It's a different time. Free agency and salary caps and all that other stuff. Hard to keep a team together for very long. None of that 7 or 8 years together with the same guys.

Hate....strong word. Dislike? When your talking about the eagles, dislike times 10. I do love me some Cowboys and always will.
Success, and the jealousy that follows for teams who don't achieve it, is usually the main cause for hating another team.
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When the Philly crowd cheered Micheal Irvins neck injury. That did it for me.
When the Philly crowd cheered Micheal Irvins neck injury. That did it for me.
complete and utter garbage

i couldnt believe my ears they were cheering ....just scumbag behavior that man was motionless at the time we didnt know if he was paralyzed or anything else
For me it's because they're far better than Dallas Cowboys! The owner of the Eagles was smart to go out and get smart football minds to run his club and it showed in this last draft just how good they are at their job. Unfortunately for Cowboy Nation, the Eagles look like they plan to sit at the top of the Eastern Div many many years.
Well, I guess I have to at least give you credit for not trying to hide the fact that you are an Eagles fan
Well, I guess I have to at least give you credit for not trying to hide the fact that you are an Eagles fan
Far from it dude! I was you when Danny White was supposed to be the next great thing, season after season I was fighting hard in his corner telling anyone who would listen that he was going to win a couple of SBs and all he did was break hearts just like Prescot is doing now.
A lot of hatred originated in 1989 when the Cowboys ran up the score during the player strike games. The immediately came the bounty bowl where Buddy Ryan was accused of putting a bounty on Troy Aikman and the kicker Luis Zendejas
Not really. It was way before that. Try the 70's.
Was the skins I disliked the most for a long time. That’s back when the cardinals were in our division. Then it over time slowly switched to egirls. I think when egirls got more competitive and started beating us and gloating. There was a game to decide if we went to the playoffs about 15 or so years ago that did it for me. I was at a resort in Flagler beach Florida with my wife for our anniversary and they had the smallest tvs in the room you could imagine, they want the couples to spend time together blah blah blah. I sat and watched egirls skunk us like 44-6 or something. That really irked me for some reason.
Was the skins I disliked the most for a long time. That’s back when the cardinals were in our division. Then it over time slowly switched to egirls. I think when egirls got more competitive and started beating us and gloating. There was a game to decide if we went to the playoffs about 15 or so years ago that did it for me. I was at a resort in Flagler beach Florida with my wife for our anniversary and they had the smallest tvs in the room you could imagine, they want the couples to spend time together blah blah blah. I sat and watched egirls skunk us like 44-6 or something. That really irked me for some reason.
"Spend time together"

Hahahahahaba!!!! That's what halftime is for.
For me it's because they're far better than Dallas Cowboys! The owner of the Eagles was smart to go out and get smart football minds to run his club and it showed in this last draft just how good they are at their job. Unfortunately for Cowboy Nation, the Eagles look like they plan to sit at the top of the Eastern Div many many years.
For god’s sake, what a pile of it. ”sit at the top”…what are you talking about? The Eagles only rival is the New York Giants. That rivalry was well established in the 1930’s, long before there was any notion of a “Dallas Cowboys”. Communities equidistant from where the Giants played and where the Eagles played had and have neighborhoods with as many Giants fans as Eagles fans. Only two divisions have three teams that were in existence in the same cities today as they were when the league was 10 teams in the 30’s. The only thing Giants and Eagles fans have in common is the knowledge that no team‘s fans enjoy beating them as much as Washington’s. The Cowboys have, during expansions and realignments, had the opportunity to get out of the division with the Eagles/Giants/(then)Commanders, in deference to geography and time zone, and the fact those three have two guaranteed exceedingly short road trips every season, but Cowboys owners, including Jerry, declined. The association with three NFL “blue bloods” is valuable. No one hates the Cowboys. “America’s Team” is a marketing moniker. The Dallas Cowboys are the NFL’s fans’ default team. They’re the team people say is their favorite when they don’t actually have a team to care about. Ask any Giants fans if they could defeat the Eagles or the Cowboys twice in one season 100% of them would say the Eagles. The “hate” talk in regard to the Cowboys is make believe. And every team plans to ”sit on top of” their division “many many years”. You’re an Eagles fan. They’re good. But every NFL fans knows the sun doesn’t shine on the same dog’s *** forever. Particularly in the NFC East.
complete and utter garbage

i couldnt believe my ears they were cheering ....just scumbag behavior that man was motionless at the time we didnt know if he was paralyzed or anything else
I thought the SAME thing bro. City of "brotherly love" my ***! Them folks booo'd Santa Claus for Gods sake. So yeah... Philly is my hated team. No question. Just looks like a crap town with horrible people living in it.
For god’s sake, what a pile of it. ”sit at the top”…what are you talking about? The Eagles only rival is the New York Giants. That rivalry was well established in the 1930’s, long before there was any notion of a “Dallas Cowboys”. Communities equidistant from where the Giants played and where the Eagles played had and have neighborhoods with as many Giants fans as Eagles fans. Only two divisions have three teams that were in existence in the same cities today as they were when the league was 10 teams in the 30’s. The only thing Giants and Eagles fans have in common is the knowledge that no team‘s fans enjoy beating them as much as Washington’s. The Cowboys have, during expansions and realignments, had the opportunity to get out of the division with the Eagles/Giants/(then)Commanders, in deference to geography and time zone, and the fact those three have two guaranteed exceedingly short road trips every season, but Cowboys owners, including Jerry, declined. The association with three NFL “blue bloods” is valuable. No one hates the Cowboys. “America’s Team” is a marketing moniker. The Dallas Cowboys are the NFL’s fans’ default team. They’re the team people say is their favorite when they don’t actually have a team to care about. Ask any Giants fans if they could defeat the Eagles or the Cowboys twice in one season 100% of them would say the Eagles. The “hate” talk in regard to the Cowboys is make believe. And every team plans to ”sit on top of” their division “many many years”. You’re an Eagles fan. They’re good. But every NFL fans knows the sun doesn’t shine on the same dog’s *** forever. Particularly in the NFC East.
Dude, what are you rambling on about????? How did the Giants get into the conversation???? The bottom line is the Eagles have a better brain trust running their day-to-day operation and it showed in the draft the last couple of years. For some reason the Jones brain trust doesn't want to mix it up with other teams, they refuse to wheel and deal and make some trades that could help this club. No, they would rather watch other teams jump in front of them and snatch up players of need. The Jones Boys are so smart that they inadvertently left their draft board out for the whole world to see when he was being interviewed. Who is stupid enough to show their WANTS AND NEEDS on draft day, oh that would be JERRY JONES!

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