What Was Garrett's Involvement in a Critical Time (3rd and Long)

Look...just as anyone here I am thrilled Dallas won!

I fact, since the team has demonstrated the inability to "know how to win", or how to "bounce back" in recent years I am beyond thrilled.

However reality does set it and there are still concerns...(as I am sure any team has, but ours stem from the top). This is not mean to slam Red (I am sure that will occur a few games from now...I am just confused by this leader of men).

Please explain to me why Red was not even in the discussion with Romo during the crucial 3 and long situation after a TO was called? To be honest I am not sure if it was the last drive of regulation, or in OT, I just saw Romo, and Linehan having a discussion during the TO, and JG just standing there looking off in to space and playing with his head set. Tony and Scott ddn't even open up their bodies to include him. (Maybe a blessing).

It's time management and things like this that lead to the loss of confidence fans see. Or the "learning on the job role" quote by Jerruh....

JJ was not necessarily a GREAT Xs and Os, guy, but during a time like that he would be engaged and at least listening...

What was happening? Does anyone know...Or did anyone see what I did?

How are you just now noticing this? It's Romo and Linehan's offense now...

Because, as Jerry said in the offseason, they don't want his input in the offense. He has constantly emphasized that he wants a dynamic of Romo more involved in the offense and game-planning and seeks a specific relationship with the guy calling the plays, which is Linehan. Jerry has even gone down the path of saying he foresees Romo as a coach when his career is done.

This relationship is what Jerry likes to emphasize the most and it was happening before the season even began.

“He just takes those guys, individually and really uses their talents to call plays,” Jones said. “We’re doing lots of screens, and as a part of that, Tony has some ability to be pretty creative in how he runs those individual plays. That’s the most exciting part of camp for me so far.”



BTW, this was the resident Garrett homer, Jean-Jacques Taylor saying last year about what Jerry Jones wanted...

Romo isn't the Dallas Cowboys' offensive coordinator. Jason Garrett and Bill Callahan handle most of that.

But for some reason Jones wants to spin a new narrative that Romo is going to be more involved than ever with the offense just because he signed the quarterback to a six-year, $108 million extension with $55 million guaranteed.

"[Tony] is more involved, unequivocally," Jones said. "That ought to produce some success. It will produce some success. I'm talking about the kind of plays we run, a lot of what we do offensively. Tony is going to have more time, more presence. Not only in the offseason, but when the season starts, beginning Mondays -- assuming we played Sundays -- he's going to have more time on the job.

Now he's flip-flopping 180 degrees and talking about how it's all part of the Garrett process.
@khiladi.......you are tenacious in your belief, I'll give you that. And agree or disagree, I can appreciate that you try to prove your thoughts with a link.
@khiladi.......you are tenacious in your belief, I'll give you that. And agree or disagree, I can appreciate that you try to prove your thoughts with a link.

That much is always true with khiladi.
Wait, aren't the headsets on the sideline on all game? We also do not see what Garret says to Linehan prior to the camera coming to the sideline during the TO. He could have said anything or nothing but unless they have an All 22 just watching the coaches its all innuendo.
He has no involvement he sits in his office all week playing Candy Crush while Linehan and Marinelli do it all, and he only comes out to clap, spit, butt slap and thata boy on gameday.
He has no involvement he sits in his office all week playing Candy Crush while Linehan and Marinelli do it all, and he only comes out to clap, spit, butt slap and thata boy on gameday.

Except when they lose. Jason seemed to catch heat after the 9ers game along with the usual suspects, Jerry and Romo. You start winning then all of a sudden Jerry and Jason have no part in this. lol

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