What would Parsons bring in a trade scenario?


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I’m not trading Micah nor Lamb when I’m about to have a rookie starting at QB.


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My bigger concern is it is just a matter of time for an under sized DE, who is constantly being double teamed to either have injuries or slow down.

Once Micah losses a step, what type of player is he going to be? I view his career similar to Zeke. He is going take a pounding, then get a big payout, and we will watch his performance drastically decline.

Why??? Because we have a dumb GM. We had Pollard and did not use him early and ran Zeke to the ground. Only started using Pollard after Zeke lost a step or two.

Will GM Jeruh bring in another pass rusher to help prolong Micha's career? I doubt it.

The pounding Micah is taking is not sustainable. We see it every year year starting around week 11.

I good GM pays a player based off their future projected performance. GM Jeruh feels like he owes money to players that out performed their rookie contracts. Can't do that and be successful.

Trading players in their prime is a smart thing to do. Not saying it is easy and fans will like it, but they will respect it if you used the draft picks wisely and the cap space to fill holes.

I would trade any player for 2 number ones and $30M in cap space.

With the $30M you could sign an all pro player at any position accept QB. So you are losing one and receiving one in exchange, but now you have 2 additional draft picks.

Example. Let's say we traded Micah for 2 first round picks and signed Wilkins. I would take that all day.

Example. Let's say we traded CD for 2 first and saving us $30M a year. This draft is very deep at WR. We could draft 2 WR's to replace him and still have an extra $30M.
This will not be popular but to a large degree this is very sound reasoning. If the Cowboys use this method and stick to drafting talent vs need they will go far.