What will Stephen (and his siblings) actually do once Jerry's gone?

Stephen will go into an asylum. Charlotte will start a Victoria's Secret -Secret Company. Jerry Jr. will become a used car salesmen in lower Texas. That's after being sued by a string of unknown women from the past. Money starts to dry up. Mrs. Jones- surviving widow. Put's the Dallas Cowboys up for sale.......One year later after the new owner takes over. Dallas wins their 6th Super Bowl title.
You were doing good until that last sentence.
I would probably think Eugenia would have a hand in this but she will likely be like Carol Davis.
I see no indication Stephen Jones is more intelligent or wiser than his father. There is not any reason to believe he will take a less co-ownership role in the post-Jerry Jones era, since his siblings have not demonstrated the same level of 'dedication' as him.

It would be prudent for Stephen to not follow his father's footsteps and relinquish all general manager responsibilities. His father and he have never been qualified for the position. Hopefully, Stephen will come to that realization when time demands it.
We can only hope so. If you saw the Landman episode with Jerry in the hospital room, I am under the impression he wrote his part of the script wherein he describes his devotion to family working together at all costs. I hope Stephen feels that outside help is not unreasonable.
Any GM who has not gone 29 straight seasons without a NFCCG appearance would work for me.
In this era of the salary cap/free agency (1994-present), all general managers should be bound to a maximum tenure of five-to-seven years. Maybe an exception can be made for GMs overseeing teams making conference appearances every three-to-five years. At least, those franchises would demonstrate innovation (and likely have a Hall of Fame caliber quarterback at its core) to rebuild/reload under that particularly exceptional GM's guidance.
Whether it's senility or father time that eventually removes Jerry from his role as GM, I know I've personally feared the idea of Stephen inheriting the team because he seems to be the primary decision maker in terms of how cheap the team is in free agency ("we like our guys", etc.). I used to dread Jerry going to that big bottle of Johnny Walker Blue in the sky because I thought Stephen could be even worse, but should it be such a foregone conclusion that he will do what his dad did and make himself GM? Is there a chance that Stephen sees all of the vitriol his dad and family are getting these days and decide to become the more traditional owner that we all wish Jerry was, and hire an actual GM? I'm curious if Stephen has ever given any indication what he will do? Will he even become the outright owner of the team, or will it be split between the 3 ("legitimate") kids? Anyone know?
Stephen is worse than Jerry.
The day Stephen inherits the team will be a singularity for me. If he hires a GM then I will have hope for the future for the first time in nearly 20 years. If he names himself GM then I am done with the NFL and will just follow college ball exclusively. I don't want to face having to deal with trying to outlive Stephen to have hope again in the Cowboys.
We can only hope so. If you saw the Landman episode with Jerry in the hospital room, I am under the impression he wrote his part of the script wherein he describes his devotion to family working together at all costs. I hope Stephen feels that outside help is not unreasonable.
I may eventually watch that series but I can assure you I will avoid that episode. Or I will watch it by fast forwarding through that scene, especially now that I had an opportunity to see that scene here on CowboyZone. :)
I may eventually watch that series but I can assure you I will avoid that episode. Or I will watch it by fast forwarding through that scene, especially now that I had an opportunity to see that scene here on CowboyZone. :)
Had to take a Zofran. Save yourself while you can, :muttley: He only said, "Uh," once. I will ask my brother how many takes they did that day. He worked the set as on-site-medic for the series.
What will Stephen and his siblings actually do once Jerry's gone..You Ask?

Put Jerry in Cryogenic Chamber Until We Have The Technology To Bring Him/Humans Back To Life..
Cryogenically means relating to the production or use of very low temperatures. For example, you might cryogenically freeze a body, cells, or body parts to preserve them for later use.

Hopefully For Our Sake This Technology Will Never Work..
As Fans, I Think The Odds Are In Our Favor 100%
:oldcouple: :muttley:


I may eventually watch that series but I can assure you I will avoid that episode. Or I will watch it by fast forwarding through that scene, especially now that I had an opportunity to see that scene here on CowboyZone. :)
Update: My brother said he had plenty of takes because he loves a camera!
it depends on ownership structure and if any one person has a majority. If the team is placed in a trust and no one person hold a majority share then i would almost guarantee that the team gets sold. Jerral loves owning the team and the attention it brings. The rest of the family, i don't think cares that much. They would probably rather have the cash.
Hopefully, the siblings fight over the money leading to the sell of the team. They all get a massive cut and go on their way. The franchises value will probably never be higher because I think they can’t market like Jerry. Sell high is my wish.
Exactly what's gonna happen....Jerry's other daughter is gonna sue for her cut...then watch what happens when she wants to run the team. She has just as much right to run this as that buffoon Stephen.
Exactly what's gonna happen....Jerry's other daughter is gonna sue for her cut...then watch what happens when she wants to run the team. She has just as much right to run this as that buffoon Stephen.
Maybe but she has no right if she isn’t in the will. I doubt she even has the coffers to try to sue anyways.
Regardless of what we think about this we are going to find out eventually.

I feel like Stephen will be worse, but what we do not know is how much influence Jerry has over Stephen now, while he is still alive. Is there a chance Stephen wants to do things differently but respects his dad too much to buck him? It is a possibility I suppose, in which case when Jerry passes, things could be a lot different. Or is Jerry still more in charge than we know?

From what I read, Stephen is the cheapskate with the money, but what does that mean? Does it mean he will not pay the big contracts to players like Dak? Will he be more willing to let top players go rather than overpay them? Or does it mean we never have an high priced talent in Dallas anymore?

Stephen doesn't seem as sharp as his dad once was. That doesn't necessarily mean he will be worse than Jerry. It all depends on who he surrounds himself with and if he is willing to listen to them.
Whether it's senility or father time that eventually removes Jerry from his role as GM, I know I've personally feared the idea of Stephen inheriting the team because he seems to be the primary decision maker in terms of how cheap the team is in free agency ("we like our guys", etc.). I used to dread Jerry going to that big bottle of Johnny Walker Blue in the sky because I thought Stephen could be even worse, but should it be such a foregone conclusion that he will do what his dad did and make himself GM? Is there a chance that Stephen sees all of the vitriol his dad and family are getting these days and decide to become the more traditional owner that we all wish Jerry was, and hire an actual GM? I'm curious if Stephen has ever given any indication what he will do? Will he even become the outright owner of the team, or will it be split between the 3 ("legitimate") kids? Anyone know?
Probably throw a big party!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry will outlive them all. Jerry has been trading comp picks for extra years of life for a long time now.

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